
8.2| 2h40m| en

A village tough finally succumbs to the unconditional love of his angelic cousin, but his romance faces insurmountable challenges, including family opposition and his own delinquent personality.


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Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
Bluebell Alcock Ok... Let's be honest. It cannot be the best movie but is quite enjoyable. The movie has the potential to develop a great plot for future movies
romeorammohan a beacon lightever wondered why Tamil movies hardly get respect from foreign audiences its simple-"we don't appreciate our nativity in the golden screen"you heard me right -though Tamil cinema industry is expanding by leaps and bounds economically we are losing respect at the worldly stage(now even in bollywood).its simply because of the fact that we encourage style over substance all even the critics have started to praise movies superficially.(even an a.s.s hole named srinivasan from u.k has given this film 1/10 and sivaji 10/10 in the comments section for this film)okay lets get the point i am not hear to bash about the masala films but simply to bring before you the the treatment of realism in kollywood)enough said ,lets speak about Paruthi Veeran as mentioned its a beacon light a path which guides Tamil cinema into glory simply because it appreciates the Tamil culture and sticks to it ( and i am not superficially mentioning the slang or he country music but the emphasizing about the plot and screen play).the film has a rather simpler central plot but has a great character study and narrative to back it.the performances by the lead pair is the best i have ever seen in a Tamil film in the modern era .plus all the supporting cast have selected perfectly all around making it an a+ in terms of actingthe cinematography blends with film and it literally takes to parithiyur you hardly feel you are in a movie through outand regarding the direction ameer has many places to go and hope he continues his guidance of tamil cinema towards greatness along with all the other great tamil artists lots have been said about the film but this comment is not a review but a view of what Paruthi Veeran has done to Tamil cinema
Niv_Savariego Paruthiveeran is a great effort. With remarkable photography and great performances by the main actors. Karthik plays Paruthiveeran, a low-class orphan who is used to being a free personality, doing whatever he likes without any concern for custom or law. Priyamani plays Muthagalu, a stubborn, free minded, educated girl who is in love with him. They are, in fact, cross-cousins, and so, in a way (according to rural custom), should marry. But there was caste inter-marriage, and so, Paruthiveeran is considered unsuitable.Once Paruthiveeran falls in love with Muthagalu, everything changes. In a way, both have to sacrifice their freedom (and therefor themselves). This is a love that cannot be, but also cannot be stopped. It ends, perhaps appropriately, and very typical of Tamil folk stories and cinema (Kaadhal for example), in shocking tragedy.The story is original and compelling. Both characters are not generic, they surprise us with their decisions and choices. There is an inner tension between freedom and love (independence and belonging) and the tragic but inevitable way they conflict with each other. There are several great cinematic moments and inventions. The one in which Paruthiveeran, after tattooing his name next to his lover's on his chest, reaches for a peacock feather and caresses it, is memorable. The film tempers with some generic conventions - no makeup, no professional dancing and lip syncing. Some outside shots are taken from inside buildings, giving us a kind of 'peeping' feel. In one memorable shot, Muthagalu's father sits in a corner of his yard sadly watching as an entire day goes by.There are two 'spaces' in the film. The first - the open land, shot widely, almost 180 degrees of earth kissing sky. It is rural land, vast, limitless but also hopeless, unchanging. And the other space - an inside, between the walls of the house. The place were laws are kept and honor is upheld. It is a violent space, where freedom has to obey dignity, and so, our heroes have to act violently in order to stay free of it. Once they begin to love each other mutually, they pass from the first space to the second - from chance meetings outside, to planned ones inside. Like the earth and the sky, our couple's confinement signals their doom, they can only live outside, meet by chance, do whatever they wish to do, but only love each other in sudden bursts never by commitment. Once they let their love bond them, they start obeying its law, which crushes them. This is the inside, our second space, where change is possible, but our heroes can't survive it, their past freedom becomes their undoing (Paruthiveeran's friends, used to his visiting whores, attack Muthagalu, who is alone and unprotected because she has alienated her family).There is a tendency, among some western viewers, to regard any non-American or European cinema as some kind of an exotic artifact, showing us "how people live over there". If we wish to appreciate a movie for what it is, this arrogant attitude should change. This is not a film about "the caste problem" (there is no "caste problem", caste is a valid social construct with its own set of conflicts and paradoxes like any other). While some cultural knowledge may help, you don't have to speak Tamil to enjoy this film. It is a great work of art, coming from a remarkable cinematic tradition. An instant classic that has brought tears to my eyes.Tamil cinema deserves to be much more well known worldwide. Its main point of strength, for me, is in the way it uniquely utilizes folk elements (as opposed to "pop" elements), contesting hegemonic perceptions without being subversive. It is a mature cinema, yielding many excellent movies, with its own distinct film grammar and editing techniques. Paruthiveeran is a good entry point.
Aak After long time, a great movie for Tamil cinema from AmeerAmeer, his third movie. He made a great impact in Tamil cinema with 'Raam'. Now another magic with the name Paruthi Veeran. The film made with excellent sense of film making. Well written story and screenplay with perfect support from cinematography. Yvan as usual, did it again with Ameer, with wonderful nativity songs and background score that travels well with the story. the song with Ilayaraja (Ariyatha vayasu...) still occupies my mind.Karthi (brother of Surya, son of Sivakumar) did a fabulous job. No one will believe this is his first movie. amazing effort in his debut.Priyamani, after long time a lady lead has a great chance to perform and she did a fabulous job.This movie will change the career for both Karthi and Priyamani. This is a kind of movie that changes the way of Tamil cinema
guddu2486 i went 2 movie on first day and was totally surprised after the first half and totally shocked after the second. it is a flawless script backed by extra ordinary acting and superb directing. songs are too good and every scene of the movie is natural. karthi makes an impressive debut and it's unbelievable that he has chosen this kind of role for his first film and he more than delivers. another surprise package is saravanan. we never knew he can play a role to such perfection. priyamani also rocks and i don't remember any other tamil movie heaving a heroin like this one. kudos to ameer 4 using her so well. i could have given perfect 10 for this movie but i give it 9/10 because the climax was so shocking and i'm not able 2 get out of it's impact till now.

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