Plötzlich fett

4.6| 1h29m| en


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Also starring Sebastian Ströbel


SmugKitZine Tied for the best movie I have ever seen
Salubfoto It's an amazing and heartbreaking story.
Dirtylogy It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
Horst in Translation ([email protected]) "Plötzlich Fett" is a film from 3.5 years ago starring Diana Amft. Amft to me is one of those actresses who really have more hype around them than their talent justifies it. She is seen as one of the most famous young actresses right now (can you still say young as she gets 40 this fall?). Anyway, her performance here did not change my opinion unfortunately. Then again, there is a lot more wrong with this movie apart from her performance. First of all, director Holger Haase is mostly known for shallow TV entertainment without much memorable qualities and "Plötzlich Fett" fits nicely into his body of work. "Das Geht Noch Was!" is his only big screen work so far. However, I have more respect for writer Sarah Schnier as I enjoyed "Barfuß bis zum Hals" a lot. So I am a bit disappointed about her involvement here. But may the film I just mentioned had simply much more talented actors, especially Brambach.So yeah, Diana Amft got some makeup on to appear as an overweight woman falling in love with Sebastian Ströbel's character, who has a great body. Don't really know Ströbel although I see he has acted in a lot of films. Randomly, the two switch bodies. She is thin, he gets the fat makeup all of a sudden. His behavior as a fat man and the whole sweating-quickly thing is supposed to be one of the comedic highlights of the movie, but for me it rarely worked. And the ending is of course totally predictable too. The two get back to their original looks and still love each other. Maybe the biggest problem of the movie was however, how it took itself far too seriously during several occasions. The way it tried to combine criticism against the society with totally ridiculous humor and comedy just did not work at all and felt really cringeworthy. The music also had a lot to do with it. The songs used here are all pretty famous (some of them great songs actually), but they were all so much in your face that it almost hurt listening to them and watching the scenes they were used for. Zero subtlety. They also could have included inserted text like "THIS IS AN EMOTIONAL MOMENT!" instead. Very very amateurish.Finally, this film confirmed my opinion that Amft may have lots of charisma, but not a lot of range. Admittedly, pretty much her entire co-cast has neither of the two. Not recommended.

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