Paper Boys

2009 "When selling door-to-door is mostly a metaphor"
3.7| 2h6m| NR| en

A ragtag bunch of teenage door to door salesmen wreak havoc and spread the news of their coming of age in this summer before they begin their college lives. It centers around Sean, a sexually confused and drug afflicted teen who just can't seem to shake off his dysfunctional family history. Paper Boys is an adventure into the psychology of sales as a metaphor for life as these young "Glengarry Glen Ross" wannabes terrorize a suburban neighborhood near everyone!


Producted By

Aware Productions


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BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
ClassyWas Excellent, smart action film.
Griff Lees Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
Kinley This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows
Timothy gibbons This looks like someone's homemade cell phone video, and the level of analysis is certainly no better. In nearly all cases, all that is shown of the film is a theatrical trailer which often provides no indication of what will make the film so disappointing. Early on we get an exception with paper boys where the examples for how bad the film truly is are apparent in the trailer. Most of the time the writer perceives the film as good, without any real demonstration or support, which is certainly difficult if this is all you can afford to pay for. The story line is reclusive at best broken up with an amateurish computer sequence of thrown popcorn. A coffee table book would be more useful and more fun. This film gets an F.
neworld-1 Paper Boys is in my view a sort of "Last Picture Show"...with many of the very best elements of that classic. It is quite it's own picture though, with both the curses and blessings of limitations regarding indie films in general. Production value is very good and some of the acting is of very high quality. The screenplay itself is excellent and well above par for films of this nature. The music is a real standout. The score is lush at times, and minimalist at others. I would venture to say this certainly is not your "epic" film, but it is however exactly the kind of film one seeks from independent film makers. A well done personal statement, a room with a view. I highly recommend the film for it's originality and dark humor. Kudos to all involved in this project!
hoiair There's no one thing that stands out in this film. It is like some of those old rock albums that had no singles, but the album was great. This film had a great ensemble cast and it was more like an alternative family than a cast. The music was, at times, quirky at others rich and ambient, both appropriate. Unlike most American films, this film did not tell me how I was suppose to feel; it just produced a complex tapestry of emotions. Strangely, and without giving the ending away, it allowed both a full tragic catharsis while leaving you with a positive feeling on the way out the door. Just the way I like it. And the actors were all really cute... that didn't hurt!No doubt, one must compare the film to it appropriate genre family members, and credit must be given with consideration of the challenges of budgetary constraints and the challenges that go with that. However, though I agree, it was not "The Outsiders" (but similar), it had a great combination of simplicity contrasted with complexity as some others have said. I was not predictable, though I thought it would be. You cannot possibly predict the ending. It was satisfying on several levels despite the inherent inadequacies within low budget film making.
jaxscript Let's start with the fact that clocking in at 2 hrs 15 mins this movie was 30-45 minutes too long, and in a movie that's poor to begin with, that adds insult to injury. Although there were a few good performances, they are the exception to the rule with this cast. (The child actor who played the lead character as a young boy was the acting highlight of the film)Also, some of the actors seemed poorly cast. I don't fully blame them as they were saddled with a terrible script and camera work that at times was so shaky. (The poor choice of shots often helped bring down the effectiveness of some scenes) The story revolves around Shawn, a 17 yr old just out of rehab and still trying to figure out what he wants or expects out of life, as well as his sexual orientation. He works with a group of men his age, led by a few 20 somethings who seem to do nothing but try to sell newspaper subscriptions, do drugs (this movie makes one of Atlanta's best and most well known bars look like a drug den), and bitch about their lives. This is a case of a possibly compelling story told poorly. The character development was sketchy at best and left you feeling like there should have been more. (Regardless of the long running time) The script was so convoluted I had a hard time following what character development there was, not to mention when they were cutting to flashbacks.(And on at least one occasion, who's flashback it was) This was a low budget production, and I applaud anyone who can turn out a finished movie to the public, but I'm not sure what could be done to make this film worth your time.