Orgy of the Dead

1965 "A Masterpiece of Erotic Horror!"
3| 1h30m| NR| en

Horror novelist John and his girlfriend Shirley are taking a night drive, in search of an eerie graveyard that will hopefully inspire John to come up with his next story, but instead stumble into the wild rituals conducted by The Dark Master and his faithful servants.


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Astral Productions


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Also starring Mickey Jines


Dorathen Better Late Then Never
Salubfoto It's an amazing and heartbreaking story.
filippaberry84 I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Roy Hart If you're interested in the topic at hand, you should just watch it and judge yourself because the reviews have gone very biased by people that didn't even watch it and just hate (or love) the creator. I liked it, it was well written, narrated, and directed and it was about a topic that interests me.
xnet95 I thought this movie was 1,000 times better than I was expecting. You actually get to see real women with real boobs dancing around in color from the mid-sixties! What more could a man want!?! I grew up watching Ann Margaret, the Gold Diggers, and Batgirl running around in sexy outfits. I always wanted them to drop the skimpy outfits, but they never did...what a frustrating youth! ALL of the women in this movie have nice bodies that are very physically fit. They're not like those corn-fed dames from the 50's burlesque films that look like they could play pro football. The Volcano girl was outstanding, with a perfect body. Any man that whines about this film has to have zero testosterone in his system.I actually read all 81 reviews trying to get some leads on other films like this from the 1960's, and I was shocked by all the apologists and whiners. Have we really gotten to the point as a society where the naked human form is to be ignored and scorned? It's unbelievable how many people panned this movie! It's a titty movie people! Wake up!! Maybe the problem is that Ed Wood's name is attached to it, so a bunch of asexual geeks that watch MST3K came to this movie expecting "horror". Sorry guys, all we have are T&A - sorry to disappoint you. Now I know how Austin Powers felt when he woke up in the asexual 90's. Give me the swingin' 60's anyday! (I know Rob Zombie would like this movie because he always had naked women from this era playing on the screen behind the band during White Zombie shows. Rob Zombie hates all you little homo's that couldn't appreciate the sublime beauty of Orgy of the Dead.)
deetler If you have nostalgia for 1960s skin flicks this is it. Lots of bare-breasted jiggly boobs. The chicks are svelte and pretty in a naive 60s sort of way (they all kinda look like second rate Raquel Welch/Ann-Margret clones). Reminds me of trench coated low life's beating off in empty, sleazy, smoke-filled movie theaters. There's really nothing much else to say. No plot, no dialog, just semi-nude strippers prancing around on stage. But they're young and thin and sexy. If all you're looking for is some innocent fun before the advent of hard-core bj flicks this might be your cup of tea. If you get your kicks by fantasizing about the chicks in the Adam's Family or Munsters going around bare-breasted this may be it for you.
Michael_Elliott Orgy of the Dead (1965) BOMB (out of 4) I spend my time watching a lot of really bad films because I really love those bad films from the past. Quite often I'm asked which is the worst of the worst and this film here always comes up in my mind. With direction by A.C. Stephens, a screenplay by Edward D. Wood, Jr. and Criswell giving out predictions you just know this thing had to turn out really bad. The movie is disguised as a horror film but in reality it's just a nudie flick but a very bad one at that. A writer takes his girlfriend on a drive to visit a cemetery so that he can get fresh ideas for a new story. Their car crashes and they awake in the cemetery where The Emperor (Criswell) forces them to watch various ghoulish girls dance around naked. We are tortured with a Hawaiian dance, a Skeleton, an Indian, a Slave, a Street walker dance and various others. In a film like this you expect all sorts of goofs and there are plenty. In the opening sequence you'll notice that the couple are driving around at night but there are several edits where it turns back into day only to turn back into night. When the girlfriend is tied up you can clearly see, at times, that she isn't really tied up but instead is just holding her hands behind her. Neither of these things bring any laughs, which is the real downfall of this turkey in that it's simply bad and never reaches a so bad it's good level. A mummy and werewolf eventually show up but they are just silly looking and are only used to dance around and act dumb. The main purpose of this film is to show nude dancing but the "dancers" are so bad at what they're doing you won't be a least bit interested. There isn't too much dialogue in the film, which is a shame since Wood usually comes up with zany lines to keep you entertained. The only mildly interesting thing about this film is the fact that Criswell is wearing Bela Lugosi's Dracula cape from Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein.
greekhamster Good God. The first thing i could possibly say about this movie is that the acting is absolutely impeccable. Not since Saw 2 have i seen such amazing skills. All jokes aside, this movie is only fun if you watch in fast forward. The "fluff dancer"'s weird chest action is enough to make you pee your pants laughing. If i hadn't had a remote with fast forward, i probably would have killed for that hour of my life back. All in all, "Orgy of the Dead" was like a Dracula version of the nutcracker. There were huge parallels between the line up of ethnically organized dances to the dessert dances in NC. Although there were no giant rats or Christmas trees, there was a zombie and wolf man to make up for it! The zombie was even funnier than the fluff dancer. Obviously, the "actor" who did the voice just mailed in a tape or something because ever time he spoke, there would be all this weird fuzz that can only be attained from a crappy recording.If you rent this, just try to enjoy it. It takes effort, but in the end, it is so worth it.