Prince of Darkness

1987 "Before man walked the earth...It slept for centuries. It is evil. It is real. It is awakening."
6.7| 1h42m| R| en

A group of graduate students and scientists uncover an ancient canister in an abandoned church, but when they open it, they inadvertently unleash a strange liquid and an evil force on all of humanity.


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Cortechba Overrated
Phonearl Good start, but then it gets ruined
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Ginger Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
liam_donnaz John Carpenters apocalypse trilogy is, in my mind, the greatest trilogy in horror and probably cinema (even better than godfather and evil dead). All three films are fantastic in their own right, but this one seems to get a lot less love than the thing and in the mouth of madness. To a point I can understand why even if I don't agree. The first thing you have to know going in is this is a very slow paced film. That isn't a bad thing at all, it just means that it takes its time. A lot of what happens is escalation: things start to go wrong in a crescendo until the finale. And while the thing is without a doubt my favourite move and entry into the trilogy, I have to admit that Prince of Darkness is the only one of the three to genuinely scare me.Let me explain: while yes it's not as subtle or tense as the thing, nor is it as existentially insane as in the mouth of madness, the horror in prince of darkness is one of inevitability and dread. The slow burn crescendo works perfectly here in a way where you're kind of left feeling like the heroes didn't actually save the day, they just delayed it slightly and next time they'll be even more Ill prepared than before. It's a very unsettling prospect and one that left me with shivers the first time I saw it.This is not a movie for everyone, and that's not a bad thing. Some will like it, others won't. All that really matters is how it makes you feel. Check it out and see
NateWatchesCoolMovies Trust John Carpenter to constantly subvert expectations, aim for innovation and simply just please the crowds throughout his career. Prince Of Darkness is, at first glance, a creaky ol' fright fest, and it is that, but there's also a cheeky little irreverent streak to it as well, a borderline atheist flourish that you wouldn't normally find in a flick about summoning up the devil. Carpenter lays the atmosphere on thick, especially with a reliably spooky electronic score and a pace that burns slow and steady. Deep in the crypt of a church there lies a large glass vial containing swirling green matter, a pseudo scientific/spiritual cocktail that contains the "anti god", a denizen composed of backward atoms that wants to break out and raise a little hell. Grim faced priest Donald Pleasence will prevent this at any cost, and hires a team of underpaid undergrads led by a crusty professor (Victor Wong) to research it, camping out in the church for kicks. You can imagine how this goes, and there's a refreshingly old school 'Body Snatchers' vibe as various characters fall victim to the creeping dark forces. There's also mind-stimulating, sci-fi ideas at work too though, including an intriguing time travel prospect and a deft little jab at religion via the story's trickier elements. Carpenter, although hailed as a master of horror, is no simpleton when it comes to ideas, and he flexes his cerebral muscles nicely here. Ambient, gooey, smart, provocative, a terrific little fright fest that leaves you wanting more.
aaatlya The slow build of tension throughout this film really impressed me. I was on the edge of my seat and had a couple of scares. :)The story was unique, the ending unpredictable and it kept me thinking about it once the film had ended.Interesting and varied characters. I love Carpenter's use of multiracial actors in non- stereotypical roles. I mean, Victor Wong, come on! :DThe same can be applied to women characters in his films. The women weren't just there to support the men, they played equal roles. Refreshing, particularly for the age of the film.Really simple yet effective use of special effects. In a world where special effects are overdone and used simply in an attempt to shock audiences, this film had the right amount and it was entertaining without being cheesy. Loved it.
MrMovie This Movie will end and you will have one of two opinions 1. It's one of the great movies ever or 2. It's just boring Seriously it's that simple it's not for everyone that's for sure It goes like this okay In a run down cellar in a church, a priest (Donald Pleasence) finds a weird vial That is filled with slime. Confused and frightened the priest Makes a call and brings his discovery to a circle of top scholars and scientists, who eventually learn the secret of the strange liquid and hell is unleashed But can they survive to tell the tale The cast is great carpenter really nails another movie with his directing It has a real classic feel to it I loved it try it