Polar Trappers

6.8| 0h8m| NR| en

Donald and Goofy are trappers in the frozen south (Antarctica) with different approaches. Donald sees a penguin and dresses as one to lure her to the chopping block; Goofy baits a trap with fish (then acts like a walrus to capture one that steals his bait bucket).


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Walt Disney Productions


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WillSushyMedia This movie was so-so. It had it's moments, but wasn't the greatest.
Roy Hart If you're interested in the topic at hand, you should just watch it and judge yourself because the reviews have gone very biased by people that didn't even watch it and just hate (or love) the creator. I liked it, it was well written, narrated, and directed and it was about a topic that interests me.
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Brennan Camacho Mostly, the movie is committed to the value of a good time.
OllieSuave-007 This is a semi-funny cartoon from Disney, featuring Donald and Goofy in the polar ice-caps. Goofy is having troubles with this bait as a walrus stole his fish bucket and Donald is trying to make a meal out of penguins by disguising as one and luring a parade of them back to his camp.There are some funny moments here and there in the cartoon; I especially liked the part where Goofy is trying not to let the icicles fall on him. The "Parade of the Wooden Soldiers" song that Donald plays to lure the penguins to follow him is pretty catchy - a song you would love to tap your toes to.Not a bad Donald and Goofy cartoon.Grade B-
Michael_Elliott Polar Trappers (1938) *** (out of 4)Goofy and Donald Duck are trappers in Antarctica who are a tad bit hungry. In order to get some food in their bellies, Donald decides to dress up as a penguin in hopes to catch one or more. While this is going on Goofy gets into a battle with a walrus. This animated short isn't a great film by any stretch of the imagination but it's got the typical high quality that you'd come to expect from Disney during this period. The highlight of the film is without question the scene where Donald dresses up as a penguin and joins a line of them in hopes of scoring dinner. There was another great scene where Donald fantasies about a cooked penguin yet calls it a chicken while the animated drawing is a cooked turkey.
TheLittleSongbird Maybe Polar Trappers is not quite one of Disney's very best, however it is a cartoon that I am very fond of. The idea is simple, but is effective in that. Also as much as I do like Mickey, when the trio were together or individually I always found Goofy and especially Donald funnier characters. Goofy and Donald are here as a duo, when you discover that before watching it just screams of comedy gold. And it is exactly that, although like with other cartoons with just the duo I find Donald to be the stronger character(I just love the gag where he dresses up in a black tuxedo to impersonate a penguin and manages to fool a female penguin) Goofy is just as likable and his big gag with the icicle-covered cave was just as inspired. It isn't all funny though, Donald fooling the penguins in Pied Piper-style is exceedingly cute and the finale is one of those crash-landing action-packed ones. The animation is full of colour and smoothness, and the music especially in the penguin impersonation gag and the march of the penguins really helps to enhance the action. The sound effects are also well-incorporated, with the best being that of the baby penguin's tears evolving into the snowball. In conclusion, a great cartoon that works beautifully. 10/10 Bethany Cox
Shawn Watson Donald and Goofy are up in the arctic circle for some reason (or it could be antarctic) and are hunting walruses and penguin respectively, as they are both tired of eating beans. While I have no problem with a dog eating a walrus doesn't anyone else find it weird that I duck would eat a penguin? Or 'roast chicken' as Donald calls it. What's to stop Goofy from eating him with that logic? Anyway neither of them succeed, as usual. But Goofy ends up in an ice cavern. flattened by icicles and Donald attempts to march a zillion penguins to their deaths but lets a little baby get in his way and bring about the inevitable doom.Fun nonetheless.