Really Surprised!
if their story seems completely bonkers, almost like a feverish work of fiction, you ain't heard nothing yet.
Robert Joyner
The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
Neive Bellamy
Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.
The idea that "Oswald acted alone" has been surprisingly popular in recent documentaries. It seems that this appalling event in American history still has important resonances today that require the message of "Oswald acting alone" to be frequently regurgitated. The wealth of misinformation concerning the assassination of John F. Kennedy continues unabated with documentaries like Peter Jennings' Beyond Conspiracy (2003), Oswald's Ghost (2007) and The Kennedy Assassination: 24 Hours After (2009) all of which promote the lone assassin theory as fact.The problem with these documentaries is that the wealth of information pointing to a conspiracy is strictly ignored or derided. Information is cherry picked, manipulated and fabricated to lead the viewer to the conclusion that Oswald acted alone. Why it is still so important to promote this version of events in the face of other more disturbing evidence?The Zapruder film is the "thorn in the side" for anyone promoting Oswald as the lone shooter. Some "documentary" films such as The Kennedy Assassination: 24 Hours After, simply ignore the fact that Kennedy's head is seen to jerk backwards as a bullet strikes, as if there is a general consensus that the official version of events is undisputed. Peter Jennings' Beyond Conspiracy states that Kennedy's head jerking backward is no sign of where the bullet came from. Remember that before the Zapruder film was finally released to the public, the official story, confirmed by Dan Rather and others, was that Kennedy's head jerked violently forward so as to indicate a bullet hitting him from behind. This official description of the Zapruder film, tailored for public consumption, is the exact opposite of what is clearly seen in the Zapuder film.Peter Jennings' Beyond Conspiracy almost reaches the hysterical in its attempt to prove conclusively that conspiracy theorists like Oliver Stone are wrong. What is clear, is that Peter Jennings' Beyond Conspiracy is poorly disguised propaganda. It is as objective as NBC's infamous hit piece made to discredit Jim Garrison and his investigation into the Kennedy assassination.Documentaries that promote "Oswald as the lone assassin" seem to have greater budgets, audience exposure and production values when compared to the numerous "home-made" documentaries that support a conspiracy.One of the most compelling documentaries that supports a massive conspiracy to have Kennedy assassinated is JFK II or Dark Legacy. While some of the suppositions contained in the documentary are theoretical, the filmmaker has without doubt presented a version of events, supported by available material, that points to high-level Government/Military/Covert involvement in the murder of John F. Kennedy. Another piece of remarkable footage, too rarely seen, is the removal of Kennedy's secret service bodyguard from his open top limousine. The secret service officer is seen to be surprised at being ordered to "stand-down" by a superior officer and raises his arms in an unmistakable gesture of incomprehension. This telling piece of footage is not shown in any documentary supporting Oswald as the lone assassin.It is public record that Oswald was an American Government asset. He had an FBI employment number S179. This information again is never sited in documentaries that promote Oswald as the lone shooter.It seems that much has been learnt by American covert agencies in regard to "cover-stories" put out in the aftermath of the Kennedy assassination. It certainly helps to have a compliant and malleable Corporate Media to preach your message. Even if truthful information is unintentionally made available it can be easily undermined with misinformation, lies and propaganda. As is the case with the attacks on 9/11, any relevant information can be withheld, subverted, altered or swamped in a sea of misinformation.
The 3d emulation which all this movie is based on is quite impressive and visually interesting and fascinating. But this documentary is too poor of important elements. No words from the many witnesses, no investigation on the many photographs and other elements and mostly, denies the last shoot to JFK's has been done from a different angle than the book deposit. Who would like to get a better idea about what happened i suggest everyone to look for the movies "the men who killed Kennedy" by Nigel Turner. Around 10 hrs of informations, evidences and witnesses interview that can really give you more clues about JFK's assassination.
The time spent on Oswald's childhood and his brother's "expert" opinion was nothing but a waste of time and proved nothing. The animated version of the Zapruder film was unnecessary and open to many inaccuracies, it's not like the cut and paste of computer saved files. It's the Flintstones or some Disney cartoon. Why do it when you have the Zapruder film!! The fellow shooting the gun in the allocated time only proved that the gun could be fired in the time frame, he wasn't aiming at anything!! It's operating the bolt and finding and re-aiming at the target that takes time!! The show does emphasize Zapruder frame 223 where Connaly appears to be hit based on the movement of this lapel. That was convincing however they fail to point out that Kennedy's arm is already showing reaction which would not be possible if it were the same bullet. They also fail to point out that Connaly by frame 232-233 was showing no reaction to the hit and only displays reaction at 236.The show only served to prove the conspiracy not to disprove anything. A better presentation would be to line up the debatable points and present both sides.
I like the scientific evidence and computer generated timelines that were created from the Zapruder film for this news special. They served to provide a different take on the shots fired and more concrete support that it was just Oswald acting and not a conspiracy.The whole focus of this show was to make as much evidence known as possible to make it impossible that there WAS a conspiracy. However, all of the evidence itself surrounded their argument that the only bullets that struck and killed Kennedy himself were fired by Oswald. That alone does not prove that Oswald acted alone in shooting Kennedy, it only proves that he fired the only bullets that HIT Kennedy.It is a fallacy in itself to assume that Oswald acted alone just because he was lucky enough to hit all 3 shots. He could have been paid off by any number of socialist/Communist organizations that he worked for, or by Castro himself. Heck, there could have been another shooter out there that day, that either fired shots and was not noticed or detected because of the actions of Oswald, or never fired shots because he realized that Oswald succeeded, and the the support help was not necessary.There are just so many theories that were not discussed in this program. Granted, there is no way you can touch on everything in a 90 min program. Heck, you couldn't do it in a 10 hour miniseries. However, spending 1/3 of the show debunking the film JFK was not time well spent in my opinion.