Phase 7

5.9| 1h35m| en

A man protects his pregnant wife from their neighbors after the apartment is quarantined.


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Also starring Yayo Guridi


Supelice Dreadfully Boring
Kidskycom It's funny watching the elements come together in this complicated scam. On one hand, the set-up isn't quite as complex as it seems, but there's an easy sense of fun in every exchange.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
alshwenbear1 Starts slow, not really impressive, but after a while it gets where it suppose to! Fortunately for me I speak Spanish, so I was able to capture the "cultural-mood" that many times is so important, and the best part is that I didn't give up on the film! (Originally I started watching it dubbed in English, and it was "killing" the narrative) The atmosphere goes from being irrelevant to be quite suspenseful, and the characters are extremely convincing, each one of them reflecting what all of us really are, different minds, and for better or worse unprepared for what it may be an apocalypse's real scenario, and this is why the bad reviewers couldn't grasp, a smart and well developed argument. Two weeks ago I lost power; I found a flashlight and several candles, but no matches! And that is where I identify with Coco (Daniel Hendler), and I waited and my mood was the same as if there was light, but what if electricity has never come back? What if things go from bad to worse and I don't have a choice but going berserk on my neighbors or them on me?The easy unpredictability of a person is one of the most important arguments of this obviously low budget movie, and regardless of that, becomes more impressive than a multimillion production; the witty, the irony, the moody the bitchness, the black humor, everything adds up to deliver without sexual or raunchy situations, and this is something that every filmmaker should consider, is about the real moviegoers, and not the airheads, and adding up a great actor such as Federico Luppi, ("Pan's Labyrinth", "Machuca", "The Devil's Backbone", "Men with Guns", "Cronos"), is a great bonus, as always no spoilers, but my opinion to those who did not like it is: watch the whole thing, or give up on good movies and stick to the Transformers franchise!
microfame I've lately been finding myself repeatedly impressed with foreign "horror" films, such as 'Black Water' and 'The Reef' from Australia and 'The Dead' from England, set in Africa, and to this I'll add Argentina's 'Phase 7'. I think it highlights how formulaic and risk-averse Hollywood cinema has become. When I watch foreign films with 'real' characters you can care about, I think "that's what's missing from newer American films!" And to the reviewers who complained about Pipi's violent mood swings, you've never lived with a pregnant wife or girlfriend, pal! As a Stormtroopers of Death fan back in my youth, I was on board the moment the menu came up with S.O.D.'s signature tune chugging away. Coco and Pipi's neighbor, Horatio, is just the kind of guy you WANT living next door when the world ends. I laughed out loud when Coco has to admit he has no idea what Horatio's military hand signals mean, when they are up on the roof. These foreign films are treading on such well-worn cinematic paths, yet they seem so fresh to me. Well worth seeing. And I've been wondering since I watched Phase 7, about the young couple and the Chinese being the only survivors into the 'new world'.....could be a message there....
zlee415 The production of this movie was great. For the exception of one very unrealistic firefight scene, if you watch the movie you should know the one i'm talking about without me spoiling it. Now the effects, and actors were great, but it's time for the bad. The writing in this movie was just the worst of the works. The worst thing is that throughout the whole movie the wife is acting like a total b!tch towards her husband as if he's coming in late from bars every night. I don't exactly know if it was written for her to act this way, or if it was the actor herself that made it seem this way. Either way it bothered me throughout the entire movie. The second bad writing part is of the husband. With just half the sh!t he sees in the movie a real person would have spoken the truth to the women they were married to, but not this guy he doesn't share anything with her until he has to. Again even after he does share her attitude still seems that of a wife whose husband keeps coming in late at night from bars. So the whole thing about this is that the husband and wife seem not to care about the epidemic even after people start dieing. Which is just the worst writing for a family of two about to have a child. Everyone knows that any right minded pregnant women would be taking every precaution to keep her child safe, but in this movie the family seemed to be as worried about getting the virus as dead people are of getting fat. It makes as much sense as the sentence I wrote just before this one. 5/10 stars and it only did that good because the production was actually well done.
Albert Muick You know, in the last few years, it seems the foreign cinema is out to show Hollywood what it's all about. There have been great French horror films in the last two years (Prey and La Horde come to mind) and now there is Phase 7 (Fase 7) from Argentina.The movie centers around the lead character Coco and his wife, who are expecting a child. We learn that the wife is 7 months along. The story opens with them stocking up on groceries like they always do and bickering a little. They see a huge rush of people come in and furiously start shopping but don't really think anything of it.When they return to their condominium building and begin sorting groceries, they receive a call during dinner that one family member is to go to the lobby. Coco goes down and is informed that the building is in quarantine and the Ministry of Health will have people come and check on them.Coco and his paranoid maniac friend Horacio band together as the residents of the quarantined building begin to turn on each other for food and because they think someone is infected.Coco is a slacker. An oaf, who is decidedly pacifist, and is content to let his pregnant wife change lightbulbs. When Horacio arms him and gives him a bio-suit, he is clumsy and twice gets knocked silly by wall-mounted concussion grenades.The violence gets bloody at the end with a surprise twist. I won't give this one away, so you'll have to watch the film. I saw it with English subtitles that were pretty spot-on, but it was nice to be able to practice my Spanish a bit as well.All-in-all, this movie should be destined to be nominated (and maybe win!) an award or two, and is one of the better foreign films I've seen this year. Hats off to everyone involved. You had my attention for the whole movie and I actually enjoyed it! Thank you!