A lot of perfectly good film show their cards early, establish a unique premise and let the audience explore a topic at a leisurely pace, without much in terms of surprise. this film is not one of those films.
Diana Mariska
The story is about a young girl named Kugy who has a great fantasy and believes herself as a Neptune's agent. She loves writing fairy tales. She has two best friends, Noni and Eko. One day, she met a boy, Keenan, who is Eko's cousin. Keenan's desire is on painting. After both meet, Keenan started to drawing illustrations for Kugy's tales. They're completing each other. The problem rises when Wanda, whose father owns a gallery, comes to their life and has a crush on Keenan. Noni, who is Wanda's cousin, is trying to juxtapose them. Suddenly, Kugy stays away from Keenan and her friends without explanation. Noni feels bad about it and doesn't try to approach Kugy. Kugy runs herself into a village school called Sakola Alit. There, she busies herself by teaching a group of children. Because she spent most of her time there, she broke up with her boyfriend, Ojos. After found out that Wanda is not good for him, Keenan quits from college and flies to Bali for reach his dream as an artist because his father doesn't want him to be an artist and wants him to have a degree in economics. He stays with Pak Wayan, an old friend of his mother. There, he met Luhde, a beautiful young girl. After spending some times together, they both start to having crush on each other. After get separated with her friends, Kugy finally finished college and starts to work in a company owned by his brother's friend named Remi. After some times, Remi found out that Kugy is very unique and he tells Kugy that he loves her. Noni, in a different place, finally find out that Kugy was falling in love with Keenan and that is the reason why she stayed away from them. She feels so guilty that she finally apologizes to Kugy and at that moment Noni tells Kugy that she is going to marry Eko in the next month. Meanwhile, Keenan have to go back to Jakarta because his father is suffering by stroke and he has to run his father's company. After landed in Jakarta, Eko comes for visit him and tell him that he is going to marry Noni. A month later, in Noni and Eko's wedding, Kugy and Keenan finally meet after a long time. But they both now have they're own mate.