Of Rice and Hen

6.8| 0h7m| en

Miss Prissy, the slow-witted hen, sets out to land a husband - Foghorn Leghorn, and Barnyard Dog is willing to help her by dressing as a rooster to "rival" Foghorn Leghorn's non-existent affections and make him jealous so that he'll marry Prissy without thinking. Foghorn Leghorn falls for the scheme - hook, line, and sinker.


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Warner Bros. Pictures


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InspireGato Film Perfection
Glucedee It's hard to see any effort in the film. There's no comedy to speak of, no real drama and, worst of all.
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
Edgar Allan Pooh . . . in this Warner Bros. animated short, OF RICE AND HEN. Barnyard Dog also plays a key role. Neither is as flashy as Priscilla the Hen, though. Also, there are a few other hens involved here. Zero, however, is the number of times Henery Chicken Hawk puts in an appearance. Insidious machinations induce Foghorn to marry Priscilla. Sly Barnyard Dog dresses up as a giant rooster to fool Foghorn into thinking that he's no longer the Top Crower on his farm. Ghastly consequences ensue. Alternate realities can be seen as one of the themes displayed by OF RICE AND HEN. Generous helpings of gratuitous violence precede the matrimonial climax. Gone is Foghorn Leghorn's insufferable swagger by the end of this tale, as he laments that maybe he should have AVOIDED tying the knot with Miss Prissy. Early indications aside, it is possible that the union between Miss Prissy and Foghorn is headed for a "quickie" dissolution via a Reno divorce before their next Looney Tunes outing hits the screen. Dare we say that Barnyard Dog's life will be no bed of roses once the Truth outs as to his involvement as the Mastermind behind getting Foghorn to wed Miss Prissy? "Many happy returns" is probably NOT among the things said by the titular Rice Throwers at the close of the Foghorn-Prissy nuptials. Everything will be clear, however, if you just examine the very beginning of each aspect of Foghorn's cruel sentence to live the rest of his life with Miss Prissy.
Lee Eisenberg Once again, Miss Prissy tries to win Foghorn Leghorn's heart, while the immature Foggy keeps trying to avoid her, while Barnyard Dog decides to enter the scheme. By now it should be clear that Foggy is probably the least inclined of all the Looney Tunes to do anything productive: he either wants to play pranks - especially if they involve tormenting the dog - and sit around all day. "Of Rice and Hen" also makes clear that the other hens treat Miss Prissy like dirt. There are some true heels in the Warner Bros. animation universe.Anyway, it's a funny cartoon. Foghorn Leghorn must have been one of the most enjoyable characters for Mel Blanc to voice.
TheLittleSongbird Foghorn Leghorn, a character I appreciate even more than I did 10+ years ago, and his cartoons are always entertaining. Of Rice and Hen is no exception, though I do think that Foghorn has done better. The animation has been cleaner and sharper before and since, though the colours are very nice to look at, Prissy while essential to the plot is a little bland compared to Foghorn and Barnyard and I'll be honest in saying that I am starting to get tired of seeing Foghorn smacking Barnyard with a wooden object on the bottom(it was fun a certain number of times, repeated in what feels like every cartoon of his it does feel tiresome). The music is energetic and beautifully orchestrated, Foghorn's song is one that gets in your head in a good way. The writing is very witty and funny, Foghorn's dialogue is as sharp as ever and the repetition is never annoying. The visual gags also make a good impact, the sight of Barnyard disguising himself as a rooster is priceless. Barnyard is a cunning foil though also showing a somewhat caring side towards Prissy. But it is Foghorn who steals the show, helped by a story and writing that compliments his personality. Mel Blanc's voice work as always is sterling. All in all, a solid Foghorn Leghorn entry that just falls short of being great. 7/10 Bethany Cox
PeachHamBeach Miss Prissy is all depressed over not having had any children, so she sets out on a suicide mission and falls in love with her rescuer, that "big lug" Foghorn Leghorn. To her dismay, he says, "Cross me offa your list, gal, I belong to B.A. (Bachelor's Annonymous)!!!"Little does Foggy know that the Barnyard Dog is out for revenge. One too many whippings!!!Good fun!!!

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