
2009 "Something Ominous this way comes."
3.3| 1h24m| en

Ominous, a super natural thriller inspired by actual events. When the Callahan’soff for a peaceful family vacation in the mountains, they never expected their personal demons to follow them. When the children discover a paranormal presence in the secluded cabin, two generations of secrets will be revealed and the lives of the living as well as the dead will be changed forever.



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Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Cooktopi The acting in this movie is really good.
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
mike-516-3358 My rating of 10 may be a bit higher than I should have rated it, but it definitely is worthy of much more than a 3.3, which is what others, giving it a much too low rating, had this rated at the time of this review. The quality of the acting, filming, music, story line and everything that makes up a movie definitely pushed this one out of the B movie category for me. Mellisa Salinas is also one very enchanting lady. She has all the qualities of my idea of the perfect wife. It has a well done ending, which ties the movie together. There are some really cheesy low budget horror flicks out there that I can't force myself to sit through. This isn't one of them! I really enjoyed the entire movie and am now madly in love with Mellisa Salinas! :)
gpeltz Filmed in Nevada, and released 2011, Ominous is a strange movie. Spoiler alert ahead; it was Directed by Justin Burginzoni, and Written by Sharry Flaherty and scripted by Ryan Neil MicMachim. The set up: Family Man Gavan Callahan, played by Sean Patrick Flaherty, takes his wife Christina played by Elizabeth Purdy, and their three kids; oldest neglected kid, Mitch played by Joseph Anthony Jette, Middle boy Scott played by Nick Wolf and precocious youngest daughter, Young Sarah played by Chloe Brown. Gavan wants to make amends and get the family functioning, This is how the first half of the movie unveils. On the plus side, there is some handsome photography. Unlike a fairly common faux pas, found in many films of this genera This film is well lit. Even the night scenes allow one to see what is happening. I like when that happens. The acting by the leads, is acceptable. The family is not long in the cabin, when strange things start to occur. Each of the children experience a dark presence, that will eventually dominate the entire action. but you have to wait for that. Dead Children matching the ages of their living counterparts, inhabit the house. We have seen many spooky dead kids on film, The Ring comes to mind. Still this film maintains a high rating on the over all, "Creep" factor. On the negative side, the score is overbearing and at times redundant. Framing the scare gags in obvious ways; building up to the crescendo, like clockwork with every "jump" scene. The ending is disturbing in many ways, first off dealing with the topic of Mothers who kill their children. A way serious topic demanding a way serious execution, not the fodder for a ghost movie. Also disturbing is my inability to tie the past events with Christina of the present. All these memories were forgotten? Not a great movie, but worth a watch.Seven out of Ten "Creepy Kids" Stars.
erinm19 Let me first state that I'm not overly critical about movies in general. I've never written a review on IMDb because I normally don't care enough to, but in this situation I consider it a public service to warn others about this movie. It should have come with a warning. As someone else mentioned, the parents acted like porn stars (I actually said to my friend "did we rent a porn?"), dramatic music started from the first scene. The sound and video editing was literally worse than a high school video project. The only reason I watched the whole thing was because it was like a car wreck, I needed to stare, then after a while I had invested so much time I needed to see where they were going with it. The last couple of minutes were remotely interesting, but do not make up for this mess, and I don't think most people would last long enough to see it. Low budget doesn't have to mean terrible movie, there are a lot of excellent movies put together with shoestring budgets, but there was simply no effort with this one. I too feel bad for the actors in this movie, but they should feel bad that we paid to watch this. Where do I demand a refund?
novasw One more boring horror flick.The plot just drags on and on. What more can I say. The premise for this movie has been done better in other movies. This one is somewhat predictable. I would not waste my time watching this one again. I hope this helps someone. Hollywood seems to have lost it's creativity. Too bad. There has to be better screen writers and producer's out there. Good and great actor deserve better than this garbage. Critics also need to be more critical of these low budget movies to say the least. I wonder if the movie makers ever use real people to preview these movies before they release them. Maybe a few study groups need to screen these movies. I have been watching movies for 49 years now and have seen a steady decline in the quality of the plots. Hope some imagination returns to Hollywood soon. I would like to see others review this movie and tell it like it is. Bottom line is make the buck as quickly as possible and don't worry about quality. Maybe some more book based movies would work. Or maybe quality movies are a thing of the past. I sure hope not.

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