Overdrawn at the Memory Bank

1984 "Caught in a future world, his only escape is back in time."
2.3| 1h23m| en

A futuristic rebel becomes a Humphrey Bogart character after watching repeated reruns of Casablanca.


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Also starring Linda Griffiths


NekoHomey Purely Joyful Movie!
Greenes Please don't spend money on this.
Tedfoldol everything you have heard about this movie is true.
Winifred The movie is made so realistic it has a lot of that WoW feeling at the right moments and never tooo over the top. the suspense is done so well and the emotion is felt. Very well put together with the music and all.
Aaron1375 I am sure many people probably saw this PBS made film back in the day because back when it was made there were less channels and stuff and sometimes it was either something like this or nothing! Granted, I am sure a majority of people chose the latter. I saw this film thanks to the cult television show Mystery Science Theater 3000 and I am quite sure a good number of people were exposed to it for the first time thanks to the show. Even those who may have seen bits and pieces of it back in the day, probably did not witness the whole thing until it was featured on MST3K because I just cannot see anyone making it through all the jumbled mess that this film consisted of. Though, I just said it was a film, but it is not shot on film...rather it looks as if it were recorded on a camcorder. They did manage to land Raul Julia, but he was not as big when this one came out as he would later become. Then again, he did star in Street Fighter so he may not be too picky about parts; however, he had a sweet reason to be in Street Fighter and that was because I believe a nephew was a fan of the video game. Here, maybe he was a fan of PBS and thought he would star in this film and give it some merit. Which he probably did, as bad as it was, I do not think Mystery Science Theater would have even touched this thing without such a big star being in it.The story, well it is kind of difficult to explain. This is probably due to several factors as I do not think this was a whole movie to begin with, but actually a film that had parts to it. Then there is the fact it was a MST3K episode, which means that it was probably further edited down to accommodate the show's run time. Still, even when you take into account this things the film is rather confusing. A future society where everyone works and are no longer able to watch cinemas like Casablanca. One man tires of the routine and finds a way to watch said film and others, though Casablanca is apparently the only one they were allowed to partly show. He gets caught and gets sent to rehab which consists of having his mind placed in a baboon. His body is lost because even in the future they do stupid things like allow children into areas they shouldn't be in and he is soon placed in the computer where he meets Rick and soon Aram Fingal (the hero) tries to interface with the computer while Apollonia James tries to help Fingal, but she also eats and gets fat off flav-o-fives while the fat man gets mad at Fingal messing around his computer! Aram and Rick are both played by Raul who does put some effort into his role here.The film made for a very funny episode of MST3K as there is just a lot of things to make fun of. The strange names of the people and of certain things, the whole Casablanca setting in the computer and when Raul's character makes his moves on a blond. There is no shortage of things to riff here, which in turn makes this a very strong and consistent episode with no real weak spots within. The bumps were pretty good, with the one featuring Servo being doppeled being the highlight.So no, this is not a film I would care to see without MST3K. Granted, there may be a few things one could gain as far as understanding the plot, but this thing is such a mess that I just do not believe seeing it uncut is going to help all that much. This was just one of those strange movies or whatever you wanna call it that would occasionally come on after you watched Sesame Street that bored you to tears, but you just did not have the ability to turn the television yet! Of course, I did learn something from this film and that is that the anteater is the most horrific animal ever!
billy_witch_doctor619 I loved Overdrawn at the Memory Bank simply because MST3000 did a wonderful job bashing the movie. Fingal (Raul Julia) is some Casablanca junkie who gets "doppled" into a body of a monkey for compulsory prophylactic rehab when his body becomes tampered with by a demonic child, sending him for a sex change operation instead! This somehow causes an energy surge in which Fingal stops dabbling in dopples and becomes trapped into the supercomputer HX368. He then uses his wit and cunning to make it through his self-perpetuated reenactment of Casablanca and to become interfaced with the HX368. All the while the computer which holds Fingals' memories and conscious are on the verge of being obliterated by the short shelf life of doppling cubes. I don't recommend buying this movie unless of course it is Volume 4 of MST3000 DVD set. I liked it for it's humor and weird filming effects. The whole movie is filmed like a dream sequence, with a slight haze around the lenses of the cameras.
I_R_Riley I actually got a headache from watching this film. I can't remember the last time that I felt that bad from watching a show. I won't even explain this move because you have to experience the pure nausea inducing movie to truly discover why life is so precious. I doubted everything, even the existence of myself, after about three minutes of this film. I don't remember much of the end. Just that it hurt. What I do remember involves a mysterious woman in a clam, a matrix like premise, doopling, cinemas, The guy who played in the Adams Family, a love story, A fat man, a bartender, and a headache. Just thinking about this makes me want to vomit. DOOPLING!
gch-5 Dull! Ohmigawd, dull, dull, dull. This movie is so painfully slow-moving, you'll long for the action scenes in "Monster-A-Go-Go" Here's a tip, there aren't any.) Two things first: One, this movie was financed by your public dollars. Two, it was originally aired on P.B.S. And all I can say is, for Gods sake guys, stick to "Antiques Roadshow" or civil war documentaries, or..or..ANYTHING BUT THIS!!Rial or Raul or whatever the Hell his name is (I'm damned if I'm going to go through this thing again to find out)is "The Desk Jockey Of The Future!!" who is being punished for basically being a day-dreamer. So, his brain is put into an anteater to "give him some rest" Thats right, forget the verbal warning, we'll just transplant your brain! Only, a kid on a school field trip (Through a "brain-transplant" facility? We just went to the Hostess Twinkie factory.)swaps his tag, and wackieness ensues. Or, it would in a real movie. In this case, painful, skull-crushing, mind-numbing boredom ensues.Now, since God knows I wouldn't want to spoil the plot(?) for you...many homages are made to "Casablanca", his dead mother shows up, he robs a major corporation of millions of dollars (I'm sorry, "flavo-fibes" or whatever)and many poorly executed 80's computer effects are used.(All done on a Commodore-64, I think)And yet, through all of this, NOTHING HAPPENS!!! You'll find yourself wondering if you remembered to feed the dog, or wash out a clean pair of socks for work tomorrow, because your poor brain will be hiding in the back corner of your skull to escape the relentless tedium onslaught of this film.MST3K took on this film, and even they were beaten. Mow your yard then watch it grow, have a new drive-way poured and watch it set, paint a wall and watch it dry...If you can find a duller way to kill an hour and a half than this film I don't even want to know what it is.