Pledge Night

1990 "Brothers to the end. The very end."
4.6| 1h26m| en

In order to become a member of a fraternity, the applicants have to go through initiation rituals to show their loyalty. Way back in the 1960s, someone played a nasty trick on the student Sidney Scheider: He had to take a bath in a tub filled with cornflakes and coffee grounds, vinegar and even more disgusting substances. Nothing unusual so far but someone had replaced the water with pure acid. Sidney was seriously wounded and died a horrible death. This year Acid Sid returns with a vengeance, killing everyone who comes his way. One by one is slaughtered and in the college hell breaks loose.


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Shapiro-Glickenhaus Entertainment


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Also starring Will Kempe

Also starring Cassandra Delaney


LouHomey From my favorite movies..
Ceticultsot Beautiful, moving film.
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
BA_Harrison Anthrax were always the most playful of thrash metal's 'big four', so it wasn't a big surprise for me to find that supernatural slasher flick Pledge Night, in which Anthrax singer Joey Belladonna has a blink-and-miss-it cameo, is far from serious. In fact, the first 40 minutes or so comprises almost entirely of juvenile hell week pranks perpetrated on new pledges by the brothers of the Phi-Epsilon fraternity; there's no horror whatsoever! All of this is really quite tedious and not in the least bit amusing, so it's a relief when the blood finally begins to flow, no matter how cheesy it all happens to be.The fun really starts when Phi-Epsilon brother Dan (Arthur Lundquist) becomes possessed by the spirit of Sid, a fraternity pledge who died twenty years earlier when a hazing prank went horribly wrong. Controlled by the malevolent spirit, Dan kills a bloke sat on the toilet, stabs another in the back with screwdrivers, electrocutes a girl in the bath, rams a food whisk down another's throat, and blows up some poor sap's butt with a cherry bomb. These deaths are relatively gore-free, but the film eventually delivers a few cheap but entertaining splatter effects after Sid emerges from Dan's back, Freddy Krueger style, and goes in search of more victims: we get strangulation with large intestine, an exploding stomach, a 180 degrees head twist, and one victim who is killed by having his head pushed into Sid's gaping stomach wound!On top of all this incredibly silly horror nonsense, Pledge Night also manages to deliver that other staple of the genre, gratuitous female nudity, serving up a grand total of six pairs of breasts, and a metal thrashing mad soundtrack courtesy of… you guessed it… Anthrax!3/10 for the woeful hazing antics of the first half; 6/10 for the second, horror-packed half. That's an average of 4.5/10, rounded up to 5 for IMDb.
RTheManF89 Definitely not the worst movie ever made, but I still found this movie to be ridiculous. I was intrigued to buy the VHS based on the cover, which is probably the only redeeming factor of this film, either that or the soundtrack by Anthrax. By watching this, I wasted 90 minutes of my life that may never be lived again.Sidney "Acid Sid" Snyder (Played by Anthrax's Joey Belladonna) accidentally died in a fraternity prank gone horribly wrong in the 1960s. 30 years later, new pledges are going through initiation rituals. In spite of his mother's warnings, one of the pledges, Larry Bonner still wants to join. During the weekend, Don, one of the senior pledges goes bananas and kills one of the fraternity brothers. Turns out, he was possessed by none other than Acid Sid, who later bursts out of Don's stomach. How original...not. Sid is basically a hippie version of Freddy Krueger who just goes around cracking jokes that I could tell better myself. Sid's real purpose in the movie, revealed at the end was a total joke.I have noticed that people have a soft spot for this film, and while I respect that, I just simply cannot begin to understand why. This was director Paul Ziller's first film, and I can understand that as well. However, it does not excuse the fact that, as said, Ziller copped out and displayed the victims' bodies after the murders. Thankfully, this film has yet to receive a DVD release.I would probably only recommend this to hardcore horror fans as well as HARDCORE (And I mean hardcore) fans of Anthrax. Otherwise, don't bother.EXTRAS: Grow some hair on that chest as a trailer for No Retreat, No Surrender 3: Blood Brothers (1990) appears at the beginning of the tape. This time, it's family!
arthurlundquist I just wanted to thank everyone who has ever gone to the trouble to see PLEDGE NIGHT. We shot it for next to no money in a couple of actual frat houses at Rutgers University in the middle of a blizzard in January of 1988 (any brothers out there remember us?). My name's Arthur Lundquist, and I played Badman Dan, the frat brother pretending to be brain damaged, who gets to kill off half the cast until the demon who drives me takes on human form and bursts through my stomach.It was just a cheap slasher film, but the blizzard gave us some extra atmosphere, the stuff about fraternity initiations is actually pretty accurate, and I think Acid Sid is pretty cool.We lost a lot of stuff in order to keep an R rating. We actually shot the frat boy having to swallow a worm, and you never got to see me pour honey over the poor guy's face and then dump a pile of positively enormous cockroaches on top. And when I killed the girl with the egg beater, there was a moment when I study her face, examining the condition of death, which becomes slowly more disturbing to me. Alas, the censors decreed that we could show breasts and we could show blood, but we could not show breasts and blood in the same shot. So out went that moment. Too bad, 'cause I think it had my best work in the entire film.Oh, the girl who I electrocute in the bathtub? You are seeing her in her last day as an actress. She never got a break, and had decided to leave acting, but wouldn't do it till she had at least one speaking part in a feature film. She got this part, and it wasn't great, but at least it had dialogue. She spent the whole night in a bathtub, which got progressively colder and colder as the (January) shoot went on. We shot the scene, it proved that someone liked her work enough to cast her in a feature film, and the next day she got on a train and left New York and acting forever. I wish her well.Me, I'm still out there. If you liked PLEDGE NIGHT, you might want to give THE REGENERATED MAN a glance. As a kid who grew up watching ATTACK OF THE CRAB MONSTERS and RETURN OF THE APE MAN on late night TV, it feels nice to think that someone might come across my work late on a cold winter's night.Arthur Lundquist
Toxikfoxx How can you fault any movie with 2 of the best death scenes ever! Well yeah, it's a horrible movie, and I have no idea how it's not in the bottom 100. To put it this way, any people (which is everyone I meet) that I make watch this movie, wish a painful death upon me. So you should all check it out.