Queens and Cowboys: A Straight Year on the Gay Rodeo

2014 "Buck Tradition."
6.5| 1h32m| en

A feature film that chronicles a complete season of the International Gay Rodeo Association. Roping and riding across north America for the past 30 years, the IGRA's courageous cowboys and cowgirls brave challenges both in and out of the arena on their quest to qualify for the World Finals at the end of the season. And along the way, they'll bust every stereotype in the book.



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Cathardincu Surprisingly incoherent and boring
Lightdeossk Captivating movie !
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
Kidskycom It's funny watching the elements come together in this complicated scam. On one hand, the set-up isn't quite as complex as it seems, but there's an easy sense of fun in every exchange.
dcarsonhagy This movie is a documentary about the lives of some individuals associated with the Gay Rodeo, so there's nothing to "spoil" here. The movie is a look inside a sub-culture that is slowly dying, i.e. the gay rodeo. Most individuals involved are getting a little long in the tooth and soon will not be able to compete anymore. They are in dire need of some of the younger generation of gays to become interested in order that culture survive.The viewer is treated to (at least) four different characters, a lesbian who is trying to win her first buckle for bull riding; an HIV positive man who is trying to win the elusive overall grand championship; a transgender who is both event and finance planner; and a woman who has had take a little time off because of a bout with ovarian cancer. What the audience will find is these people's lives are about as mundane as anyone: they have bills to pay, they have car trouble, they have short finances (they do not get paid for rodeoing), and they have love lives. What I retained from this film comes in one simple word: FAMILY. These guys are ALWAYS there for their kindred spirits. It touched me in a way few movies do because it was HONEST.Highly recommended. I believe the movie is Unrated. There are a very few off color words, but there is nothing in here to offend anyone. Give it a try; you'll be glad you did.
jtoshima This movie shared with me a window into a part of society I didn't know existed. I'm not a rodeo type of person, but the way the story shared with us the hearts of the characters...it was not about "rodeo" but about living a life dedicated to your own passion. I found myself cheering on certain characters in the movie....Matt told the story so that I was totally involved with all the characters. The scenes were wonderful, and the way the scenes were shot were quite captivating. It made me respect the lives of people who chose to compete in rodeos! It was truly a story about living a dream, and the willingness of individuals to do whatever needs to be done to reach that dream. Very uplifting!