Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
It's a good bad... and worth a popcorn matinée. While it's easy to lament what could have been...
The two leads and their respective fathers made the movie. Oh and the leads have very good chemistry together. I saw the movie two times already, it's very refreshing and fun to watch
The two Shakespearean protagonists may end up with a bun in the oven if they aren't careful
Hallmark now produces movies at almost soap opera pace. In fall 2017 it appears there will be six of the Autumn/Halloween movies. This volume means a lot of them are hackneyed and redundant. However, some are better than others and this falls in that category. Of course we all know how they will end. The joy is in the journey I guess. That being said I think there are four factors that make or break a Hallmark Movie.First, are the lead roles good characters with depth and well acted. Second, does the romance seem to be real or contrived. Third, are the comedy portions of the movie actually funny. (I would say this is an oft neglected factor for Halmark) Fourth, are there a few nice quirks to the story line to add some drama. All four are true here to one degree to another. Here too the actual dialogue was of better quality than most Hallmarks. Meaning you don't have characters constantly saying thingsthat no human being would ever say to another.The negative to this movie is that there were no neat subplots or side characters to round out the story. On the positive side it was consistently well acted, paced, with a nice twist at the end that make it a movie to see next Fall.