Polle Fiction

2002 "Money. Power. Lust. And shit."
4.4| 1h30m| en

The whole plot in this crazy comedy movie is a story about a geeky and nerdy guy called Polle, who lives in a little village named Snave, which is far out in the Danish countryside. Even though he has turned 30, he's is still living with his parents, and he's kind of an outsider in the little town. The only sort of "friends" he actually has, are three totally much more insane yokels named Heino, Jøgge and Knasti, who are always spending their time, doing live tough for poor Polle.


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Also starring Per Otto Bersang Rasmussen


Reptileenbu Did you people see the same film I saw?
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Lollivan It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Karl Self This is based on a character created for a series of TV commercials, an enthusiastic hillbilly named Polle from a boondocks village named Snave. In the commercials, Polle would at first use a telephone with a really long extension cord before discovering the services of Danish mobile communications provider Sonofor. The message was that "our mobile phones are so simple that every yokel can use them".The movie creates a fascinating, colourful and utterly inane cosmos around Polle, a world dipped in neon colours, decked out with kitsch and firmly stuck in the Eighties. Beware, there be Cabbage Patch Kids be crawling out from underneath the cabbage heads! And they'll be wearing mullet haircuts and drinking beer for breakfast. But it fails to tell an engaging story. There is a flimsy bit of plot: Polle has a work-related accident, and his mates tell him that he stands to receive a massive compensation cheque from the insurance company, mainly so that he will pay their rounds. Then gold-digging skank Lilian tries to get Polle to marry her by pouring washing-up liquid in his kex so that he thinks they've had sex. Yes, really. And that's pretty much it.Much as I like the Snave world, the movie sucks. It just goes to show once more that you can't make a watchable movie without an excellent script.The title is a play on "Pulp Fiction", by the way.
Danny Philipsen The character Polle is from a series of Danish commercials that ran in 2000 - 2001. It was so popular that they decided to make a movie about Polle.Polle Fiction is without a doubt a funny movie. I enjoyed watching it! The basic plot in this movie is circling around the 30-year old Polle from a little town called Snave. He is about to be married, but has second thoughts about it when he finds his bride-to-be in bed with the local plumber and meets a girl called Zahara.Low budget and sponsored by the telephone company Sonofon, this movie did well in the cinemas.
jokkedrengen Føj for den, gutter! I don't care what other people might say. This movie is funny. If you come from Denmark and don't find this funny, you are a grumpy old person who forgot how to smile. The characters may not be very realistic, but who cares? Karsten Kørelærer and Harske Hubbi are world class, nothing less... Vi sås!
melsen "Money, power, lust - and mud !", such reads the tagline of "Polle Fiction". Don't believe a word when people tell you this movie is bad - it's great !. Forget all those awful looking unbearable Danish films of late in the so-called Dogme style, "Polle Fiction" is quite simply the greatest comedy to ever come out of Denmark. It may be based on a series of Danish TV commercials (the movie is kept in the same style), but you forget this as you watch it. The filmmakers have succeeded in giving it the feel of a real movie. Yes, it's sleazy slapstick of the ultra offensive kind and the story is paper-thin, but so were many movies years ago and people still flocked to see them. If you're one of those who believe yourself to be a serious film fan and this silly stuff is below you, and that movies in general have changed for the better and so forth, ie. all movies today need be "intelligent" for you to (think you) enjoy them, then you really have a problem with not only humour but movies in general. "Polle Fiction" (the title is a playoff on "Pulp Fiction", obviously) is somewhat related in spirit to over-the-top type crazy and violent British TV sit-coms like "Bottom" and "The Young Ones", admittedly nowhere near as brilliantly written as those TV shows, but undoubtedly inspired by the mad antics of Rik Mayall & Co. The story is simple: the one good guy in the movie (in the whole town really), Polle, is constantly bullied by his "friends" at work, Heino and Jøgge, and one day he has a gruesome accident resulting in him being scalped by the giant tube they use to suck up muddy waste - that's their job, you see. It's also a love story, believe it or not. The acting, by mostly unknowns, is superb and there's a rich gallery of goofy characters; the beer drinking insane Heavy Metal and '80s German pop music crowd the ever-taunted Polle hangs out with, a vile sexist/racist/rapist driving-instructor (!), the Turkish immigrant pizza owner, a single mother (who's a stripper) with her two incredibly annoying kids, and the nutty local DJ who plays all that terrible music. Apparently the story takes place in the '80s but it might as well be today. The action is based solely in the tiny village of Snave in Denmark, and the humour is very "local" as are (obviously) the dialects. If this movie ever gets a foreign release (I've heard rumours it may) many of the funny bits will be lost in the translations, but it'll still be hilarious. "Polle Fiction" is a nice surprise, and a cool breeze in the overrated Danish movie landscape which has grown accustomed to awards and unworthy praise lately, alas, thinking too highly of itself. Let's hope there will be many sequels !.

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