Power Kids

2009 "Small heroes colossal power."
5.6| 1h17m| en

A group of friends have trained themselves in martial arts. One of the gang is in hospital so when the hospital is taken over by a group of terrorists, the kids take on the rebels.


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Freaktana A Major Disappointment
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Mehdi Hoffman There's a more than satisfactory amount of boom-boom in the movie's trim running time.
Staci Frederick Blistering performances.
TheBeardedWonder This is an odd one. It's meant for adults yet contains some silly comedy kids would enjoy, stars kids fighting the grown ups, contains cursing and violence, and is rated R. Like I said, pretty weird. But if you're a fan of Muy Thai flicks it's actually got some good fight scenes. Impressive all the more because it's kids doing the stunts/fighting! Just don't go in expecting Ong Bak and you'll be entertained.Also just to set the record straight about the front page review: it is NOT a family movie (like I said cursing, violence to kids, etc), and is it NOT 113 minutes, it is 77 or so minutes long! Not sure where that person got their facts, but they were way off. Didn't want some Mom picking this up for the family to watch based on the main review!
Paynebyname I don't know how the guys behind the films Ong Bak, Warrior King and Chocolate keep coming up with exciting, enthralling films but they do.Okay the story is a little corny and schmaltzy but it does enough to make you engage with the characters to care what happens to them.Likewise when I first imagined children taking on adults you can't help but thinking "really, won't it be them just stamping on feet like some awful Home Alone series".Far from it, these kids know how to fight and even the biggest man can fall from a well placed knee in the nether regions or an elbow right under the chin.The fighting is just amazing including a final sequence in a tight hallway which is balletic and breathtaking and a sequence after that which will have you clapping, laughing and gasping in it's intensity and invention.Fabulous entertainment and proof that these guys really know how to show us proper fighting. Great fun.
zetes Produced by Prachya Pinkaew, who directed Ong-bak and Chocolate, two of the better martial arts films of the past decade. This one definitely doesn't measure up to those. It's about a group of kids who fight a bunch of terrorists who have taken a hospital hostage. They want to get a new heart for their dying younger brother. The story is ridiculously schmaltzy and the kids are cruddy actors. They're not bad martial artists, though. The (very short) film is almost worth watching just for the climactic fight, part of which takes place in a very thin hallway that allows the kids and their adult nemesis to bounce off the walls like crazy. It seems like the movie would be ideal for kids, but it gets far too violent, with the kids constantly being shot at with AK47s.
rodneyrivera From the same Thai camp that brought, Ong Bak, Chocolate, and Raging Phoenix comes the latest from them, "Power Kids". The story line in cute but what turned me off about it is they use a lot of foul language for being a kids movie. Not recommended for family viewing.There is another down side to this movie...the fighting is not believable....on the plus side we get to see another up and coming star of the genre, a young lady called Sasisa Jindamanee, you might remember her from "Born To Fight".Get it for collecting purposes if you are in to that.p.s. The version I got is 1:12 mins long.

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