
1994 "It's High Noon at the End of the Universe."
4.8| 1h34m| en

On another planet which resembles the Old West, a die-hard pacifist is forced to re-examine his ways after an evil alien bandit and his gang murder his estranged sheriff father, take over his home town, and threaten his friends.


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2hotFeature one of my absolute favorites!
Tetrady not as good as all the hype
Tayyab Torres Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.
Ricardo Daly The story-telling is good with flashbacks.The film is both funny and heartbreaking. You smile in a scene and get a soulcrushing revelation in the next.
Matt matt My passion for Western Movies lost out to Sci-Fi in the early 60s.Well, if you want to wallow in the goofiness and clichés of both highly abused genres without a speck of the po-faced seriosity that ruined Outland or Cowboys and Aliens, then saddle up! THRILL!...as a cast of recognizable faces chew up the scenery and their own careers with abandon! GASP!...as giant claymation scorpions stalk our heroes!LUST!...as a damn fine Bettie Page look-a-like cracks her whip! If you are one of the increasingly hard to find Fantasy movie fans with the ability to relax your sphincter, then I heartily recommend this, and it's follow-up, Oblivian: Backlash.If you are one of those sad little souls who think humor is just something used to spice up torture scenes, then watch this. It might do you some good.But above all, if you ever spent an afternoon in front of a B+W TV watching bad Cowboy and Indian movies and rubber-suited monster flicks, this is for you! Take a little trip to Oblivion...Where the YeeHaw! meets the CreeGah!
amesmonde Set in the year 3031 on a frontier planet light years away from Earth, a bizarre gang of desperadoes set on turning the tumbleweed town of Oblivion into their own private haven.Made nearly 20 years before the arguably pretentious Cowboys and Aliens, Oblivion is an obscure FullMoon nugget. Although the costumes and sets appear cheap they're fitting enough in this outlandish western futuristic alien tale.  Despite the offbeat humour and pacing director Sam Irvin gives us forcefields, cyborgs, fistfights, spaceships, guns, gadgets and giant Harryhausen- like scorpions. Oblivion is an 90s film with and 1980's b-feel and 70s stock soundtrack heart. The 'Biff Tannen' villain Redeye played by Andrew Divoff makeup is effective. There's an odd mix pop-culture cast including Batman's Julie Newmar, Star Treks George Takei, singing legend Isaac Hayes, Master of the Universe and They Live's Meg Foster to name a few. There's also a leather-clad whip sporting  Musetta Vander who looks particularly fetching. If you like B-films and enjoy the unlikely list of genre crossovers Oblivion is the closest you'll get to a live action BraveStarr.
Vomitron_G Boy, this movie is like a circus: a variety of bizarre and colorful characters and events spiced up with fun & cheesy special effects. I think this movie might have created a total new subgenre on it's own by mixing sci-fi/western/comedy/horror/drama/revenge flicks all together. This movie spawned from production company Full Moon, which was at it's best - in my opinion - during the late eighties and the first half of the nineties. OBLIVION, though not their best movie, is a fine example of how crazy they can get.We've got: Spaceships, a 19th century western town with money-machines, a green alien lizard-man with an eye-patch, a cyborg-deputy, a faggot-mariachi, giant stop-motion scorpions, an S&M/Gothic-babe with a whip (Musetta Vander can lick my neck anytime), an over-friendly grim-looking undertaker, an Indian with too much brown make-up and a bad long-hair wig, a drunk Japanese dude (George Takei giving us silly STAR TREK inside jokes), midgets in a barfight, a coffin-shaped coroner's house, pyramids (huh?), an empath protagonist, a poisonous Manh-Ding, Bingo on Thursdays, Indian magic, a grande finale in the Badlands,... ehr, I'm gonna stop now, 'cause the list's getting awful long here.This movie also has a cameo by Isaac Hayes (the man can't act, but is funny as hell), a double roll by Andrew"Djinn"Divoff as the lizard-man Redeye and a dumb hustler Einstein (slightly hilarious) and a delicious performance by hot-babe-dressed-in-leather Musetta Vander as the whippin' Lash. (Musetta also stars in MANSQUITO, which is like a b-movie cross-over between THE FLY and MIMIC, so go see it, you pulpy movie-lovers!)What about the story of OBLIVION? Hell, who needs a story if you got all the above-mentioned ingredients? But there is one, and it's full of stupid and funny dialogues and situations. I recommend this for 90 minutes of pure ridiculous nonsense. Now, somebody please give me the sequel, OBLIVION 2: BACKLASH. I have to see it!
pumaye Fun-tastic sf-western, full of gags, thanks to a sassy script from Peter David: the son of a great marshall of the law is forced against his will to take the star from the deceased father and fight against a bunch of criminals, lead by a lizardman call Red-Eye. I think this is the only movie where you may find a Wishmaster, a Catwoman, a Sulu, a Lurch...