Rare Birds

2001 "Fortune can make a man do some pretty fowl things."
6.3| 1h39m| en

A down-and-out restaurateur and his neighbor hatch a plan to lure luminaries to their small Newfoundland town.


Producted By

Pope Productions


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IslandGuru Who payed the critics
Dotbankey A lot of fun.
Ogosmith Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.
Jenna Walter The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
EilisNiGhliasain Would you like to watch a "whimsical" - to quote Roger Ebert - film shot in Newfoundland where the scenery is a good part of the whimsy? Then "Rare Birds" is your box of chocolates. It stars gorgeous Molly Parker as Alice and a not quite so hot but still handsome William Hurt as Dave. The chemistry between these actors is your "valentine" and Andy Jones as Phonse is your comedy. He is brilliant as a loyal but scheming best friend to Dave. Every scene - excluding the ones with Phonse's "recreational submarine? - is charming. Who wouldn't want a buddy like him to add spice to life?Actor Andy Jones is well known in Canada. It's no wonder why.Another Canadian charmer in the film is Molly Parker. Ms Parker's Alice is an intelligently sexy complement to William Hurt's Dave. And because of this, Dave falls in love pretty well right after he fleetingly looks at and greets Alice at a dinner party.Despite Mr. Hurt as a headliner - and it is well-deserved - this is a quintessentially Canadian film. Éilís knows many Newfoundlanders might want her to write "Newfoundland" instead of "Canadian" film. But western Canadians like herself have grandparents from the province. And they have been enjoying the Newfie comedic talent on Canada's screens since the dawn of television.
bandlady I just finished reading all the other comments and am confounded by the ones that say this is a funny movie. I maybe shouldn't comment on the movie as a whole, as I was unable to finish watching it, it was so boring. So, I'll limit my comments to the birder perspective: As a birder, I am insulted by the made up bird names (red-breasted grebe? Give me a break), and the use of an extinct bird for title character. Birders do rush to see rarities when possible, but it wouldn't have had to be something that esoteric to bring "us" in. And, while I admit I am not at all conversant with Newfoundland nuance, I'm hard pressed to understand how anything else about this movie could be redeeming, except for the scenery which was awesome.
nancynorthoaks It's worth the time to see 'Rare Birds' just for a look at the raw,rugged beauty that is Newfoundland. The cinematography is excellent. A middleaged restaurateur, William Hurt, can't seem to market his talent for excellent cooking resulting in his restaurant going bust. His friend, Andy Jones, devises a quirky scheme to bring people to Hurt's restaurant on a remote part of Newfoundland. This is a lighthearted, madcap movie with humor, silliness and a bit of romance. Molly Parker and William Hurt sparkle together. Andy Jones is very good as Hurt's offbeat, optimistic friend. Out of 10, 'Rare Birds' deserves an 8.
charley-8 very enjoyable film, although one has to detach one's brain to enjoy the ending. Hurt and Parker are terrific, especially the latter. I can see why some have likened this film to _Waking Ned Devine_; however, the village as a whole plays a key role in _Waking Ned Devine_, while _Rare Birds_ is essentially individualistic. Still -- the tin whistles, desolate North Atlantic landscapes, funky characters and bizarre plot lines tie these films together. If you like one, you'll like the other. I rated _Waking Ned Devine_ a 9, I think; _Rare Birds_ gets an 8 from me.