
2010 "Evil Lies Within"
4.8| 1h20m| NR| en

Anja and five friends join anthroplogy student, Dace, on a journey to study a remote, ancient rock painting. Their excitement vanishes when Mel becomes delirious after skinny-dipping in the waterhole. Feverish, bleeding, confused, she physically and mentally regresses to a vicious predatory state. Mel has gone primal. Mel’s lover and friends realise they are the prey as she savagely hunts them down. Before they can escape another one of them starts to regress, posing a hideous choice; kill their friends or be killed by them. Their only hope of survival is through a cave, where Anja learns too late the meaning of the ancient rock art they came to study.


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Dorathen Better Late Then Never
SeeQuant Blending excellent reporting and strong storytelling, this is a disturbing film truly stranger than fiction
Micah Lloyd Excellent characters with emotional depth. My wife, daughter and granddaughter all enjoyed it...and me, too! Very good movie! You won't be disappointed.
Sameer Callahan It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.
videorama-759-859391 Here we tiredly go again. 5 20+ too good looking lot (the lead male, currently in Home And Away, big surprise?) go off in the beautiful outdoorsy, mountains for a weekend of fun, and adventure, little do they know scenario. Cliché'd characters and predicabilitie's follow in this hugely disappointing horror indie, and it's a bloody shame, excuse the double meaning pun, as you'll find out, as gore hounds will be sold short on this one. The loud hottie, becomes rapid and possessed, after venturing in this cave, that saw this ritualistic murder, many years, prior. She grows fangs, springs out and attacks, bringing some familiar shades of that horrid and ghastly shocker, Howling 3, 30 years, prior, in this poor explained story, must less gorier than you expect. This messy horror is unforgettably stupid, with poorly drawn characters, where except the female lead and the class clown, you really couldn't give two hoots about the rest, in a horror you'll be glad to see the back off. Just another reason, most Oz horrors suck. Pathetic. Bet you this director, is a real fan of Howling 3, I'd bet my top bottom dollar. Stop at the misleading cover, with this one.
ikeybabe This was certainly better than I expected. It starts off with the typical group of young people going off into the jungle (woods, desert, mountains, whatever) to look at ancient drawings (hike, ski, snowboard, explore caves, whatever) and they come across something out of the ordinary, in this case a poisonous lake that *SPOILER ALERT* turns their dear friend into a cannibal rage-monster with super human strength and agility. So, all of this is typical, but for once the acting was decent. The script twists and turns were pretty good too and the heroine was cool enough that I was cheering for her, since she had way more balls then the cowardly boyfriend who couldn't accept that his girl was now a monster. Anyway, this has one of the most horrific rape scenes I've ever seen. And, in the end the heroine triumphs. So, it's all good. This wasn't great, but it was certainly worth watching.
Alexander666DeLarge This Australian movie "oozes" low budget. From the remote campsite setting, to the six bland friends (3 boys, 3 girls) and the bad acting. But with these tropes in the movie, there can still be the factor that it is enjoyable. Unfortunately I did not enjoy this movie. It starts off with a prologue of a Caveman making cave drawings. He is attacked by some sort of deformed human with long sharp teeth (actually if you played the Mortal Kombat games, its Baraka, the creature looks like an updated Baraka). Some years pass, and we find ourselves in present day Australia, or at least somewhere in the middle of nowhere. Six happy friends led by anthropology student and Alpha Male named, Dace, the group sets out in to the wilderness to look for some cave drawings. Once they are in the cave, one of them, Anja, cuts her arm and her blood drips into the moist surface of the cave. After that we see some parts of the nature react, something bad is rising… The group sets up camp and because this is a low budget horror movie, there needs to be skinny-dipping. Once the blond girl of the group, Mel, goes into the water, she wants to lure her boyfriend Chad in, but he's afraid of water or something, it doesn't get quite clear why he doesn't want to go in. But luckily for him, after Mel comes out she's covered with leeches. After Alpha Male Dace used salt to get them off, Mel goes to sleep, just to wake up in the middle of the night with a fever. The group wants to take her to the hospital, but the car tires are being eaten by… killer ants. So they plan to go on foot, but sweet Mel finally turns in to a female Baraka and start to attack everyone. From that point on the movie goes around in circles. The same thing happens over and over again. The group guards the camp, Mel kills one of them, they fight her off, and repeat. A movie like this can be a lot of fun if the humor was funny, which is not, even the unintentionally bad acting doesn't make up for it. The gory effects are OK, but not much present. The only recommendation I can give this movie is if you want to see a Kangaroo get attack by a turned human, than you're in luck, this movie has that. Not to give the ending away, but it had some really bad effects, and made everything more unclear.But in the end, all the clichés, bad acting, the repetitive nature of it all, it saddens me to say that it doesn't make for a good horror movie. Although I hope that the director keeps making movies, hopefully the next time will be better.+ It has a killer rabbit+ Decomposing Kangaroo-Bad Acting-Repetitive story-Not enough gore
Mrssmiff Australian horror film about a group of friends out in the wilderness to look at some ancient rock drawings. One becomes infected with a strange type of virus which turns her into a man-eating wild woman with super-strength and the rest of the group have to deal with fending her off whilst dealing with the possibility the rest of the group may suffer the same fate.For me, I rather enjoyed the film. Characters were interesting, dialogue good etc, but the CGI effects at the end of the film ruined it for me as they were not very well done and just made the whole thing rather unbelievable. I'm not a huge fan of CGI anyway, but when it's done badly it makes it worse.