the leading man is my tpye
This is How Movies Should Be Made
the audience applauded
Haven Kaycee
It is encouraging that the film ends so strongly.Otherwise, it wouldn't have been a particularly memorable film
Nu Image's "Operation Delta Force" series came to an end with this entry, and judging from the quality of this entry, the end came not a moment too soon. About the only thing positive I can say about this entry is that some of the photography is pretty good. Now for a list of bad things about this movie! The no-name cast is bland, not helped that most of the protagonists are written to be pretty indistinguishable from each other. The action scenes are flat, directed and edited badly with too much use of slow motion. A lot of the movie borrows footage from other Nu Image movies (For instance, I recognized the train scene at the beginning coming from the Dolph Lundgren movie "Sweepers"!) And stock footage supposing to show the city streets of Boston was obviously shot in Los Angeles - you can see PALM TREES in the footage! Even B-movie action junkies will feel ripped off if they spend anything to see this, and will feel just as angry if they see it for free.
If these guys are supposed to be America's elite fighting force, God help us. This movie is an embarrassment to the Delta Force and all other military combat units. The tactics they displayed during the firefight in the first 20 minutes of the movie were more characteristic of a bunch of middle schoolers, not battle-hardened warriors with mental fortitude. Along with canned dialogue, unrealistic scenarios, and unintentional humor (like when one soldier walks right across a room with bullets screaming by him, making no attempt to crouch or crawl to make himself a smaller target, then gets shot in the leg), maybe a more apt title would be "Police Academy 8: Mission to Kenya."
writing as someone who's occasionally liaised with UK and US special forces I can only hope that they have a sense of humour if they ever see this. Certain sections obviously weren't skimped on but surely they could have afforded less flabby and more talented actors and a story that at least tried to inject some tension and humanity.
The most unexpected plus in this otherwise botched job is seeing the fabulous African railways steam train heading through the veld in the opening scene. After this, however, it's downhill all the way with a basically boring 'deja vu' scenario: megalomanic terrorist uses brainwashed hostages as human suicide bombers. Turn to CNN and it's happening daily for real. Apart from that there's plenty of military hardware mostly wasted in badly filmed action SFX where explosions look more like fireworks.For the money they could have done much better.