Captivating movie !
This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Neive Bellamy
Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.
Jenna Walter
The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
This film is an excellent example of great storytelling. It's a simple film that relies on subtly to tell a deeply human tale, instead of gratuitous sex, massive explosions or over the top violence. In short, if you enjoy films that explore real life, then this film is for you. Pit Stop succeeds in delivering a very authentic depiction of a part of American life that doesn't get a lot of unbiased coverage. Another aspect of this film which is refreshing when compared with other LGBT films is that it has what I would consider to be an overall positive message. That does not mean it is devoid of angst and conflict; however, this film does a better than average job of balancing the very real challenges many gay men face with a thread of hope and an emphasis on personal fulfillment.Speaking as a straight woman, I also found this film to be one which has value that extends beyond the LGBT community. Put another way, it really is a film for everyone. It does not depict gay people as living in a bubble, nor does it use straight people as mere props. The straight characters have depth and are portrayed sympathetically, which are things I find many LGBT themed films lack. I highly recommend Pit Stop to anyone who enjoys movies about everyday people and think it would be an especially worthwhile movie to watch for anyone with a gay family member or friend.
Brigid O Sullivan (wisewebwoman)
I liked the two leads, genuine, warm performances, especially the dad.It was poorly filmed, very dark and shadowy at times, I so hate squinting at the screen.And the two leads with beards didn't help matters.BUT, the film took a long time to get to where it was going.Which was literally nowhere but a one night stand.Yes, it was tender. But there was absolutely no development of the characters' relationship. Unless you include that old cliché of the bad script shortfall featuring a couple silently laughing and laughing together over stuff the audience is never privy to.Odd unsatisfying effort. Like a sundae full of imitation ingredients.3 out of 10
Small quiet film about a few gay men in a small town in Texas. Each of their stories, some totally unrelated, until Gabe and Ernesto meet. Excellent quiet plain talk movie. Real people problems and lives all at the same time, but overwhelming, a few stories that end in one.If you want 'young' gays from big cities, big gay communities, stereotypes, lots or any sex scenes = ACTION, clichés, hot handsome 'model's, then this is not a film for you.If you want real people out there in the small towns that live real lives in a different place, real REAL conversations, situations, relationships, etc., Not a soundtrack from beginning to end of House Beat "Gay" music, then you could consider trying this movie.The director, Yen Tan, should be a giveaway to a style of film. NOT Hollywood, Not gay films for the young and horny, but a film about real people, other people, etc.For this type or style of movie, this one is great!
Pit Stop is a wonderful new film from director Yen Tan. It is the story of two mid-thirtyish gay men, Gabe and Ernesto, living separate but not totally dissimilar low key working class lives in the same Texan small town. Separately each man is yearning for love and emotional fulfillment while respectively struggling with his daily life and relationships. The focus is on Gabe and Ernesto but everyone in the film is a real person with a story to tell. All are portrayed in a thoughtful and empathetic way with no one casually discarded for the sake of storytelling expediency. This is a true character study of people finding their way in life and love and one cares about what will happen to them.Gabe is divorced but trying to sustain his family for the sake of his young daughter. He has recently been rejected by a male lover who is married and now moved away. Ernesto is trying to end a two year relationship that has fallen apart and has no future. At the same time he is dutifully visiting a previous lover who lies comatose in a convalescent home following a car accident. Both men want more but their personal situations and the small town environment constrain them from being who they are and achieving the love and intimacy they long for and deserve. Both men still want to be wanted.The film is beautifully made and the ensemble cast, led by Bill Heck as Gabe and Marcus DeAnda as Ernesto, is top notch. Pit Stop is a moving film that deserves a wide audience. Fans of Tan's earlier film, Ciao, will particularly like Pit Stop.