Not Alone

2015 "When the past is better left buried."
2.5| 1h20m| NR| en

Torn by years in an abusive marriage, an emotional Ellie Rose arrives alone at the family cabin on the East Coast. Her story and motives for being there are unclear. Arriving unprepared and packed with few supplies she seems anxious at either leaving or someone else arriving. The cabin unused for years, still holds memories providing hints of a shattered family.


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Dead On Arrival Digital


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Ameriatch One of the best films i have seen
Skunkyrate Gripping story with well-crafted characters
Stoutor It's not great by any means, but it's a pretty good movie that didn't leave me filled with regret for investing time in it.
Joanna Mccarty Amazing worth wacthing. So good. Biased but well made with many good points.
Nigel P Type-casting can be unforgiving. Lucy Benjamin, well known for years in cockney soap 'EastEnders', plays the title character here, and it took me a while to get used to her with an American accent. This is short-sighted of me because, to my UK ears, she is very convincing as Rose, returning to her remote family cabin after suffering an abusive marriage.However impressive she is, I'm not quite as in love with her as Director Tristan Versluis seems to be; much time is spent with her alone living day to day, sleeping, eating, day-dreaming and running from spectral images, presumably from her past.Whilst his lingering execution conveys very well the isolated monotony of her existence amidst these beautiful but unforgiving surroundings, it slowly dawns on me that nothing at all seems to be happening. I love slow-burning stories, but apart from her remembering her abusive past, there is nothing going on.Joining Benjamin are other UK actors with American accents – fellow soap actor Bill Ward as Frank and Alexander Moen as Chloe. Moments are repeated, an occasional well-executed shock-effect occurs, but these moments are in isolation and don't appear to lead to anything. It's as if every scene has been thrown into a hat and picked out at random and made into a film.The impressive finale threatens to almost make sense of it all, and it becomes apparent that the twist simply isn't hugely emotive because apart from Rose, all the characters are so sketchily written. This is a shame because visually, everything is great. Ultimately 'The Haunting of Ellie Rose', also known as 'Not Alone' is rather like a David Lynch film, only not terribly well made. It emerges as a muddle, despite the best efforts of the cast.
debanyam I rarely turn a movie off, I do my best to give it the benefit of the doubt and hope it will get better, some movies start off slow...this one...never picked up! From the first 5 minutes I was bored out of my mind and couldn't say my usual "have to finish this, I already have time invested that I will never get back" but this one has made my top 5 of worst movies I've ever seen. after 15 minutes I couldn't take the lack of dialog, terrible dialog (when there actually was any), lack of a plot, beyond slow and horrendous "acting". some movie that are classified as thrillers or psychological thrillers, which this was supposed to be missed the mark by miles.
cartelsaide I have seen worse movies but this one was a waste of time and money for those who made it and those who took the time to rent, buy, or see this movie. First of all it starts in the heat of the moment of blood and gore. Then it moves to this house in the middle of nowhere with one of the girls in the first scene and it takes a good 20-30 minutes for ANY lines to be spoken. All the while you are watching the same 4 scenes play over and over again with this broad roaming around this house that you have no idea who or where it is or what the hell happened in the scene that took place beforehand. Then when the movie FINALLY decides to progress nothing makes sense and the main plot point is painfully obvious. Honestly, I wish I could take back the time I wasted watching this movie and perhaps put it into watching Twilight again.
zuki-17471 I'm not a person that goes online to write movie reviews, but this movie is so terrible that I felt obligated to write a review for others so they don't waste their time or money on this garbage movie. This is without a doubt the worst movie I've ever seen in my lifetime. It is so beyond boring, and no part of the movie makes ANY sense whatsoever. The budget on this movie must have been like $1,000 no joke. To get the movie to a normal running time they had to repeat multiple scenes over and over as filler to waste time and confuse the viewer even further. Anyone involved with the making of this worthless POS movie should be ashamed. A child with a camcorder could make a better movie than this worthless waste. By a long stretch one of the most boring, generic, pointless, confusing, most low budget films that exist.