Rammbock: Berlin Undead

2010 "Run. Hide. Survive."
6.3| 1h3m| R| en

When lovelorn Michael arrives in Berlin to return a set of keys to his ex-girlfriend, Gabi, as an excuse to see her again, he finds her apartment empty save for a couple of plumbers making repairs to the central heating. Just as Michael learns from the plumber’s apprentice, Harper, that Gabi has popped out for a while but will return soon, the apprentice is attacked by his boss who has unexpectedly and inexplicably transformed into a raging madman. Together, Michael and Harper manage to bundle the crazed plumber out of the apartment and barricade themselves safely inside. Within minutes, they find themselves trapped in apartment block under siege from a horde of similarly insane people, apparently hungry for human flesh.


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Hulkeasexo it is the rare 'crazy' movie that actually has something to say.
Lollivan It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Clarissa Mora The tone of this movie is interesting -- the stakes are both dramatic and high, but it's balanced with a lot of fun, tongue and cheek dialogue.
Francene Odetta It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
Bob Jim There's nothing special about this movie. We don't get to see a deep side of the characters, nor something we haven't seen before. It was just... Average. I guess. I'll break it down to cons & pros:Pros:Zombies. Nuff said. The zombies look fine and they really give a "Danger" vibe, something many zombie movies forget. Zombies are supposed to be dangerous and the main characters should act like that instead of going ultra badass over them. Main character is somewhat realistic. He looks average (Just like the movie, really). I consider it a "Pro" because it shows you don't need your heroes buff or amazingly strong and ultra badass. Even the average guy can be a protagonist. Main character has somewhat grown by the end of the movie.Cons:Surprisingly low amount of action & gore. (Could be a pro if you're not a fan of those) Characters aren't that interesting, nor we get to experience them deeply. They are just average. Main character is Effin' annoying at the beginning. Slow pacing at first. The ending is... Meh.
khaymanbb If you want to add real drama, lives playing out much closer to what would actually happen should a zombie apocalypse occur, than this is your movie. Great plot, great movie, good drama for a change in a zombie flick. +caution spoiler+ This is a tale of several people, all living in an apartment building, and what would happen should the zombie apocalypse happen. Of course, nobody is armed to the teeth, how to incapacitate a zombie isn't known so it has to be trial and error (ending in someone's demise, of course). It's about desperation, trying to survive with what you may have in a strangers apartment, and what most movies leave out: food. There is the token heroic sacrifice scene, which in this movie made it a 10.
poe426 Flesh-eating zombies of the type made popular by George Romero have become such common coin in movies, television, video games and comics that it's now a "given" that Something Went Wrong Somewhere and we're up to our necks in ghouls. The basic premise itself is rarely fully expounded any more. ("Go back and watch the original NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD," most of these newcomers would seem to suggest: "I ain't got the time- or the imagination- to clue you in on what's happening. Do I look like a ****in' scientist to you?") At barely over an hour, it's hard to think of BERLIN UNDEAD as a feature film; had the film makers taken the time to fill us in on what's happening and to build up to the inevitable siege, it would've both brought the movie to feature length and answered a question or two. As it stands, it's a good short that's just a bit too short.
amesmonde An everyday man Michael is forced to take refuge with a teenage a boy in a room of a flat in Germany after a viral infection spreads rapidly turning the citizens into crazed zombie-like people.The title Rammbock probably refers to the battering ram that features briefly in one scene. Spain had REC, France Le Horde and UK 28 Days Later - this is a German take on a virus epidemic in which we see the population of Berlin turn rabid. There's a crazy old woman that goes nuts within a similar setting as REC. Just as everything seems all to familiar director Marvin Kren throws in a little curve ball, a suicide, a new character or adds a little relationship drama amongst the mayhem to keep things on track.However, even with it's very short running time there's a too much shaky camera work, this aside the performances and gritty look of the characters feel authentic. Actor Michael Fuith gives a first rate anti- gloss performance which complements the on location shoot. The flats looking down onto one courtyard take a leaf from Hitchcock's very own Rear Window.The music has a dream like melodic quality reminiscent of 28 Days Later and is used sparingly.When Benjamin Hessler screenplay moves from the one room to another there is some fine suspense created. Although how they repel the infected in closing act is a little anticlimactic - yet it's quickly redeemed by an effective a poignant closing.Overall, it's grim grey and efficiently made but with the virus angle already feeling worn you may find yourself wanting to see a film with some shambling dead instead.