Porn Star Zombies

2009 "They want to eat you..."
2.5| 0h55m| NR| en

A group of adult film cast and crew members must discover what is causing their fellow stars to rabidly attack them.



Producted By

SFZ Productions


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Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
Spidersecu Don't Believe the Hype
Taraparain Tells a fascinating and unsettling true story, and does so well, without pretending to have all the answers.
Cody One of the best movies of the year! Incredible from the beginning to the end.
Leofwine_draca This is the worst kind of indie film imaginable: an impossibly broad comedy spoof in which the actors and crew of a porn shoot are attacked by zombies. Shot in black and white, this has a surprisingly tame subject matter, a ton of lame jokes, a single apartment location, and zero entertainment value.
joisepeterson A friend of mine got this on DVD thinking it was a sexy horror. So we watched it on Halloween.Let's just say it was like watching a college production of a poor film. The make up was terrible, acting terrible and plot line bizarre.To be honest I thought it was something from Youtube. That it was a movie for laughs. There was some funny one liners but in the end it was terrible.I wasn't scared however what caught me off guard was a movie trailer about a homemade video of a group of people being tortured. Now that was a bit scary and gross.
Uriah43 In the process of making a low-budget porn movie, the actors involved turn into zombies and trap the remaining members of the cast and crew inside the make-shift studio. So much for the plot. Now, while I honestly wasn't expecting much from a film with the title of "Porn Star Zombies", I had hoped for something a little sexy or witty. Instead, what I got was sleazy and vulgar. The acting was terrible, the camera shots were extremely basic, the zombies looked ridiculous and the dialogue was one filthy one-liner after the other. And while some might find vocabulary of this sort hilarious, I thought it was all rather dull and boring. Now don't get me wrong, there are some people who love this type of crude humor. But I'm not one of them. In any case, if you like films that cater to the "least common denominator" then this is something you really need to watch. Otherwise it's just a waste of time and you should probably avoid it like the plague.
fingermutt I thought this movie was fun. I watched it with a group of people, and laughter filled the room the whole time. There are so many clever one liners, and the music is incredible. Is it supposed to be a soft core porn? No! Was it supposed to be a serious zombie horror? Nah! This is clearly the kind of film that people will look back on someday and call a "cult classic." Its satirical and comedic themes shine throughout. I would personally call it a horror comedy: it is silly, crass, low budget, and it has a "grindhouse" feel that most higher budget films WISH they could pull off but often fall short. The B&W adds to its charm....Clerks meets Night of the Living Dead; but, Keith Emerson is not trying to be Kevin Smith. His style seems very distinct and original. I can't wait to see more horror comedies such as this one: it goes to show that oftentimes genuine, low budget horror films end up being more successful than the high budget, action ridden, dumbed down theatrical movies that appeal to most Americans today. If you want to see something different and have an open mind, I highly suggest this artsy film.P.S. If you are going to write reviews: get literate, and make sense if you are writing sentences. I couldn't understand even half of what the previous reviewer was saying. And the music is not just riffing and dreadful zombie tones. Were you even listening or all? FAIL.