Playing It Cool

2015 "Love... it's a balancing act"
5.9| 1h34m| R| en

A young man meets and instantly falls in love with an engaged woman.


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Softwing Most undeservingly overhyped movie of all time??
Memorergi good film but with many flaws
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
Haven Kaycee It is encouraging that the film ends so strongly.Otherwise, it wouldn't have been a particularly memorable film
Far Ly Well, the movie does start great. It showcased the main character as someone who is trying to find and experience true love. The chemistry that happens between the main male and female character is really well acted, both the actors are very good in acting the attractions. The story was great until it comes to the conclusive part of the movie, where the cliché "happy ending" for the viewers everywhere. I mean come on, is this movie supposed to promote cheating? The ending was so abruptly unrealistic. It would've been better if it is not all about being happy in the end, cause we all know it's not always roses. It would be more meaningful if it ended differently, like how "500 Days of Summer" ended. Even though it's not happy ended, it gives the viewer a really meaningful ends, where we could learn something from the movie. 5/10 for the great cast but not so great script.
PeachHamBeach CAUTION: PROBABLE SPOILERS!!!I expected to enjoy Chris Evans as I am a fan since around 2010 or so, but with a title like Playing It Cool, I figured I was in for a very fluffy comedy, perhaps like the mediocre Nanny Diaries, or the sexy and funny What's Your Number?But this film, while it gave me a laugh or two in several moments, was more poignant than silly, more deep than fluffy. I am not even certain Evans' character has a "name" in the film, but the voice- over narration keep you close to his existence. He is extremely human, thus extremely flawed. But you're given such a fleshed-out, fully realised character that you understand why he is fiercely protective of what's left of his heart. He has a circle of friends, a writer who believes fully in the miracle of love (a brilliant Topher Grace), a performance artist whose feminist gore is quite jarring (Aubrey Plaza), a married but obviously bitter (and I'm afraid annoying and quickly tiresome) guy pushing 50 (Luke Wilson), a guy who lives in his van (Martin Starr), his loving Granddad (a warm and potty mouthed performance by the great Philip Baker Hall), and his enthusiastic agent (Anthony Mackie) who has gotten him a gig writing a romcom involving multiple personalities. Our nameless protag argues that he'd rather write action movies, but the agent promises that if "Me" comes through with the RomCom, he'll have the action movie job shortly afterward."Me" meets "Her" (Michelle Monaghan, and I'm unsure whether a name is mentioned for her either. And suddenly, this film is overflowing with tons of cleverness and imaginative visuals. That's what really makes it a strong movie for me. All the storytelling visual styles. Of course this dreamy, perfect woman is engaged to "Stuffy" (Ioan Gruffudd), the clichéd boring, snobby fiancé. Sometimes the story works in this arc, sometimes not. We're not given much of a look at "Stuffy", but I guess we're meant to route for "Me." It's not even "Her" story. It's "Me's" story, entirely from his POV. I loved how Evans submerged himself into each short story role, especially the Korean transsexual lovers' story. I also love that this movie is so LGBTQ friendly. It's very poignant in some places. I kept waiting for Evans to cry after the hits just kept on coming for the character. Even though I saw no tears, I could see the pain. He never disappoints as a true actor. The film is a very realistic look at the reality of love. Many times you will fall in love with someone who doesn't feel the same attraction you do. Mallory is in love with "Me"; "Me is in love with "Her"; "Her" believes she's in love with "Stuffy", but is also confused; She says he's the most "stable" thing in her life. Scott is in love with a guy who doesn't seem to get the hint for a long time; Lyle hooks up with a hot older woman Beverly D'Angelo) in his van, and is that the extent of his "love" life?; Samson is married but again, seems jaded, bitter and believes love is a crock; Granddad says, "Go after the woman you love, even if she says she doesn't love you." I would say this is bad advice because No means No. But "Her" does respond favourably to "Me's" kiss, and later out and out cheats on "Stuffy" with "Me." So it's not nonconsentual. It's flawed, but it's also surprisingly clever and fun to watch!
leonblackwood Review: I really wasn't that impressed with this film because it seemed to be going nowhere, right from the very beginning. Chris Evans plays a womanising writer who is struggling to come up with an idea for a Rom-Com. His agent promises him an action movie as his next project, if he produces the script but he is having problems with his personal love life because he can't get the woman that he really loves. The woman, played by Michelle Monaghan, already has a boyfriend so she becomes best friends with Chris Evans who can't get her out of his mind. His best friends try to help him through his emotional situation but his usual charms don't seem to work on Monaghan. I personally got fed up with the movie because Chris Evans just seems to be whining and moaning from one scene to the next. The director tried his best to keep the movie fresh by creating scenes from what is going on Evans crazy mind, but it's a basic Rom-Com which is corny and not that funny. The whole love story is quite boring, which is a shame because I liked the chemistry between the different characters. I was hoping for something a little different from this film but I struggled to stay interested and the constant whinging got on my nerves. Disappointing!Round-Up: I doubt that this small movie will damage Chris Evans career, after playing Captain America and the Human Torch in Fantastic Four, but it does show that he's not that great when it comes to Rom-Com's or anything without action in it. At 33, he must be laughing all the way to the bank because he also plays a big part in the Avengers franchise so this project must have pretty small compared to what he is used to. I'm just scared that he will get stuck when the big budget movies dry out. Personally, I like his cocky and self confident style of acting but he plays the same type of characters in all of his roles. He does show some emotion in the Captain America franchise and I really liked him in Injustice but he needs to come away from the comedies and action movies for a while to show that he has some more tools in the box.I recommend this movie to people who are into their Rom-Com's about a writer who meets a woman at a party and falls head over heals in love with her but she is promised to another so he tries his best to win her heart. 4/10
hthbrr2 This movie left me speechless it was so bad. It took me a while to be able to review it since it was so bad I had no idea where to begin.Well first of all a DOUCHBAG of a guy, yes I do not root for this @ss#0le at all, pretty much uses/lies to/abuses women. Why? Because his mother left him as a kid? REALLY? LOL MOST people have no real parents these days. Divorce rate is 50%. You MOSTLY have 1 parent most of the time.SO.... the writers EXPECT the viewer to root for this self-obsessed spoiled brat!? The main character is suffering from what best can be called "Entitled spoiled whiny stupid white boy syndrome." You know those guys that expect the world to revolve around THEM! Wow just disgusting.....He basically USES women as physical objects for his own gain ONLY, then whines/rants about how he has all these problems. So....everyone should care about you and no one else? Don't these women have problems as well? What about their feelings? Oh right sexism....who cares, just terrible.As always with "Entitled spoiled whiny stupid white boy syndrome" the subject just expects everything to fall into his lap. He takes a liking to a girl at an event, RIGHT AFTER insulting all the women at said event to be She is in a relationship. So what does our subject do, steal her away! Wow classic "Entitled spoiled whiny stupid white boy syndrome!"Here is what the writers do, ACTUALLY MAKE THE WORLD REVOLVE AROUND HIM. A woman would NEVER go with a guy that INSULTED her. They make her bf a worse man than our main subject. And the girl that is apparently 'in love' with our subject helps him to get this girl? Wow talk about wishful thinking. These things never happen...More gross things going on in this movie, everyone smokes...disgusting the encouragement of MORE bad behavior. Drink all your problems away...what? Just when it could not get any worse it does! He plans to ruin her wedding! Wow and of course she does not go through with it...random. Bad writing again. This whole movie is warped beyond any realism. NONE of these characters are real. They are even worse than a FANTASY movie. I mean like Harry Potter, at least the characters can exist minus all the magic.... I am assuming it was movies/media like this that encouraged shooters like Elliot Rodger to kill. "Why don't women come up to me?" He actually said it 'happened in the movies.' How sad movies like these exist and some people take them seriously. ENOUGH Hollywood, we see though your (rap. Stop making TOTALLY unrealistic movies. Yes, it's a 'rom-com' but this is too big a pill of lies to swallow!