Plastic Disasters

6| 1h0m| en

Tummy tuck. Nose job. Lipo. Millions of people routinely undergo these cosmetic surgeries each year, hoping the results will help them look and feel better. But when something goes wrong, the consequences can be devastating. This HBO Documentary Films presentation exposes the dark side of plastic surgery with a look at three cases of procedures that went horrifically wrong.


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BroadcastChic Excellent, a Must See
Beystiman It's fun, it's light, [but] it has a hard time when its tries to get heavy.
Mischa Redfern I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
aeleceashleymiah I agree with the last review I read concerning the face lift lady and her body dismorphia although I have to say sometimes patients hide their "crazy" I personally use the same line as the nose job dr tat we may not be a good fit but she may have presented as normal. Her harassing the dr office is insane and I'm truly in shock that her being so unstable as to her reality she was featured in a show with this title. Some patients need to come with a warning label if I see those tendencies in someone it's just not a good fit works every time. I had a client get angry with me and verbally abuse me during a consultation because I refused to provide her with my past patients names and phone numbers. I told her we wouldn't work and as she left she told me the place she went before won't return her calls or texts to get further treatment lol.
Meta Pomeiske Oh my God, this documentary was really tough!! But I enjoyed watching it anyways, because it portraits cases gone wrong - horribly, I might add. It shows how the aftermath effects the rest of their lives...How commercials and telly shows brainwash one up to a point, when one decides to do plastic surgery, which is not really necessary. But that is vanity for you.I also liked the part, where the documentary makers included an explanation how the system works, how everybody in business craves to make a quick buck...The best part of this documentary, in my opinion, was the world war and surgery bit. I do love a bit of gory medicine....and the human body always keeps me wondering. You cannot imagine the kind of injuries in the face a human body can survive!!! I was flabbergasted by these photographs of the world war era.. Now, I want to read a book about medicine and war injuries. Good God, we all are miracles on two legs, this I understand now.Treat your body with care not by a scalpel!
Susan C. This documentary is about 3 people's experience in plastic surgeries. I found the story great, because they open everyone's eyes about cosmetic procedures.They tell you their stories about how their surgeries went wrong, and how they have to live with it. It's a good documentary if you wanna go under the knife; because you can see what could go wrong.In my opinion it has a good direction and great scenes. The directors tried to focus on reality now.There are 2 women and 1 man. They have different kinds of plastic surgeries, but at some kind of point the surgeries went wrong. They introduce you some testimonies of several people working in the industry of cosmetic surgeries.I found one of the stories kind of disturbing, but overall it gets a 8/10. Worth watching.

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