Outpost: Black Sun

2012 "War in Hell"
4.9| 1h41m| en

A pair of investigators team up with a Special Forces Unit to venture deep inside a war raging between the military and a massive army of Nazi Zombie Stormtroopers. Their mission is to fight their way behind enemy lines, locate the technology at the source of this growing threat and prevent the seemingly inevitable rise of the 4th Reich.


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Rijndri Load of rubbish!!
Beystiman It's fun, it's light, [but] it has a hard time when its tries to get heavy.
Micah Lloyd Excellent characters with emotional depth. My wife, daughter and granddaughter all enjoyed it...and me, too! Very good movie! You won't be disappointed.
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Dalbert Pringle Yawn!.... Well, here we go again with yet another savagely vicious zombie movie - But, this time around it's been specially flavoured with a demented Nazi-twist to its storyline, which I guess was supposed to make it much more interesting to watch. But, it didn't.One of Outpost's biggest strikes against it was the nuisance, meddlesome, female character, Lena. This woman was, pretty much, the only female in what seemed to be a male-dominated cast. And, strike #2 against Outpost was that each of these males was nothing but a typical army jock who was hell-bent on proving to his fellow troopers that his balls hung lower than theirs'.Anyway - The biggest problem with the Lena character was that one minute she wanted to be treated as if she were just one-of-the-boys, and, then, in the next minute she was demanding special consideration due her gender as a female. (Spare me!) If that wasn't annoying enough - Outpost was also one of those irksome horror movies where the characters clearly didn't know what the hell they were dealing with (the Nazi zombies), yet, they handled the whole situation with a truly remarkable competence.In conclusion - For all that it was worth, this super-lame, poorly conceived Zombie/Nazi movie should have really been billed as a twisted slapstick comedy - 'Cause that's all it was to me.
James Farmer Outpost, the original was watchable and a good honest, original idea.This incarnation, the sequel is a botched attempt at something, not sure what, maybe the actors got together to make a type of CV of their skills (which is pretty low judging by this) The acting, the accents and the plot are dire.Furthermore, the story jumps and flits about like a grasshopper in mid summer and the only aim is to reach the end of the movie with room for a sequel….Oh dear.No connection between events and the lunacy of the idea to make a sequel is plain to see.Then, consider the special effects; I reckon a group of students clubbed together and chipped in £50 a piece to make a pseudo CV of their talents; amounting to about 0.5 / 10 Someone, somewhere must have stumped up hard cash for this drivel and I can only question their sanity for doing so.I will soon be viewing the 3rd installment
JamesMitchell451 While it's premise is beyond stupid, some of the acting is a bit sub-par, and the cliffhanger ending is the equivalent of a giant middle finger to me,and the enemy supposed "True villain" is basically not given a real clear explanation as to who he is and why caused all of this, Outpost:Black Sun is still an entertaining B-movie experience due to some witty dialogue that also is delightfully cheesy as hell, gruesome action scenes, tense moments, and great make-up. I would actually be interested in seeing a sequel to this, which is good because they are making one that's supposed to come out next year if I am not mistaken.
Schuriken Nazi zombies, crazy scientists with Star Wars Dark Side powers, WWII secret Nazi bunkers, Nuclear blasts & lots of guns and grenades...what's not to like ?Add the secret Nazi Occult science and you have an original dark zombie film, far greater than the post apocalyptic zombie films that come by the pound over at the video store.It's not a Spielberg movie but it's loaded with old school special fx scenes which is a rare thing these days.It's a good follow up to the first movie and you get to see more of that crazy Nazi machine which created that whole mess.I hope there will be more sequels or prequels and I also hope next time they bring in some Nazi weird firearms like in the Wolfenstein video game...I reckon we had enough of the zombies using old German grenades in close combat...