The greatest movie ever made..!
It is not only a funny movie, but it allows a great amount of joy for anyone who watches it.
A lot of perfectly good film show their cards early, establish a unique premise and let the audience explore a topic at a leisurely pace, without much in terms of surprise. this film is not one of those films.
Keeley Coleman
The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
Smoreni Zmaj
A pregnant girl arrives at the abortion clinic and insists that her pregnancy is terminated immediately. Soon after arrives her pro-life father, a religious fanatic, accompanied by her older brothers, and attacks the clinic to save his grandchild. The film begins as a redneck drama, but soon turns into a supernatural horror, in John Carpenter's recognizable style. A good story, convincing atmosphere, striking music and decent acting, and if they just refrained from explicitly portraying the "baby" and her father, this would be a solid seven. But in the end they just had to ruin it with well-done, but completely ridiculous and unconvincing monsters and replace eerie tension with "wtf is this crap" moment.5,5/10
"Pro-Life" actually reminded me a little bit about all those pathetic late 80's/early 90's made-for-TV movies based on real-life tragedies. You know the ones I'm talking about
They usually always starred former sitcom stars (like from "Beverly Hills 90210 etc
) and dealt with topics like unwanted teenage pregnancies, rape and forced abortions. "Pro-Life" features some of those elements as well, but naturally lengthened with totally bonkers and over-the-top grotesque horror ingredients à la John Carpenter. His episode "Cigarette Burns" already was one of the highlights of season one, and "Pro-Life" definitely ranks amongst the finest efforts of season two. It's a fast-paced and incredibly gory short film with a handful of original ideas and truckloads of disturbing imagery, but sadly also an underdeveloped screenplay. Perhaps John Carpenter needed to make this a long-feature film, so that he could elaborate on some of the potentially very intriguing aspects of the story. Two doctors working in the private abortion clinic ran by Dr. Kiefer pick up a young and tremendously confused pregnant teenager by the side of the road. The girl claims to have been raped by a demon from hell that attacked her one week earlier in her backyard. The doctors naturally don't believe the story, but have to admit the fetus grows at an incredible rate and shows many signs of being pure evil. Meanwhile, the girl's father and brothers are outside the gates of the abortion clinic. Dwayne Burcell is a reputed troublemaker and religious fanatic who came into conflict with Dr. Kiefer before. Now he's determined to get his daughter out of the clinic and, especially, rescue the baby because God ordered him to. Qualifying as a genuine Masters of Horror installment, "Pro-Life" contains a lot of truly grueling images (like close range shotgun kills) and flamboyant special effects and monster designs. There are also some very icky moments, like when Dwayne uses the surgical instruments to perform an abortion on a male patient. Yikes! As said, the screenplay is sadly underdeveloped. Carpenter borrows terrific elements from previous horror classics (including some of his own work, like "The Thing") but it's all very incoherent and lacking logical sense. But since sense isn't the most vital elements I expect to find in a Masters of Horror episode, I can still safely say I loved "Pro-Life". Watch this if you want extreme gore and a stellar performance from Ron Perlman.
james higgins
59/100. The main thing about this film that really bothered me through most of it was when the phone lines were cut. Okay, this is made in 2006, so you are telling me none of the dozen or so people in the building didn't have a cell phone to call the police? That old cutting the phone lines routine doesn't work anymore. It worked fine and added suspense to movies from other decades, but not today. As a story it was interesting, a sort of twist on Rosemary's Baby. It can be very unpleasant at times, and if you can get past the plot holes, it's pretty good. The acting is fine, good special effects for the most part. It certainly has it's creepy moments.
Not really very original, since clearly elements of both "Assault on Precinct 13" and "The Thing" are rather obvious. In addition, lots of plot holes get in the way. The effects are alright, but there are some annoying flaws, the most glaring being why no one has a cell phone to call police, after the phone lines are cut? Ron Perlman is in his comfort zone, as the psycho pro-life father, assaulting the abortion clinic where his daughter is being attended to by the rather naive staff. Another weak point in the script is why Perlman continues to torture the doctor, when his daughter is screaming at the top of her lungs just down the hall? "Pro Life" has lots of screaming, but not much meaning. - MERK