
1975 "Code name, D-Day, June 6th 1944"
7.1| 1h23m| NR| en

During World War II, a young man is called up and, with an increasing sense of foreboding, undertakes his army training ready for D-Day, June 6th, 1944.


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EssenceStory Well Deserved Praise
Nonureva Really Surprised!
Derry Herrera Not sure how, but this is easily one of the best movies all summer. Multiple levels of funny, never takes itself seriously, super colorful, and creative.
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
birdrecruit Just watched this on Amazon Prime and really enjoyed it. It was unusual and original. I found myself struggling to place it in the decade it was made at first. It was so authentic re the war, I thought it was just post war at first, then as the more liberal language came in , I thought it was the sixties. Turns out it was mid seventies. The film has a wonderful dream like quality with the hero foreseeing his own death. I don't know if the black and white film is shot on Ilford FP4 or not but it seems to have all its massive range of greys from white to black in it. This combined with the music and some of the documentary footage, although quite shocking at times, makes it paradoxically a beautiful film. Some of the documentary film was outstanding. I have never seen some of the invasion devices shown before. There was one like a huge Catherine wheel that sped on to the beach. There was another that just chewed through the barbed wire defences. Further, there was a shot from a bomber flying low over a coast line which was so clear and real it pulled you in totally to the fictive dream - it didn't have any of the usual distancing of many documentary or fiction films.Good film - I recommend it.
Rich Wright There are some who will proclaim this to be a modern classic, a brilliant parable on the realities of war and the effect it can have on the psyche. I cannot agree. Through all of the archive montages of buildings being set on fire, planes flying through the air and squaddies setting out to sea, I was just twiddling my fingers. If I wanted to see old Pathe footage, I would have watched a documentary. But I didn't, so the fact so much of it takes up the meagre 72 minutes running time strikes me as outright lazyness.Mind you, what's actually been shot for the film isn't too great either, as our too-polite-by-half main character gets enrolled in the army during training scenes that are about 1% as interesting as those in Full Metal Jacket. We then follow his career until D-Day itself, falling in love with a girl at a bar and voicing his disquiet at the conflict in the letters he sends. Problem is, this bloke is as dull as ditchwater, and his fellow soldiers, on the rare occasions they open their mouths, are just a bunch of one-dimensional stereotypes. The most interesting participant here is Tina, the cocker spaniel our young recruit says goodbye to at the start. Someone get that dog a contract.I can appreciate the use of a bit of celluloid material from back then, to set the scene and give us an idea of what life was like during the period. But here, it monopolises half the length, which is far too much for a product marketed as a movie. And why did they have to choose to follow someone so vanilla in the title role? I was reminded of the film Titanic, where despite the hundreds more enthralling prospects on board, the director opted to show us the lives of the two most tedious passengers. WHY?? By the time his eventual fate is revealed, and has done or said nothing to endear us to him... so, who cares?War can be many things... but surely it should not send you to sleep? 4/10
Joseph Sylvers Mixes archival footage of World War 2, with fictional story of a young man getting ready to go off to war. The archival footage, serves as the young man's thoughts and fears about going into battle. Scenes of air raids and bombings are spliced together with the scenes of sitting on the bus, being polite, and just doing normal everything things. The film ends with D-Day, where our hero is among the first to storm the beach, the point where fact and fiction finally meet. Strange, and bizarre military weapons you have never seen before(the rocket wheel???), the barbed wire removing vehicle, appear throughout as well as amazing Arel footage. The most unique and effective "war" film ever seen. Like Ambrose Bierce's "An Occurrence At Owel Creek", for the WW2 generation. It really puts you in the place, not of a soldier, per say, but of a human being, undergoing the process of becoming a soldier, facing the dread, anxiousness, and absurdity, with a solemn dignity, "Im not frightened", he writes to his parents, admitting he is almost certain he is not coming back.Overlord cannot easily be place as either a pro or anti-war film. The situation of a gentle, very boyish, nice guy being sent off to the worlds most violent and dangerous conflict in all it's history (he takes a copy of "David Copperfield" with him, so he will have something to read.), is absurd, but it's not handled for irony. There is a scene, where two soldiers are off for R&R and they stumble across a theater, where a young girl is being forced to sing, by her mother in practice for some kind of competition. When the soldiers enter, the mother demands she sing again, though the daughter is even more shaken by the unexpected audience. She sings, and about halfway through the soldiers walk off, in disgust or discomfort, the mother still begging them to stay and listen. Do the soldiers want to fight? No more than this girl, wants to sing,but for mother and mother country, they both do their share. The reason to watch this film, is because it contains none of the usual images and ideas we come to expect from war and anti-war films. Englad took tremendous beating during World War 2, for years sending their sons to stem,the rising tide of Nazism, inching ever further across the sea between them. Overlord, is thus not the story of heroic victory, or the horrors of war, it's the story of the guy who got sent out, the day-after he made a date(from his level of excitement, maybe his first),and who will probably not be making it back...
Polaris_DiB "Overlord" is one of the most disembodied and surreal war movies ever created. It's the story of a soldier, Tom, who joins the British Army, trains, then gets sent to the D-Day Invasion (Operation Overlord) and is promptly shot.What makes the movie remarkable, however, is that it uses stock footage of the war interspersed with original footage, strange and original sound-mixing, and discontinuous editing to trace the soldier's progress of mental states to that moment of clarity right before he dies. Past, present, and future are all collapsed into one moment, and an image that provokes a response earlier has a key relationship with an image that comes later. Death, sexuality, and despair are clumped together as well, creating one of the most artful and poetic works ever made on war--which is important, considering that pseudo-poetic "antiwar" movies are made all the time that often break down into over-indulgent action films. No, this movie shares a lot more with Dziga Vertov's "The Man with a Movie Camera" than "The Sands of Iwo Jima".--PolarisDiB