Jenna Walter
The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
Ava-Grace Willis
Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.
Alistair Olson
After playing with our expectations, this turns out to be a very different sort of film.
This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows
Outland - a dystopian sci-fi flick which combines the trades of Western and crime movies with a sci-fi scenario. A perfect mix, with really good acting even in all the minor roles - and on top you get Sean Connery himself as an Space Marshall waiting for his "High Noon" like Gary Cooper did in Zinnemann's immortal classic!Innovative mix for its time and like Zardoz (also with Sean Connery) one of the sci-fi classics of 2nd line.
ben hibburd
Outland is directed by Peter Hyams. It stars Sean Connery as Marshall William O'niel, an honest by the book police officer. He has recently been stationed in charge of a mining colony on IO, which is one of the moons orbiting Jupiter. The colony has been seeing increasing amounts of suicides in recent months leading up to his arrival. Which is exacerbated in the two weeks he's been situated on the base. However the crew and medical team pass these incidents off as normal occurrences. Their reasoning is that it tends to happen as a result of the length of time workers are contracted too, and the severe loneliness and depression that deep space brings about.However as the amount of suicides escalate O'niel senses there maybe foul play Involved. In his Investigation he gets the help of a medic on board the colony Dr. Lazarus played by Frances Sternhagen. Sternhagen is one of the best parts of the film. She adds a dry sarcastic wit to the film which makes watching her interactions with Connery's straight laced marshal a joy to watch.On the other hand one of the weaker parts of the film features a drug investigation plot that didn't develop as far as I would of liked. There are no surprises, and it's over before Ii even has time to develop and build suspense. This plot element however brings O'niel into contact with Sheppard a union leader played by Peter Boyle. After a frosty encounter they share at the beginning of the film, he disappears for the best part of 45 minutes. His role was barely given any screen time to be fleshed out. Other then one scene where he tells O'niel the cycle of capitalism, he isn't given any memorable moments in the film.Outland has been compared a lot to Fred Zinnemann's High Noon. Whilst it definitely feels like it's treading similar water when the film plays out it's third act. It does however have enough original elements for the first two acts for it too differentiate Itself. However the third act does start too fall flat as the film hits the similar beats of High Noon.One of the best parts about the film without a doubt is the set design. It's one of the best representations of a future society I've seen In a Sci-Fi film. It still holds up remarkably well today. Peter Hyams and Philip Harrison give the colony a dilapidated, grimy, community that feels lived in. The station is a place that is constantly vibrant with average blue collar workers, that just so happens to be in space.Whilst the film does suffer from an under-written villain, and an under- developed detective story. Outland is well paced and has strong direction. It's complimented by two strong performances. Both Connery and Sternhagen are well fleshed out and have distinct personalities. The unique environment that the characters inhabit is reason enough to watch this under-seen gem.
Dalbert Pringle
Whether he's playing James Bond (Agent 007) on Earth - or - William O'Neil (Federal Marshal) on one of Jupiter's moons - You can be sure that when Sean Connery's no-nonsense character is in charge, he's a dude who means business and will do what he sees as necessary to get the job done right.Featuring some pretty decent visual effects and set designs (for 1981) - Originally Outland was intended to be a standard Western, but, then director/screenwriter, Peter Hyams scrapped that idea and set the whole story, instead, in the future (in outer space).And, as a result, I think Hyams did alright with this tale that deals with restoring law & order (and settling scores) at the point of (what else?) a loaded shotgun.To be totally honest here - I was initially expecting to dislike this 1981, Sci-Fi/Thriller (and, with that, give it no mercy when it came to my review comments) - But, for the most part, this $16 million, British production kept me fairly interested and entertained throughout its 110-minute running time.
Within a mining colony on one of Jupiter's moons a Marshal uncovers an illegal drug operation and plans to stop it no matter the cost but with no help from his corrupt colleagues he counts down the hours to the arrival of a group assassins to silence him.With a basic plot reminiscent of High Noon only in space and some impressive visuals especially for 1981 Peter Hyams delivers a solid piece of entertainment. Sean Connery out of his comfort zone gives a good physical performance as Marshal W.T. O'Niel with Frances Sternhagen giving a sterling effort as Dr. Lazarus. James Sikking as Sgt. Montone is notable and Peter Boyle gives his usual subtle delivery. The script is light on dialogue and the action is slowed down by Connery having to don a clumsy space suit in the closing act - the showdown may have fared better on the station.It's an average affair but its simplicity makes it compelling and gives it the ability to still stand up today.