
2007 "Same Lord. New Messiah."
3.3| 1h31m| R| en

NyMpha is the story of Sarah (Tiffany Shepis), a young American girl, who goes to Italy to take vows needed to become a cloister nun of the "New Order" Convent. The rules of the convent are very strict, so strict that they are often considered a form of torture. Sarah's path is divided into four steps, "hear" the Lord, "see" the Lord, "touch" the Lord and "talk" with the Lord... Each step will be painful for both Sarah's physical and mental self. Moreover, during Sarah's journey, she often has visions of the Convents past, visions that it was the house of a young girl named Ninfa... Ninfa's life was ruined by the religious fanaticism of her violent grandfather Geremia, who believes that he can talk directly with God. In reality, he is utterly mad, and this madness seems to be present today (within the walls of the convent) where young Sarah lives...


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Studio Interzona


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Also starring Alessandra Guerzoni


SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
Console best movie i've ever seen.
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
Curt Watching it is like watching the spectacle of a class clown at their best: you laugh at their jokes, instigate their defiance, and "ooooh" when they get in trouble.
JoeB131 Seriously, not sure what the point of this movie was...In essence, a gal is sent to a convent in what I assume is Italy, where the nuns proceed to mutilate her so she can become one with God, while she relives the life of some gal named "Nympha" who was the founder of this wacky orders on nuns. Or Something. It really didn't make a lick of sense.Essentially, they stretched 20 minutes of plot into a two hour movie, but who cares? Even the girl-on-girl action scene was so dully done that you don't care.And here is another line of text because even though nine lines were enough to convey the mediocrity of this movie, they just want ten.
dbborroughs Tiffany Shepis goes to a convent in Italy to become a nun and weird things happen. A seeming attempted to update the strangeness of the demonic nunnery films of the 1970's and 80's and mixing them with Dario Argento's brand of madness as well as psychological who-ha this is a film that seems grounded in nothing and nowhere. The convent seems to be more ruin then an actual working place. I'm not sure if the terrors are suppose to be real or imagined since what our heroine Sarah experiences seems to have no connection to reality. To be certain much of it looks good, but at the same time its not real. Perhaps the fact the film was shot on video works against the film since it adds a layer of reality that the film can't handle (The danger with video is its images are more here and now) . What ever the reason I wasn't all that impressed and while its not "bad" its nothing I need to ever see again.
James Sosa I have to admit that I am a fan of the Tiffany Shepis! However, I found this movie to be really really slow.It does have it's moments though, if you can stay awake long enough to get to them. ;) On the other hand, for a low-budget movie, the production value is really pretty amazing. The digital effects are pretty top notch as well...which is rare. I think I enjoyed seeing some of the behind the scenes stuff more than the movie.Tiffany is of course great! She has always proved herself to be a great actress, no matter how crappy of a movie she is in. I am always impressed by her performances, even when she is given the silliest of roles. I think the director will move up and do bigger and better things...he just needs to speed things up a little bit, and get to the exciting stuff!
lastliberal Nympha starts off like most nusploitation movies. Sarah, Scream Queen Tiffany Shepis (Tromeo & Juliet) wants to leave her past behind and become a nun. She is stripped of all her worldly possessions and stands naked to receive her new habits.But, things get weird from that point as she is soon to face the first test as her eardrums are punctured. She starts hearing voices and having visions. Sight is removed with acid, the hands are burned, and her tongue is cut out so that she can talk to God with her soul only.We really don't know what is going on. Are things real, or are they just what she is seeing in her mind? Is she hearing and seeing God. She certainly ends up touching God in the form of Caroline De Cristofaro, who jumps in her bed.Are the nuns exorcising demons from the house? We certainly get glimpses of bloody and sinful doings that apparently happened in the past.One thing that is great about this film is the cinematography and the score. The classical music really adds to the feeling and, unlike many horror pictures, the lighting is superb.These are some strange nuns and they certainly don't conform to the tenants of the Church. I leave it to the viewer to determine just how non-conformist they are.