Nostradamus: 2012

4.7| 2h0m| en

Documentary about Nostradamus's quatrains.


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Ploydsge just watch it!
Konterr Brilliant and touching
Matrixiole Simple and well acted, it has tension enough to knot the stomach.
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
xdave72 if you like a pseudo science and hour and a half maybes then this is a movie for you. the people they interview are not scientists and they are talking a lot of crap through out the movie. every prophecy by notradamus (which is already very vague) is explained with a maybe this maybe that, basically, after watching this movie i learned only one thing - people are able to interpret everything into anything. some of their facts are wrong (the bible codes have been widely discussed and refuted), they talk about pictures and connect them to something that we know today (spiral in the book??? no!! nostradamus knew that is out galaxy!! what a genius).if you need to kill time without learning anything this is a movie for you. if you don't want to destroy your brain, don't watch this.btw - i'm also a prophet - i see that 2012 will be like the other end days people foretold (2006, 2000, 1999 and so on). i can also see that the people who made this movie (which already say their not sure) will make another movie and find another date to hang on too.
Theodor Don't we know the really stereotype movie trailers that are all made the same way:a man with a deep voice "narrates" what the film is about, but actually makes sentences of pseudo-important platitude and nonsensical statements and questions;an over-dramatic background music (drums, horns, yes, even choirs!), suggesting a drama and greatness that later proves to be a forgettable popcorn movie;hundreds of small and rapid cuts in a two-minute trailer, bits of pictures and scenes that you are supposed to make sense of.And now, dear audience, we extend this bad habit of the film industry to full-feature size! The background music never stops, and the "narrator" is only interrupted by tiny incoherent statements from pseudo-experts - who tell us what? I couldn't summarize the hard facts as there were almost none.According to my principle that every movie gets 30 minutes to prove itself, this was shut down exactly after that period. It's a waste of time. Go read some good books, even about Nostradamus if you want.
fatalforcek I found this program to be more comical than entertaining. It basically tries to scare people that the world is going to end in 2012 through repetition, if you keep telling someone that it's true. eventually people will believe it, that is what this program is attempting. There are no real facts or any kind of academic research. 5 minutes of real content is reworded over one and half hour...All the people in the film are basically fictional authors who make money off scaring people. Odds are these people will jump onto the next 'end of world' fad once 2012 pass without event.One of the authors even goes as far as to use a Star Trek metaphor...I actually wanted to punch him in the face.
kranav Don't get me wrong History is one of the best broadcasting channel on television but the documentaries shown are somewhat inclined to only view the other side of the spectrum is not mentioned. This is almost true for Nostradamus 2012. It gives a revelation of the upcoming catastrophic events before and in the year 2012 as predicted by the prophet Nostradamus. Although on paper this sounds compelling but the theories produced are not practical in nature. I ask, why are all the predictions about are future so dire and disturbing? Year 2012 is no different from any other the views put forward don't have any scientific backing. Is a decent view but should not be taken as the truth.

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