
1999 "Welcome aboard"
4.1| 1h22m| en

A crew of astronauts are tasked with delivering three beautiful women to their superiors. Provided that they don't get seduced by them before reaching their destination.


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Surrender Cinema


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StunnaKrypto Self-important, over-dramatic, uninspired.
ScoobyMint Disappointment for a huge fan!
Helllins It is both painfully honest and laugh-out-loud funny at the same time.
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
Dr. Gore *SPOILER ALERT* *SPOILER ALERT* A four man crew and their handy android are transporting a mysterious cargo through space. The captain has to keep the contents secret or else his crew will go wild. When an alien spaceship tries to destroy them for their cargo, the captain has to go check it out himself. Well what do you know? It consists of three hot women. That's some good cargo. The crew is supposed to bring the women to an ambassador as some sort of "brides to be" peace offering but the men, and their hot cargo, have other ideas."Pleasurecraft" is a typical Surrender cinema sex adventure. Lots of soft-core sex in a sci-fi setting. Typical. This one actually tried to have a little bit more sci-fi than sex. What's up with that? There is actually a drawn out space ship attack. "Their shields are too powerful!" and "Beam aboard a torpedo!" etc. It was exciting stuff. But not as exciting as the three-way between the hot women! Actually, that scene wasn't that great. "Pleasurecraft" was kind of ho-hum. The best scene had one of the alien chicks and a crew member rolling around near a river. Other than that, it wasn't too exciting. However I did like the short blonde leader of the pack. Brandy Davis is hot stuff. One scene had her posing for the captain in some sort of virtual reality chamber as a cheerleader and other male fantasies. That was nice of her. Alien women know how to please.
Theo Robertson Interesting to note that the reviewers have commented at some length on the beauty of the actresses involved . Yes they certainly are attractive but even in soft core terms ( And we`re speaking very soft core here ) the acting is very wooden . Not only that but it features probably the most unconvincing love making scenes I`ve ever seen in these type of films , or indeed any type of film. Compare the sex scenes seen here with those seen in RITA SUE AND BOB TOO or BASIC INSTINCT and tell me what`s the more convincing sex scene
mattymatt4ever Why are there people trying to philosophize this movie? Talking about it like it's a real science fiction movie. The dialogue is terrible, the acting is terrible, the f/x are terrible, the story is almost nonexistent. But why go searching for those elements in a softcore porn flick? Because that's what this movie is! When you have beautiful naked women in virtually every scene, do we need much more? If this were a mainstream film, like "Showgirls," I would be concerned if the nudity outweighed all the other elements. But this is a direct-to-video sci-fi porno meant to give pleasure to the male gender--and the females too, if they swing that way. So why is there a user rating of 3.3? Are there feminists commenting on this movie? The film stars Amber Newman and Taimie Hannum, two of the hottest women of Surrender Cinema. And I liked the blonde one, too. She's also really hot. There are many steamy sex scenes, some straight, some women-on-women, that definitely make this movie worth the rental price.If you're looking for a film with substance and a story--you're in the wrong section of the video store. At least it's supposed to be put in the adult section. Some video stores put this movie in the sci-fi section. My score: 8 (out of 10)
Smooth B I've seen this movie three times, and every time I've seen leaves me scratching my head.You see, a ship full of sex starved space dudes (and one android) pick up these three gorgeous women who are being shipped as "cargo" to another planet to squash a potential war.For those of you who stopped after the word "women", that's where the movie should have stopped also. Unfortunately, it spends most of the 90-odd minutes elaborating on the stuff after "women".There's way too much "technical" dialogue for this to be a true skin flick; sure, the women are hot and yes, the crew all gets their turn with them (excluding the android, who seemingly has no feeling toward them), case in point:Hot space babe kisses the android guy.Hot babe: Hmm, that's strange. Most men desire our kisses. Android guy: Like I said, I'm not like most men.Hmph.Did I mention Taimie Hannum is in this?? Well, now I did.I was hoping for Dinosaur Island in Outer Space, but instead I'm left with....Beach Babes From Beyond. It's hard to say whether "Pleasurecraft" wants to be a "Star Trek" parody or a down-and-dirty, late-night softcore skin flick. There's a cameo appearance by the ever-so-curvy Shayna Ryan in one of the captains dream sequences....great stuff there. Other than that, try to tune out the space jargon and concentrate on the acres of naked flesh you're gonna see.