OSS 117: Lost in Rio

6.8| 1h40m| en

In 1967, OSS 117 is sent to Brazil in order to retrieve a microfilm list of French Nazi sympathizers, only to once again unknowingly set foot into a bigger international intrigue.


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ada the leading man is my tpye
LastingAware The greatest movie ever!
Robert Joyner The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
Edwin The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.
Alexander Moon Cairo Nest Of Spies was a wonderful surprise when I met Agent Hubert Bonisseur De La Bath aka "0SS 117" for the very first time in spring 2006 in french theaters. A refreshing take on spy movies and spoofs at the same time and the breakthrought performance of the future academy award winner Jean Dujardin, Berenice Bejo and Director Michel Hazanavicius.It was a breath of fresh air in both those kind of movies and in the 21th century french movie scene full of boring, predictable and uninteresting flicks.So I was expecting nothing less than the same kind of feel good movie with Rio Ne Repond Plus and what a letdown it was when I discovered it a few months ago...What made the first movie so great is that the character ended up sympathetic and you would root for him instead of hating his racist behaviors of french colonialist.It was more a testament to the Muslim culture than anything. But here the many racist jokes towards asians (called "chinese"), Germans but mainly Jewish and Israel are just plain awful and unacceptable.Why ? Cause the movie is not in Israel, China or Germany unlike the first one in Cairo, Egypt.So you can't see how great Israel is as a country and Jewish people and their culture.They can't defend themselves against the main character stupid behaviors and awful racism here...And don't tell me I have no humor at all, I grew up with those racist jokes that are supposed to downplay any ethnicity and color of skin but here it's anything but "funny".The fact that he keeps insisting to insult Jewish and Israel people (a country where they are a lot of christians and muslims as well living here, in their parliament too), should rejoice any anti Jewish people and is an awful propaganda for more racism towards this great country and people.By turning a racist but finally not that racist and charming character from the first movie into an absolute unfunny and disguting piece of a "human" being in this sequel, Michel Hazanavicius shot a ball into both of his feet and ruined it forever.Do like me and buy the original adventure In Cairo, Nest Of Spies and watch it again. That's the only OSS 117 I want to remember and it's a classic of french humor forever.
druid333-2 O.S.S.117,is the French version of James Bond. Although (for women anyway)he is handsome & suave,he is a walking catalog of neuroses. He is vain,a racist,sexist,homophobic,xenophobic clod,he does get the job done. Although I've never read any of the O.S.S. 117 novels,or seen any of the original films (with the first dating back to the late 1950's),I did see the last outing,'O.S.S.117:Cairo,Nest Of Spies',which I did admire & find drop dead funny. This time,well...it had good intent. O.S.S.117 is sent by the agency to go to Brazil to find an escaped Nazi war criminal,who is hell bent on setting up a branch of the Nazi party in Rio De Janero. This time,he is sent over with a partner,an attractive Colonel in the Isreali Army,Col.Delores Koulchou. O.S.S. isn't exactly thrilled to be working with a woman (especially one who outranks him),but tries to make good (but not without the best intentions). While in Rio,they team up with an informant,who just happens to live in a hippie commune. After a wild night of sex,drugs (O.S.S.117 is given a hit of L.S.D.),but no rock & roll. The three take after Von Zimmel to try & bring him back for trial for war crimes. Jean Dujardin returns as O.S.S.117,with Louise Monot as Delores Koulchou,Rudger Volger as Von Zimmel,and Alex Lutz as Heinrich. Michel Hazanavicius,who directed Dujardin in 'Cairo:Nest of Spies',returns to direct from a screen play written by Jean Francois Halin,based on the character originally devised by Jean Bruce. The film's breath taking cinematography is by Guillaume Schiffman,with film editing by Raynald Bertrand. Not nearly as good as 'O.S.S. 117:Cairo,Nest Of Spies',but if you're a fan of the series,you may want to check it out,anyway. Spoken (mostly)in French with English subtitles,and English & Portugese. Not rated by the MPAA,this film contains strong language (including some racist & sexist banter),sexual content,nudity,drug references & some violence (although nothing too graphic)
kosmasp Well actually there are quite a few "Oss 117" movies, but this is the second one with Jean Dujardin as Oss 117! A third one is about to follow (and I hope IMDb is right and it will come out next year/2010). I love the movies. And you actually don't have to have seen the first one ... but it's great, so actually maybe you should (have)! ;o)Seriously though: Jean Dujardin is back, as an obnoxious agent, but a lovely one at that. An agent, who does not know the word regret and or the meaning of "political correct". So he hasn't changed (really) from part 1, but that's exactly how we like him. With this movie (and the one before that and surely the one after that), you will either love or hate the movie/character.So are you into a "Bond" movie that actually is rather a spoof and will you love it? I still haven't seen the original movies, but I'm afraid I'm too spoiled by these movies, so I won't really enjoy the earnest Oss 117. Anyway, I can only highly recommend this movie ...
valmens3 OSS 117 is a french secret agent, a very very french one. His new mission is to exchange a microfilm for money with an ex Nazi in Brazil. for this mission, he will have to team up with a Jewish sexy secret agent and the hippie son of the ex-Nazi. Whatever...The story is not that interesting, this is a parody of 007, a fine one. here, the hero is stupid and old fashioned, but sure to be the opposite. every single line he says is full of anachronism and ignorance, he has no idea of what he's dealing with and he's kind of childish. But he's the best french agent. Hubert Bonisseur de labathe is our own french Austin Power, for a more mature audience. Here, the laugh comes from the gap between the world OSS thinks he lives in and the real world, and the fact that, even facing the real world, he never changes his mind. The first episode was great, funny and thrilling, a complete absurd spy movie. this one is funnier, because now, we now the main character is a complete idiot, but he always gets what he wants, even if quite don't understand how.