One Soldier's Story: The Journey of American Sniper

5.7| 0h30m| NR| en

Join director Clint Eastwood and his creative team, along with Bradley Cooper and Sienna Miller, as they overcome enormous creative and logistic obstacles to make a film that brings the truth of Navy SEAL Chris Kyle's story to the screen.


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TrueJoshNight Truly Dreadful Film
Billie Morin This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows
Kamila Bell This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Cody One of the best movies of the year! Incredible from the beginning to the end.
mikevonbach As I sat in a corner table with a guy that looked like Jesse Ventura in a small Mexican cafe . We had a talk about what in meant to be an American HERO and doing the necessary but Dirty job of being a Bushwacker . Definition ; Bushwacker--As the Civil War progressed in this region "guerilla," "bushwacker," and "jayhawker" became synonymous in their meaning and usage. The term "bushwacker" was perhaps the most degrading and was often applied to anyone practicing the art of ambushing . DEFINITION ; SNIPER to shoot at individuals as opportunity offers from a concealed or distant position: The enemy was sniping from the roofs. to attack a person or a persons WITH LITTLE or NO chance of being in harms way or danger especially anonymously or from a (SAFE!) distance.In this documentary, we saw everybody who involved in making this not-so-good film was trying to kiss every key person's behind with their best, to ensure that everybody and nobody was overlooked to be praised. In this documentary, we watched the production team kissing each other, compliment each other, then to praise the director, the leading actor and the military consultants. Everybody was great, everybody felt transformed and rejuvenated after making this film. An American legend was glorified, the military might of the American ground force kudoed. The sniper, well, if he could be blessed by the Vatican, the Pope might have to give him a sainthood. In this film, everybody was a most important part that could never and should never be left unnoticed. The Hollywood politics was showing its utmost flattery technique that all the people making money or making living in the Hollywood movie industries must dutifully performed; it is the survival instinct, the must-have and must-to-do top-priority thing. @ss kissing, back patting, hugging, smiling, humbleness, low-key techniques were carefully implemented. The director is a saint, the leading character is an actor who made the money worth; see how they selfishlessly involved and contributed to make this film great.But as a viewer of this film, I didn't see anything worth my praise. This film actually turned out incomplete and unsatisfied. I really failed to see what's the big deal to make this documentary addition, except watched bunch of these guys kiss each other's behind profusely. A totally unnecessary record trying to show us how great this film was.
ehvogel Viewers who are opposed to the movie subject won't like this behind-the-scenes look. Anyone who saw and liked the movie will see another aspect of the story to further understand why its telling was so powerful. Being from Texas, I was fully aware of Chris Kyle's story well before the movie project started. The total shock of his unnecessary and untimely death was felt deeply by many who live here. I vividly remember the television news stories showing the thousands of people lined up along the funeral route. If not for work commitments, I would have been one of them. Chris Kyle was truly an amazing man and his story is an important one in understanding why we are such an exceptional nation. I only gave it 9 stars because it didn't last nearly long enough for me.
BasicLogic In this documentary, we saw everybody who involved in making this not-so-good film was trying to kiss every key person's behind with their best, to ensure that everybody and nobody was overlooked to be praised. In this documentary, we watched the production team kissing each other, compliment each other, then to praise the director, the leading actor and the military consultants. Everybody was great, everybody felt transformed and rejuvenated after making this film. An American legend was glorified, the military might of the American ground force kudoed. The sniper, well, if he could be blessed by the Vatican, the Pope might have to give him a sainthood. In this film, everybody was a most important part that could never and should never be left unnoticed. The Hollywood politics was showing its utmost flattery technique that all the people making money or making living in the Hollywood movie industries must dutifully performed; it is the survival instinct, the must-have and must-to-do top-priority thing. @ss kissing, back patting, hugging, smiling, humbleness, low-key techniques were carefully implemented. The director is a saint, the leading character is an actor who made the money worth; see how they selfishlessly involved and contributed to make this film great.But as a viewer of this film, I didn't see anything worth my praise. This film actually turned out incomplete and unsatisfied. I really failed to see what's the big deal to make this documentary addition, except watched bunch of these guys kiss each other's behind profusely. A totally unnecessary record trying to show us how great this film was.