Not even bad in a good way
Am I Missing Something?
This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Teddie Blake
The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
Aaron Carter was rather popular when he was young. He had a hit single, girls really liked him and his older brother was in one of those boy bands. It looked like his career would never stop. Until it stopped because people realized he wasn't that good. As he grew older the cute kid demographic moved on and so did his career. So the next step was obvious, turn him into a teen heartthrob via movies. Not a great plan as this is the only movie he ever headlined. It's about a popstar which you should have gotten from the title. He's going to go on tour this summer but he's failing math and his mother won't let him. In the real world I don't see this happening but they have to get him back to school somehow and so he must do better in math or else there's no summer tour for him.Of course nobody knows who he is because he's wearing glasses. If it works for Clark Kent it's definitely going to work for him right? I mean it's not like he's the biggest popstar on the face of the planet and girls all over the place have his poster in their rooms or anything. Nah, glasses are fine.Well high school shenanigans ensue. He winds up with a cute girl who's also his math tutor, she finds out who he really is, they fall in love, he passes math and the summer tour is a go. End credits.Sure there's more that goes on but honestly who cares? Aaron Carter can't act and as far as I'm concerned can't sing either. There is literally no reason to see this other than if you're a masochist and love to watch bad movies.
I had heard how awful this movie was, and needless to say, I was not disappointed. The plot rarely made sense, was completely unrealistic, and characters were randomly introduced throughout the film for no apparent reason. The characters left a lot to be desired, they were one dimensional, and, as others have previously mentioned, were not nearly as mean or nerdy as they should have been. The acting was sub-par, to say the least. The female lead seemed to have a sort of speech impediment, which was likely not caused by the obviously fake braces she wore, as braces do not usually affect speech to the extent shown in the film. The music element of the film, especially the concert at the end, was so bad I had to skip through it.What I found hilarious is that the popstar character in this film was taking advice from a rather stoned looking cleaner. Look where these 'words of wisdom' got him- a low-paying job as school cleaner, and an obvious drug problem.I have watched some awful movies, but this is one of the worst I have ever seen. I would recommend this to anyone who likes torture/wants to torture someone, is deaf, or is under the age of 8.
Anders Twetman
The one word that best describes Popstar is "lackluster". It might be that they tried to make a film about a pop star on a low budget but everything abut it is just lazy and uninspired. The introduction scene is supposed to show that Aaron Carters character is a famous singer but it lacks grandeur and instead he comes off as a pretty mediocre artist. The obligatory high school mean girls are not nearly cruel enough to be true antagonists, in fact, the mean girls of any other high school film would eat these two for breakfast. The nerdy girl is nowhere near nerdy enough to take on that role and the strict teacher is pretty lame. There is conflict in the film but it is insignificant, the high school setting is done without any effort and the actors all seem tired and unmotivated. I could go on to talk about all the inexplicable events of the plot, the clunky character introductions and so but what would be the point? The lackluster feel is what defines this movie.
What really stood out to me about this movie was how little the plot made sense. So many characters were randomly introduced, it was like how I imagine Tommy Wiseau's "THE ROOM" would be re-envisioned for the Disney Channel set. We had the wise elderly couple who kept on hanging out where "Jane" worked, telling the same story about how "soda" brought them together, or Jane's Mom/Stepmom/random crying woman who would all show up at random times.Aaron Carter's acting is definitely the highlight of this film: I actually looked forward to every scene he appeared in. The editing is painfully bad, with scene cuts that make no sense. The "Jane" character is really irritating, mooning about and moping about "J.D. McQueen." The scenes with the "Music Awards" are more depressing than anything else. And the ending of this movie is surreal.