Paranormal Activity

2007 "What Happens When You Sleep?"
6.3| 1h26m| R| en

After a young, middle-class couple moves into what seems like a typical suburban house, they become increasingly disturbed by a presence that may or may not be demonic but is certainly the most active in the middle of the night.


Producted By

Blumhouse Productions


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Dorathen Better Late Then Never
SpunkySelfTwitter It’s an especially fun movie from a director and cast who are clearly having a good time allowing themselves to let loose.
Huievest Instead, you get a movie that's enjoyable enough, but leaves you feeling like it could have been much, much more.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
The Movie Diorama This is it. Regarded as the most profitable film ever made. The seed that grows into every future Blumhouse horror film as you witness "from the producers of Paranomal Activity" so frequently, that you start questioning if your own life was made by those very same producers. Independently shot by Peli, viewers enquired whether the events that occurred were true...because they were so terrifying. Well, guess what? This was boooooring. A young couple are haunted by the paranormal and decide to set up some cameras to document the events. Maybe I was being ambitious, reading how critics praised the nightmarish scares and genius use of the found footage trope. Granted, the latter definitely felt refreshing as it borrows a similar idea from cult favourite 'The Blair Witch Project'. The subtle depiction of this supernatural entity destroying this couple's relationship was also intriguing. A few tense moments here and there where silence and acknowledging the unexpected are your greatest fears. Yet, all that laborious hard work accumulates to nothing. Honestly, I became quickly disinterested after the first twenty minutes. These characters have no expression, literally none. A light bulb has more personality than these two together. The script consists of "Katie!" or "Micahhhh!" as she gets casually dragged down the hallway. Micah seems more obsessed over his cameras and documenting everything rather than the safety of his girlfriend. Boyfriend of the year, am I right? The "scares" really are just loud noises, whether it be thunderous footsteps or slamming bedroom doors. Nothing here was frightening, just derivative nonsense. The ending, well...apparently there are four so I'm going with the theatrical cut, was terrible. I tried to stay awake, and my reward is a body flying to the camera? Time. Well. Spent. Look, I appreciate the realistic perspective it was going for and I see the appeal. But the monotonous acting, lack of scares and incredibly dull plot nearly made me fall asleep.
torstensonjohn A simple and extremely low budgeted film that will raise the hairs on the back of your neck. Shot with nothing less than a panoramic camcorder we take a voyeuristic ride into the spirited paranormal.A couple are terrorized by an unseen force. First, they try to film it - then they fight to stay alive. The one thing that stands out to me is over and over again they keep doing the same thing, waiting way to long to call ANY other demonologist or exorcist. I was tremendously surprised the film had solid editing and the two actors were amazingly realistic in their approach.Each time the film transitions from day to night the footage switches, not being hand held but to stationary on tripod, but to the same static bedroom shot. Because the camera never moves, you're encouraged to scrutinize every single shadow. Your eyes will pick up every sense of that room. When your senses are heightened to that extent, any sudden moves deliver twice the force. By any means this is not an OSCAR film but in sequence that relishes the mind and senses of horror. Next time you hear something go bump in the night, there's a chance - just a chance - that thoughts will turn to that static bedroom... and a hint of something moving. I give it a solid 6/10
andrewcaniglia The hype surrounding this film was probably the highest of any horror film since I've been old enough to watch horror movies. Yet, it falls remarkably flat. The scares are few and far between, and they aren't even that good. I have no idea how they staged the over the top film screening reactions that were constantly shown on TV around its release date.This film is not as scary as plenty of the other offerings in this genre. Annoyance is the main emotion I felt watching it, inspired by the male lead. He's a total man child doofus and he pisses everybody in this movie off with his macho antics.In fact, there's more than enough evidence to suggest the negative energy that attracted the paranormal activity was caused by how much of an disagreeable buffoon he was. He always chose conflict and resistance over peace and reconciliation, so that created the negative energy the psychic warned them about.
conneralexzander This is literally the worst movie I've ever seen. It is hours of boring, anticlimactic, unsatisfying, poorly acted disappointment. Whoever passes this movie as a good idea needs to be fired from life, because this was a complete failure. it literally had one scene worth watching, which is where the planquete catches on fire. I do not pass this as "good" mind you, I just really like fire. The ending was complete crap, and everything else in between was worse. It felt like it had no story line, but was put together by an amateur, as it was just a random sequence of events that did not mesh in any way. Please, watch something else. Do not be as foolish as I was, thinking that this would be a good film. It is literally the one movie I have ever regretted watching, and felt no emotion afterwords with the exception of disappointment.