
7| 0h12m| en

Two boys are talking after a bicycle accident. The older is bragging about his experience with girls, but is that just a boast?


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Also starring Kristen Hagen

Also starring Gregory A. Thompson


Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Freaktana A Major Disappointment
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Kirpianuscus its simplicity is the basic detail. and the poetry of small gestures. and the kind of reference to madeleine of Proust. but the element who gives coherence to the story is the spirit of age. it gives coherence and credibility to a small story of two boys looking to impress or under the fascination of kiss. and the most important moment has the great virtue to remind many memories from the viewer past. the kiss, its taste, the last scene , when the bitter meeting is covered in the taste of orange , are the ingredients of a powerful story about meanings and truth and force of revelation to change everything. so, a lovely short film. touching, tender, fragile, more than realistic.
Horst in Translation ( "Oranges" is an Australian 11.5-minute movie from 2004, which means it's already over 10 years old. the director is Kristian Pithie and neither he broke through nor one of the actors in the years since this was made. For pretty much everybody working on this one, it is still their most known work today. The film's title describes nicely the color used mostly in here, but that's already all the positive I can say. These gay-themed short films often have the problem that they are either completely uninteresting or completely unrealistic and this one here is the former. All the story that happens is basically a boy bragging to another boy about his experience with girls, later they kiss and then they see each other again. This is not enough of a plot, if you can even call it a plot. With the title (color), it seems to be a very pretentious movie that is style over substance for sure. It is absolutely not worth checking out. Bland and uninteresting, I give it a thumbs-down.
meaninglessbark Oranges is an unusual short in that it captures stumbled upon intimacy and curiosity in a realistic manner.Unlike a lot of queer shorts (and feature length films) Oranges doesn't try to titillate with gratuitous shots of young bodies, jar with a sudden negative turn of events, or have characters spouting dialog that sounds like it comes from a script.Oranges feels like being there for a strange and awkward afternoon. For anyone who ever had similar encounters it's like reliving those moments.Well shot, acted, and directed Oranges is definitely worth finding online to watch.
Rod Evan This short Australian film depicts with warmth and without pretension the awkwardness of two teenagers starting to recognise and explore their homosexuality.It was refreshing to see two actors cast who were the right age for these roles and who showed no reluctance to share a kiss on screen. Many older actors/actresses of whatever sexuality could take a lesson from these two.The final image of the film which relates to the title and storyline has a beauty and simplicity that surprises and lingers.I saw this film as part of the Pink Filmdays in Amsterdam, and it received a very warm reception, compared to many other higher budget, overstylised and less sincere offerings.