Really Surprised!
Anoushka Slater
While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Lucia Ayala
It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
Married Baby
Just intense enough to provide a much-needed diversion, just lightweight enough to make you forget about it soon after it’s over. It’s not exactly “good,” per se, but it does what it sets out to do in terms of putting us on edge, which makes it … successful?
Every zombie, or undead apocalypse is a bit different then the last, and this one is no different. A lot of the same, with that hint cilantro.This take has you go from first person (it reminds me so much of the House of the Dead movies), to third person often. Lots of blood and gore, some jump scares, and maybe a happy ending? But, does any apocalyptic movie ever really have a happy ending.Think about it though, in the end what wouldn't you do to find your family?Dr. Lauren Chase who is a member of the CDC, will find out just that.Dr. Chase, with a small group of others, is sent out to find and retrieve uninfected people. But, is she really who she says she is?Wink wink.
She's not!
Pandemic looks very generic, and it is most of the way through, but it eventually becomes a sneakily good horror flick with a pretty satisfying ending. Basically, If you like horror for the novel kills and shocking chills, this movie may disappoint. But if you like Horror for a haunting ending that makes you think a bit, you may like it... So to be honest, I only watched this movie because I really dig Rachel Nichols, so if you're a fan of hers you won't be disappointed as she was as lovely and watchable as ever here. She and Alfie Allen (who shows off a great American accent in the film) were the movies standout performers.The plot is bare bones: We're following a Doctor, played by Nichols, leading a rag tag team on a hunt for survivors of a pandemic. From there on out the movie descends into zombie movie, or pseudo-zombie movie, tropes all the way through:People doing selfish things immediately followed by people doing stupid things, 'Not Zombies' getting bashed to death followed by humans dying. It's just the same old genre clichés. There's also no one to root for or care about here, not even Ms. Nichols.The movie itself was quality from a production angle (nice cinematography, sfx, makeup, and first person action) but the story was dull and boring, the protagonists selfish and unlikable, doing everything in their power to undermine the cause of saving humanity for their own selfish aims (Not to mention how dumb they were). But as I stated in the opening sentence, this movie totally comes together in the third act, providing a really poetic and fitting ending that I think will satisfy most any horror fan. I really think it's worth a 90 minute investment.
First of all, why are they wearing those helmets when they are out of mesh? You can actually see through them in the gallery! Why don't they use actual rubber or some kind of cloth? This is totally ridiculous, is this out of laziness or stupidity? The Story and set is OK, acting as well, but the rest pretty much is not so good and makes it awkward to watch.
Paul Magne Haakonsen
After I saw the trailer for "Pandemic" by sheer luck on YouTube, I just had to track down this movie and get it watched, especially since I am a huge zombie aficionado. And the trailer for 2016's "Pandemic" looked really intense.Well, at least the trailer was intense. The actual movie, meh... It was actually semi-boring, which was somewhat of a disappointment and a slap to the face. I must expect that I had expected a lot more from this movie after having seen that trailer.Certainly there were some good parts to the movie, and those parts had lots of action and a really great and fast pace to it. And that was really what held the movie afloat.This is not a movie that is driven by acting performances or by character development. Actually the characters in "Pandemic" were very mundane and generic, to the point where you didn't really care if they died or survived, and it didn't matter who died and who survived, because they were essentially the same character, just with a different face.The acting in the movie was fair enough, taking into consideration the limitations that the acting talents had to work with in terms of script and direction.The first person view that permeated the movie was a different but not entirely unwelcoming approach to the zombie genre. Sure it has been seen before, but it actually worked out well enough in "Pandemic".A zombie movie needs proper special effects, and honestly, then "Pandemic" was limping here. The special effects and CGI effects were not impressive to be bluntly honest, and that was sort of holding the movie back in a way.Putting the cards on the table, then I have to say that "Pandemic" was an adequate movie in terms of being entertaining. But it was far from being an impressive movie addition in the zombie genre.