Very well executed
the audience applauded
One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.
It's a whodunit wherein a serial killer stabs his victims on live web cam. The main character, Manny, is a youthful, budding artist who in his spare time watches a sleazy chat website. On one visit to the website he witnesses one of his friends being stabbed. A big part of the story is the relationship that develops between Manny and the Black cop who investigates. This subplot provides story continuity, as the investigation proceeds.Given that this film is very low budget, the weak production design and uneven sound quality are not surprising. The director does create some suspense by means of the atmospheric lighting. Acting is below average; but again, this is what one would expect for an independently produced low budget film.A legitimate complaint is the existence of so many plot holes in the script. How did the killer get easy access to the victim's living area without being observed? Why were neighbors not questioned? What about forensics? Is it realistic to think that after the first murder, the website would not be shut down?"Open Cam" is marginally worth watching, mostly as a technical study of low budget film-making, to see what works and what doesn't work. Yet, even with all the plot holes, I still found the whodunit puzzle engaging enough to hold my attention.
I rushed to the cinema yesterday to make this movie (which was shown as part of the "Verzaubert" Gay Film Festival that takes place each year in the major German cities and which normally shows really good stuff. Anyway, I was looking forward to it (though I am female and straight, I find a lot of gay movies well made and interesting; something else from the usual Hollywood crap!!). However, even though I am definitely not an expert on acting, it was quite blatant even to me that this was extremely poor acting, by almost every character involved!! The lines sounded so studied, there was nothing spontaneous or witty about them. I did find the plot somewhat interesting, but it could have been made into a much better movie, in my opinion. I also did not find the actors particularly dishy, which surprised me as they normally have quite the lookers in gay movies !! I also did not see the necessity for the drawn-out and lengthy sex scenes -- what purpose did they serve?? I mean, this was not meant to be a porn movie, as far as I understood.... Anyway, I considered it a waste of time and money!!
'OPEN CAM' could have been so much more than it is. Writer/director Robert Gaston takes a few risks with this latest entry into the gay cinema foray, adding a story that avoids the usual topics that stereotype gay men. He assembled a cast of young actors whose best attributes are physical appearance rather than technical training, and then covers the dialogue with incessant background music that makes the viewer strain for the conversations - and much worse, he hides behind the mores of restraint that prevents US films from achieving what European films do well.The story revolves around a recently jilted young artist Manny (Andreau Thomas) who when not in front of the easel spends his time on the Internet dating on a sleazy chat line, keeping his physical encounters anonymous to avoid personal disappointment. On the Internet chat line (using 'open camera') some murders are captured and a detective Hamilton (Amir Darvish) takes over the investigation - a detective who also happens to be gay and acts out with just about anyone it seems. When Manny's friends (or ex tricks) begin to fall victim to the serial killer on the Internet, Hamilton moves in with Manny to protect him, and it is in this living situation (a very physical arrangement) that the serial killer is finally caught on camera and in person. How the episodes of loss of friends and re-establishment of trust and love replacing just lust brings the story to a bit of a disappointing end.The cast (Andreau Thomas, Amir Darvish, Ben Green, J. Matthew Miller, Christian Jones, et al) are a good-looking group of men. There are a lot of sensual scenes, but unlike European films the men who are supposed to be nude for a reason are shot to protect them from full frontal exposure - and that seems so very ludicrous and insulting given the theme of the film. American cinema has a long way to go: even movies of heightened physicality in straight films have little problem showing every detail of the female body yet either blur or out-of-focus shoot or drape male bodies as though there were some secret that MUST remain off camera. Time to grow up - and where better to start than in films such as OPEN CAM. 'Tis pity....Grady Harp
Now we know that being a murder suspect can be yet another opportunity to land a piece of ass. If only "Skinemax" could offer us gay boys something like this.The difference between Open Cam and a porno is that pornos usually have less blood, better acting, and a few more sex scenes. It offers moments of unintentional-but- hysterical camp, and Amir Darvish was often impressive as Detective Hamilton. But the rest of the cast, including it's lead character, Andreau Thomas, come across as community-theatre-amateurs. In the case of Thomas, a community-theatre-amateur who is oh-so-eager to bare his sculpted, sexy bubble-butt for half of the time he's on the screen. silly, stupid, smut.