Rabid Grannies

1989 "They just love their grandchildren... well done!"
4.9| 1h30m| R| en

A large family gathers in the country side for their two Grannies birthday. It's too bad one of the gifts happens to be from their devil-worshipping nephew, and upon opening it, the two loveable grannies turn into rabid, flesh-eating monsters.


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Troma Entertainment


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Also starring Catherine Aymerie


Matrixston Wow! Such a good movie.
TrueJoshNight Truly Dreadful Film
ThiefHott Too much of everything
Roxie The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
metalrage666 OK this will be quick and to the point. 2 elderly aunts are having a birthday get- together with a bunch of family members who can't stand each other and can't wait for the 2 old birds to die so they can claim the inheritance. One particular family member either wasn't invited or just couldn't be bothered coming but they decide to forward a gift anyway. The gift is basically an empty and unremarkable wooden box; the kind you generally find in a souvenir store. While at the party and just after blowing out the candles, the box starts to emit a cloudy vapour, which no one notices, and somehow infects the 2 goblets of wine being used by the 2 aunts. The aunts drink the tainted wine, (they don't turn rabid), they are in fact possessed and they set about killing the party goers in various ways. It all takes a while to get going and when it does it's pretty much a "what the hell is going on" kind of thing. It's too stupid to be interesting and the English over dubbing gets annoying after a while. You'll be doing yourselves a favour if you give this a big miss.
BA_Harrison Just because this film bears a typically Troma-like title, and features the Troma logo on the packaging, don't make the mistake of thinking it is a Troma production—because it isn't.It is, in fact, a low-budget Belgian film that was simply picked up for distribution by the studio, and, as far as I am concerned, it is much more enjoyable than the majority of Lloyd Kaufman's own B-movie output.In this delightfully silly and very gory romp, a group of greedy relatives gather together at the mansion of their two elderly aunts, in order to attend their birthday celebrations (and hopefully worm their way into their aunts' wills). However, when the old women open a surprise birthday present (sent by the black sheep of the family—a practitioner of the black arts), they become possessed, transform into vicious, drooling, bloodthirsty monsters, and proceed to tear their party guests limb from limb.If you're a fan of visceral OTT slapstick horror—particularly Sam Raimi's Evil Dead trilogy (which this film is obviously heavily influenced by) or the early work of Peter Jackson (whose similarly daft Bad Taste came out the same year)—then Rabid Grannies should be right up your alley. Director Emmanuel Kervyn spends the first thirty minutes introducing us to his raft of absurdly unlikeable characters (none of whom really deserve to survive 'til the end credits), and the next sixty dismembering them in as many inventive and silly ways as possible. It might not be Oscar winning material, but it's a whole heap of fun!Considering the limited budget, the juicy effects on display are pretty damn good, and the film sure doesn't hold back with the nastiness: one man has his limbs hacked off, before being impaled (between the legs) on a pike; a fat guy gets stuck trying to escape, and has his ass eaten; and even a little girl gets reduced to spare parts by the demonic old dears!7.5 out of 10, rounded up to 8 for IMDb.
j13106 When I read the title and saw the cover of the video box for this horror film I did not expect a sophisticated shocker. After taking the movie home I was however pleasantly surprised by it's humor and cheesy camp-factor. Those elements, along with the schlocky gore made the film entertaining. A family reunion hosted by two elderly, maiden sisters turns into a blood-fest. The hostesses are possessed by demons unleashed on them by an evil, vindictive and absent relative who sent them the evil spirits in the guise of a birthday gift. Upon opening their unassuming present at the dinner table in the company of their guests (family, friends and associates), the spinsters are transformed into flesh-eating fiends. Here's where the movie takes off and takes off it does! After the first victim is killed while seated at the table the rest of the guests flee for their lives in a spontaneous and morbid game of hide-and-seek. They scatter in all directions hiding from the blood-thirsty matrons while searching for escape from the locked-down manor they're trapped in. Here is where the film provides suspense as we feel the victims' claustrophobic tension. The deaths, which are grisly and at times humorous are still effective. While the plot is predictable the film does hold some surprises. For example the movie contains some typical characters found in horror films but the twist is the fact that some of these "typical" characters who are usually spared in most horror films (simply for moral reasons) are killed here. If you're a fan of the horror genre you will appreciate this mixture of (unintentional?)humor, gore and scares.
hutch619 The only reason I didn't give this movie higher marks was because of its ridiculously slow start and poor dubbing. It finally takes off once everyone FINALLY gets to the party. Excellent character development and superb special effects! I spent an hour or two, after finishing the movie, going through the awesome bonus features included on the DVD version like their Trivia Intelligence Test (TIT) where they flash you clips of boobies every time you answer a question correctly! If you get it wrong you get to see a gory clip! It's a win-win situation! I haven't seen any other movies made by Troma, but after seeing this one (as well as the clips included in the bonus material) I will more than likely rent/buy more of them. You should check this movie out.

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