
2007 "Run.. Hide.. Pray."
4.3| 1h8m| PG| en

Some friends enjoy an out-of-town rock concert. After some eerie events at their hotel, the friends abandon their night of rest and decide to drive thru the night back to their hometown several hours away. However, someone or something follows them home. After a seemingly uneventful school day, events unfold that find the lead character alone at the Mall later that evening. As the night closes in, the mall closes, and we find our heroine mysteriously trapped inside. However, she is not alone. It will take her resolute strength and unflinching faith (and a few shocking "miracles" along the way) for her to escape the night.



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Cross Shadow Productions


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Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
XoWizIama Excellent adaptation.
Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
garden-17 Ah, the Christian thriller. Admittedly, an endangered species these days. "Pray." is the answer as to why they are endangered (it doesn't help that the movie was inspired by a camp-fire story). Its sequels are the answer as to why they will stay that way.The Plot: Two girls go to a Christian music concert. They go home early after being crept out by a spooky hotel manager/concierge. They then go to school...then, one of the girls (Madison) decides to go to the mall. Uplifting mayhem ensues, with a positive miracle at the end. Let's just say, God works in mysterious ways...and, apparently, so do Hondas.Special Effects: There are about as many special effects in this movie, as there are zebras in Antarctica. "John Carpenter's The Thing", this is not.Cinematography: Most of it is a single camera, completely motionless; if the camera ever does move, it seems to move in a circle (almost as if it's on a tripod), although there are the occasional "steady-cam" shots (I reluctantly use that term, because the shots I recall weren't very "steady"). Many shots are so "raw", it's almost as if they stole the camera from the set of "Baise Moi". Not to mention, everything in this movie has a microphone...except the actors/actresses. It's pathetic when I can hear a persons' shoes better than I can hear the person talk.Acting: There is seemingly no acting; an unusual omission from a motion picture. It is clear that most everyone you see on film has never acted in his/her life. It's sad that the mechanic at the end of the the most talented of the actors/actresses. The two principle actresses were quite likable, however. Nonetheless, being nice does not a good performance make. Winona Ryder is proof of that ("Alien: Resurrection", anyone?).Editing: There is none. Director Mark Mitchell seems to want to stretch things out as long as possible. Shots seem endless. It's like watching paint dry...and then crack...and then fall off...over the course of 20 years. In the span of 72 minutes.Bottom line: Look, I have nothing wrong with Christianity, or Christians, or the message this movie is attempting to reinforce (that miracles can happen, and that faith can help people in times of turmoil). I respect the fact that someone (other than the makers of "Saw", "Death Sentence", and "Law-Abiding Citizen") has made an attempt to make a "philosophical thriller". But, whether Christian or not, there is no excuse not to: (1) make an attempt to act (or learn how to), (2) attempt to make complicated shots, (3) edit the film, and (4) have any attempts at suspense, without telegraphed scares and little to no atmosphere. I know, many non-Christians make this mistake, too. However, in the real world, cars without engines cannot be driven (nor, could Madison have survived a serial killer)!!! I give this movie a 5 out of 10. And two of those points are purely out of penance.
DstnyRdyEtrnity I bought this film(and Pray 2) at my local Family Christian Store the other day, because it looked really good. I had reservations about it since I could tell that it was low-budget, but I decided to give it the benefit of the doubt. It was awful. Since a lot takes place when it's dark out, you could barely see what was happening since there was no artificial lighting. And everything was ridiculous. Walking to your hotel room doesn't take as long as it did Madison, and getting locked in the mall? Even when the mall was open, you don't see a single other person shopping. And the custodian should have been able to let her out the door, instead of sending her back to the other side of the mall. The way things were playing out was so set up. So if you're looking for a well made Christian movie, this isn't it. Go get Fireproof or Facing the Giants. Those were pretty good.
sunnyd777 This is an awesome movie! It has so many different genre's all mixed in one movie. If you like thriller's, than that is exactly what it is. It leaves you on the edge of your seat at all times. It's a great movie to watch with your friends and family. It's not too scary, which is a good thing. It's just a clean thriller and the thing I love about it is, things that go on in the movie, could actually happen. It's good feeling to be able to relate and really get into the movie, and that's what happens with Pray. You feel like your right there in the movie. The different angles make the movie so interesting. Awesome movie and I can't wait to see the next :)
rwishum This movie is an awesome movie for teens and young adult as well as older adults. Very suspenseful and thrilling. With a surprise ending that may just make you a believe of true miracle. The actors and actresses are great. The lead actress will be a star one day. The "shape" did a great job of being creepy and scary. The movie has a awesome plot that will keep your attention and will leave you of wanting more. I recommend this movie to any one who enjoys thrillers, but tired of bad language and sexual content that you find in many of today's thrillers. This movie is a perfect movie for a youth gathering or a family movie night with teen-age children. This movie is a must have in any movie collection.