Once Upon a Forest

1993 "An Adventurous Race Against Time!"
6.5| 1h11m| G| en

A young mouse, mole and hedgehog risk their lives to find a cure for their badger friend, who's been poisoned by men.


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Glucedee It's hard to see any effort in the film. There's no comedy to speak of, no real drama and, worst of all.
ChicDragon It's a mild crowd pleaser for people who are exhausted by blockbusters.
Keira Brennan The movie is made so realistic it has a lot of that WoW feeling at the right moments and never tooo over the top. the suspense is done so well and the emotion is felt. Very well put together with the music and all.
Wyatt There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
sandlot1992 If you love Don Bluth's "the Secret of the NIMH", then you'll be proud to enjoy this underrated animated film of the 90s! In this underrated animated film I enjoy a while a back when I first seen it on the Disney Channel back in probably the late 90s, the story takes place in Dapplewood which is kinda like your average animated film like "Ferngully: the last rainforest" for instants. three furlings friends, Abigail the wood mouse, Edgar the Mole and Russell the Hedgehog, find their tranquil lives greatly disrupted. then a chemical spill destroyed Dapplewood and their young friend Michelle (voiced by Elizabeth Moss) becomes seriously ill from the toxic fumes. Counting on their own ingenuity and the skills they learn from their teacher Cornelius (Michael Crawford of Broadway's the Phantom of the Opera), they take off on an exciting, but dangerous journey to find help for their friend, Their wisdom soon pays off and they set about to restore Dapplewood to its original splendor.I would say about this that I always wanted to watch this with my family and friends again and again, the story is good, the animation is so brilliant and stupendous, the characters are remarkable good and the songs are splendid! if your in for a good mood for clever animated family films, then you'll like this one.
seasidewanderer Just do your kids a favor, and don't let them watch this at a young age.. if I remember it right its pretty traumatizing.. I haven't watched it since I was little because it scared me so bad, and I didn't even really know what was going on.. but I hated the gas killing the parents, the owl, the creepy gospel birds in the forest, the construction machines and the whole atmosphere of the movie was just creepy and dark.. I'm sure I would feel different about it now, watching it for the first time. I'm sure, IF, you're an adult you will find it a really well made cartoon.. but don't let your kids watch it unless you want that to be a lasting trauma.. :) as it stands I'm giving it 3 stars.
TheLittleSongbird I personally think that Once Upon a Forest is an underrated gem. I mean this is one of the few animations that had me weeping buckets at the end, and I am a 17 year old schoolgirl. My only complaint is that at 68 minutes long, it is a little too short, but putting that discrepancy aside what you have is a beautiful, poignant film. The animation is stunning with beautiful backgrounds and excellent character animation, and I absolutely loved the songs by James Horner. Please Wake up, had me in tears,(the only other song in an animation that did that to me was Somewhere Out There from American Tail) and I know the vocals were a bit shaky but that can be forgiven as that is such an emotional song to sing, and it did say in the trivia that Michael Crawford found it very difficult not to be moved by the song. He's Gone/He's Back is an upbeat gospel song that provides the funniest moments in the film, and Once Upon a Time is so lovely with sublime vocals by Florence Warner Jones. The characters are a delight, particularly the wise Cornelius, and the three furling friends are very well done, with enthusiastic voice work from all involved. Both Ferngully and this were heavily criticised on release for being too preachy, but to me, both are wonderful overlooked films. Whereas Once Upon a Forest has slightly better songs(as I really liked the ones in FernGully) and better character development, one of FernGully's main merits is the villain Hexxus who terrified me when I was 9, and Tim Curry is one of the gods of voice acing and made Hexxus as chilling as people remember him. Once Upon a Forest has a number of enemies portrayed, like the yellow dragons, the owl and the gas, and I must say they were very well done. In conclusion, a beautiful underrated movie, and my main advice to those who haven't seen it, have a box of tissues beside you as this is bound to bing you tears. 9/10 Bethany Cox.
Lily Nicole When I was little, my sister and I would watch this movie every weekend; every single time I ended up sobbing; it's a very bittersweet movie, which isn't something you expect to see as a little kid. I've spent hours trying to look it up with no hope, but today my sister called me into her room to tell me she'd found it.After watching it now(for the first time in about six years) I understand the dual message it gives us about protecting the environment,and truth be told the movie means as much to me now as it did back then. I'm so glad I was able to find this movie again and be able to realize the deeper meaning. I highly recommend it for anyone from about 7-18; and maybe older if your taste allows [: