Too much about the plot just didn't add up, the writing was bad, some of the scenes were cringey and awkward,
It's funny watching the elements come together in this complicated scam. On one hand, the set-up isn't quite as complex as it seems, but there's an easy sense of fun in every exchange.
Griff Lees
Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows
Similar to likely most of you reading through these, I'm a fan of 'so bad it becomes good' cinematic art (well, efforts); and the DVD box come on for our edition was irresistible - disembodied buxom bum clad in one size too small fitting red panties! (Why mention that in connection with film viewing: coz even that was a disappointment coz although there is a scene in which porn star struck character (Laura / Amber Benson) is instructed (er, directed by director?) to remove her panties so to lure the disembodied 'dick' of the titular owner's, they were NOT the same! Bad distributors!) So, anyway, why add this one in? Most others have set out all the salient - and awful points: of course, if someone tells you its so bad don't waste your time watching, you're gonna wanna know why, or just disbelieve them, and still go ahead anyway, right? So, having not heeded the advice / warning, what could you look out for that would make you feel that the 80 minutes you invest in this twaddle will return something of movie buff value? Well, besides delicious dollies playing porn stars in a location straight outta most horror tropes (cabin in the, ah, woods) and yet in WINTER (there's obviously false snow all around) - and they're gonna do a get ya togs off shoot in such a climate? They don't even light up a fire anywhere and that's despite veteran actor Charles Napier first appears from outside as frozen up
then perhaps it would be to actually just listen to: because, yes as you will see from the extensive quotes sidebar, there are many lines that beggar belief (Wanda with Angel's, er, nether regions exploration advice has gotta be the most outrageous delivered in any film I've ever seen = kudos to scriptwriters - siblings? - the three Fields): so perhaps you would want to watch, if only to catch the contexts in which these daft deliveries are made. Oh, and that being it's about porn stars, then to see real life legendary '70's R. Jeremy and V. Hart attempting non porn acting chops: the former (deliberately so?) appallingly wooden, the latter (not deliberately, but desperately so?) some of the best facial scenery chewing, as she herself is presumably chewed on (or something!) from within. Oh, and in that context, again from the scriptwriters some profound commentary on ex porn stars lot in society. Oh, and that it's apparently the one of the pair on murderous penis (genre!) films (the other 'Pervert' = make it a double bill evening to tolerate its unwinding?) So that, in the end, if you still wanna not heed all the don't waste ya time invocations, then I would recommend you at least add in the challenge to make it a drinking watch = choose your favourite tipple and you can't drink until you hear the word 'DICK' (beware in C. Napier's central interminable monologue!) - guaranteed you'll be so blotto by end, you'll be spared the utterly pointless end along with oh so lame last line.
....but this movie is surprisingly watchable.Let's just get this straight, there is nothing new here. One-Eyed Monster "borrows" from several "Aliens take over the world" movies. It is derivative in overall story and alien presentation to at least a dozen films. Several scenes, themselves, are practically snatched out of other flicks and inserted at will here.What makes this movie entertaining is it's level of campiness. The special effects are terrible, but that only adds to the comedic silliness. The actors and actresses do a fine job in this sci/fi black comedy. Never thought I would type these words, but Jeff Denton is brilliant as the sleazy director. Usually terrible in any movie he does (and very often fodder in my IMDb reviews), Jeff Denton steals every one of his scenes. If you come across this movie on the Sci/Fi Channel, or if you could pick it up cheaply on eBay, it is certainly worth at least one viewing. Just don't expect to see "Independence Day."
There are no words that can describe the boringness that is this film. When I saw the trailer, I expected a slapstick horror-movie that makes fun of both the cliché's in porn and horror-genres. Instead, this movie gets boring very quickly and for the most part is just people talking nonsense to each other with weird 'jokes' that never seem to go anywhere. I expected a little bit more entertainment from a movie about a penis that goes around killing people.The gore is also pretty nonexistent which was a letdown for me. I thought that a movie like this would at least go all the way with the killings, but this movie is actually pretty tame except for perhaps the shots of people wrestling with a rubber dildo. Some of the conversations are okay and can be pretty funny if it wasn't delivered so utterly uninspired and boring. I know this is the third time I mentioned the word boring, but its really all you need to know about this movie. Its actually pretty amazing that the creators could make this movie boring with the plot that it has, but they did it.If you are looking for a good nonsense horror-movie to watch with your buddies like I was, then don't stop here. This movie is mostly sleep- inducing and forgettable crap that doesn't deliver what you expect from it. Three stars go out to the cast and crew that did a decent job of working with the little they were given.
Despite the surprisingly solid performances from all the cast, the script and story failed to deliver on a fresh and unique premise.The film either had a genre identity crisis or was quite simply pushed on to celluloid before the script was properly polished. It's like watching a professional crew film a first draft script.It ran the gamut between clever and stupid and often found its cruising speed on the ridiculous and mundane. A better knowledge of the initial setting would also have been helpful.I was expecting / hoping for a solid dark comedy with horror undertones, but was painfully disappointed. So many obvious comedic dialogue opportunities were missed, plot holes big enough to drive a truck through, and story choices that defied common sense, left me with the impression of a family funded backyard film project, despite the professional production values.I would recommend this film to aspiring screenwriters to see what their 1st draft scripts would look like on screen...