This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.
Rio Hayward
All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Billy Ollie
Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
.Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
TheMegaCritic2000 .
i'd never heard of this movie until this Christmas (2015). I decided to sit and watch it when I came across it in the TV schedules and it was a pleasant surprise to find a pretty good Christmas movie with a real heart.I've been a Harry Dean Stanton fan for many years and he turns in a great performance as the angel Gideon in this movie. Far from the conventional angel, he looks almost creepy, in his black hat and long back coat. But when he smiles, he lights up the screen.The rest of the cast do a very good job, too. Jan Rubes play an great Santa Claus and the kids play their parts very well.It's well worth a watch if you see it on the TV schedule!
This is indeed one magic Christmas movie, a story about Ginny Grainger (Mary Steenburgen), who and her family have fallen on hard times. Therefore, she is devoid of any spirit or optimism during the Christmas season. As a result, Santa sends Christmas angel Gideon to help Ginny find her way and believe in Christmas.This story definitely reminds you to always appreciate what you have and never take anything or anyone for granted. It also makes you believe in miracles.The plot keeps you engaged from start to finish as you follow the everyday, typical lives of Ginny Grainger, her husband Jack (Gary Basaraba) and their children Cal and Abbie. You feel their hardship and the effects of unemployment, living paycheck to paycheck and a gloomy Christmas outlook. But, the miracles of Santa and Gideon the Christmas angel brings much warmth, miracles and touching moments to the movie as livens up the spirit of the family just in time for Christmas. The movie may be a little too make-believe in certain moments, but there is enough drama, character development and humor that everyday people can relate to. Mary Steenburgen did a nice job in her role, as did Gary Basaraba and child actors Arthur Hill and Robbie Magwood, bringing innocence and tenderness to the story.Overall, it's one of the best Christmas movies I've seen. Highly recommend! Grade A
Jessica Salmans
Let me begin by saying I love Mary Steenbergen. That being said, when I saw that she was in this, I thought "how bad could it be?"Um, BAD. This is the darkest, weirdest, most uncomfortable movie I've seen in a while and calling it a Christmas movie only works in terms of the fact that it is set during Christmas. There is no joy, magic, or cheer to be found in classic.Three quarters of the way in, we were all baffled and uncomfortable but were too invested to turn it off. I seriously cannot comprehend that there are people who like this movie.Even knowing that this movie was made in 1985, I can't find a logical excuse for any of what I'm watching right now. Yes, I'm currently still watching it, but it is SO BAD that I pulled up IMDb in the midst of viewing to write this warning to others. SKIP IT. OR watch it as a drinking game. But don't think you're getting a joyful Christmas Classic here. You aren't. Noooooo you are not.
I absolutely love this movie. I have been looking for it for a long time. Great to finally find it, awesome. Every year when Christmas comes around i think about this movie and for the life of me i can never remember the name of it. The only thing that i can remember is that the Angel's name is Gideon. I am hoping now that i have actually written the name of the movie down that i can go out there and purchase it somewhere so that i can put it away every year after Christmas after watching it with my family and also showing it to other families also. It is good to know now that if i am having trouble finding a movie i can always come to this site and share my information about what i know and what i would like to know.