Passion of Mind

2000 "What if you had two lives at once. What if you knew that one life took place only in your dreams. What if you didn't know which life was real."
5.5| 1h45m| PG-13| en

A psychological romantic thriller where fantasy and reality become indistinguishable for a woman leading a double life in her dreams.


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Matrixston Wow! Such a good movie.
Ketrivie It isn't all that great, actually. Really cheesy and very predicable of how certain scenes are gonna turn play out. However, I guess that's the charm of it all, because I would consider this one of my guilty pleasures.
ChanFamous I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.
Cody One of the best movies of the year! Incredible from the beginning to the end.
noralee I went to see "Passion of Mind" because I usually get a kick out of the genre of alternate reality romances, i.e. "Sliding Doors," "Me, Myself, I," etc. But this was the worst one I've ever seen! I had to force myself to sit through it. I didn't even stay through the credits which is unheard of for me.The magical realism was completely missing because Demi Moore was grim and the lovers she was two-timing were guys who usually play villains, though each was kind of sexy and appealing.There was actually a psychological explanation provided for the dual lives, with a distasteful frisson of The Elektra Complex; maybe the magic shouldn't be explained for this genre to work.(originally written 5/28/2000)
michael1951 *** MAJOR SPOILERS *** Considering the way she butchered Hawthorne, I never thought I could bear another Demi Moore movie. But intrigued by the plot, I finally brought myself to watch PASSION OF MIND, and it ranks in my Top Ten or maybe even my Top Five.I'm not aware of any mental health organizations that issue film and television awards, but if there are, Demi deserves to be at the top of the list. Mental illness remains one of the few stigmatized conditions, and multiple personality disorder (MPD) may be the most stigmatized (and misunderstood) of all mental illnesses, perhaps because we're all so afraid of the disintegration of the personality. But Demi smashes the stereotypes, portraying a character who's a successful career woman despite her trauma-induced MPD, who faces her illness at times with soul-chilling fear but at other times with good humor, and who finally (with the help of a loving and supportive friend and ally) lovingly integrates these multiples into herself.The entire cast of PASSION OF MIND is superb, but Demi is absolute perfection and I'm not sure of anyone else who could have pulled this one off. It's not just a case of having to portray two different characters (personalities) but having to switch from her character's "stiff upper lip" into fear and uncertainty, then into humorous self-mockery, then into tender affection. And the closing scenes, as her character finally integrates her multiple selves, are a very sweet, tender, loving, and most of all realistic portrayal of MPD integration that's in no way sensationalized.A perfect performance by Demi in a perfect movie! PASSION OF MIND (2000) * Demi Moore, Stellan Skarsgard, William Fichtner, Sinead Cusack,Peter Riegert, Gerry Bamman, Julianne Nicholson. Dreadful romantic fantasy with echoes of Richard Matheson and `Sliding Doors' with Moore as a womanwho suspects she's living two simultaneous lives in a dreamscape. Lugubrious and plodding with a laughable scriptand overtly heartfelt `acting'. Easily the worst film in Moore'scanon. (Dir: Alain Berliner)
moonspinner55 Surprisingly absorbing film that requires your patience (to let it unfold) and your attention (to capture all the nuances, and they are there). Demi Moore (looking angular and pale like Courteney Cox-Arquette, yet more flexible) is very fine as a woman living parallel lives, one of which is a dream-world. She's a widowed book reviewer in France with two kids and also a literary businesswoman in New York City. Complicating matters are two separate lovers (and shrinks!) who all say that the OTHER life she's having is a dream. Plot is laid out in elementary terms (with some nice surreal edges there at the finale) and I found it a pleasant, intriguing bit of fantasy, quite romantic in its melodrama. And for the poster who hated this on both plane flights he saw it on, heads up: most films look bad on planes. *** from ****