Rat Pfink a Boo Boo

4.3| 1h12m| en

Picking a random name out of the phone book, thugs decide to terrorize and kidnap Cee Bee Beaumont, girlfriend of rock sensation Lonnie Lord. Rat Pfink and his sidekick Boo Boo spring into action!


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Also starring Ron Haydock


SparkMore n my opinion it was a great movie with some interesting elements, even though having some plot holes and the ending probably was just too messy and crammed together, but still fun to watch and not your casual movie that is similar to all other ones.
ChanFamous I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
dougdoepke So what do you do for a movie when you've got no script, no stars, and no money. First, you get a cast with tight pants and shoot them from the rear; then, you make sure everything and everybody stays in constant motion even if you get a headache; lastly, you throw in a spoof and hope it all comes out like camp. I'll say one thing for impresario Steckler--he knows how to wield a camera even if to no overall purpose. No, this isn't camp. It's more like a student film, with all the energy in the world, a pass to Griffith Park, and a 1940's gorilla suit. One thing for certain, Steckler's mania sure puts the 'motion' in motion picture. Too bad it left me with a headache, and a tug for poor Carolyn Brandt who gets one heckuva workout. Anyway, I think Steckler has proven something, I'm just not sure what.
djskein Rat Pfink A Boo Boo is a hard title to review properly. It's a film I give one star in terms of actual filmmaking, whether it be acting, writing, editing or even making any coherent sense. But I give it a very wholesome five stars for effort and enthusiasm. It's a bomb and a turkey and it clearly knows it and never takes itself seriously so despite being a terribly made film, it's also a hell of a lot of fun.What I consider to be THE definition of a real cult movie, Rat Pfink A Boo Boo was originally meant to be a straight-faced suspense/thriller involving a gang of thugs stalking voluptuous women in dark alleys. However, the movie's creator, Ray Dennis Steckler, one of my favorite role models in directing, got quickly bored with that idea and, after viewing the incomplete footage, saw how campy and B-grade the idea was and decided to do something completely different instead.The film starts off for the first 30 minutes as a poorly made and unconvincing suspense movie intercut with scenes of a famous surf rock singer, Lonnie Lane, singing generic go-go dancing songs that bear no relevance to what's going on. For now. There's also a brief cameo by a gardener who does the best MST3K stinger line never riffed in a very badly acted scene with the thugs. Anyway, turns out the gal these thugs are stalking to rob is none other than Lonnie Lane's girlfriend and after the thugs beat up Lonnie and the gardener and hold Lonnie's gal, Cee Bee Beaumont, for ransom, it's from this point the film starts to get a little strange.Lonnie is furious and he wants revenge for these no-good punks so he and the gardener go inside a room and emerge as Rat Pfink and Boo Boo in what has to be the most cheaply made and pathetic ideas for superhero costumes ever conceived. It's from this point forwards that the film ceases to take itself seriously anymore and turns into a nonsensical riot that involves a fight scene that looks like it was shot on a $2 video camera in a random stranger's backyard, a gorilla escaping from the City zoo and wreaking havoc on Rat Pfink and Boo Boo and a street parade held in Rat Pfink's honor for "saving the day". It really is an astonishingly bizarre film and a true absurdity in filmmaking but I admire the reckless spirit the film has throughout. A brief intro on the official DVD by Ray Dennis Steckler shows his indomitable spirit and enthusiasm in making this film, knowing although the film itself was terrible, was only in it purely for loving the art of making films. It's a bad excuse in actual talent in filmmaking, with incredibly corny lines delivered wooden with flat emotion and extreme glare reflecting of the camera lens in some very poorly lit cinematography during driving scenes but it truly needs to be seen to be believed. An essential oddity in cult cinema and a virtually unheard of camp classic.
John Seal Ray Dennis Steckler usually gets lumped together with Ed Wood in the pantheon of legendary 'bad directors'. That's unfortunate and unfair, because at his best Steckler is a talented and unique stylist. His best film, The Thrill Killers, is a taut melodrama set in the remote canyons of Los Angeles County, but for pure, unadulterated cinema nuttiness, Rat Pfink A Boo Boo is the one to see. It's a film of two parts: the first half is a heady blend of elements lifted from New York-lensed roughies such as The Defilers, Godard's Breathless, and every rock n roll movie of the late 50s, whilst the second half is a slapstick comedy influenced in equal measure by Batman and Beach Party. The film looks great: Steckler knows how to frame and light a shot, though he's less adept with action sequences, and the hyper-reality of the Los Angeles locations are effectively contrasted with the sur-reality of the comic sequences. It's also a well-paced 67 minutes, and Steckler effectively keeps your interest by constantly stirring new and unexpected ingredients into the pot. The cast are terrific: Carolyn Brandt is gorgeous as lady in distress Cee Bee Beaumont (who keeps a copy of The Autobiography of Malcolm X by her telephone!), Titus Moede does the best Royal Dano imitation you'll ever see as Titus/Boo Boo, and real-life rocker Ron Haydock makes for a convincing Lonnie Lord/Rat Pfink, who, we are told, has sold an astounding ten million records to his adoring fans. It's no one's idea of Great Cinema, but Rat Pfink A Boo Boo is a thoroughly enjoyable piece of outsider art.
sol (Mild Spoilers) Underground crime fighting dynamic duel Rat Pfink and his sidekick Boo Boo were obviously styled after Batman & Robin but came across as two bumbling buffoons who you would wish were on the outer side of the law.As rock & Roll singer Lonnie Lord and slow witted gardener Titus Twimby the two crime fighters had the perfect front in keeping their secret identifies from the public. It's when they went into action that they showed just how ridicules and off-the-wall that they really were. Dressed in these modified and souped up, with electric light blinking on and off, long-Jhons you have to look long and hard to find any other comical movie crime fighters to even come close to them in having you laugh your head off.The two crime fighters adversaries in the movie is this trio of nut-cases whom we've seen earlier in the film attack and rob poor and helpless Irma La Streetwalker. The infamous trio is made up of the psycho-looking Link and his his hammer swinging partner Hammer with Benjie making up the trifecta. Benjie who's always giggling, even when he's getting clobbered by Rat Pfink & Bo Boo, seems to have trouble keeping a straight face and being serious throughout the film. It shows that Benjie at least, unlike everyone else in the cast, realized just how off-the-wall the film "Rat Pfink & Boo Boo" really was. It may have been that Benjie was also the only member of the cast that wasn't either drunk or on mind altering drugs like LSD.Rat Pfink and Boo Boo get their chance to go into action when Link Hammer & Benjie kidnap Rat Pfink's girlfriend Cee Bee. Desperately needing quick cash to have a night of hot action the evil trio want $50,000.00 from Cee Bee's boyfriend Lonnie, who's secretly Rat Pfink, or else he'll never see her again. Cee Bee, or Carolyn Brandt who plays her, for her part is so unconcerned to what's happening to her you wonder why the three even bothered to kidnap Cee Bee in the first place?As an added treat we also get both Konga the ape and his trainer Romeo involved in the, what turns out to be the best part in the film, chase that has both Rat Pfink and Boo Boo catch and bring the three villains, Link Hammer & Benjie, to justice. Cee Bee who having escaped from her kidnappers has to then contend with the hot blooded ape Konga who's got the hot's for her. It's Konga's friend and trainer Romeo who saves Cee bee from a fate worst then death by getting, which both Rat Pfink & Boo Boo couldn't, Konga to desist from his wild animal jungle instincts by throwing him, off camera, a stack of ripe bananas.P.S Actor Ron Haydock, who played Rat Pfink/Lonnie Lord, was also a rock and roll song writer and singer who in real life was tragically killed on August 14, 1977 when he was hit by a truck while he was hitch-hiking. Haydock died just two days before his long time idol the "King of Rock and Roll" 43 year-old Elvis Presley suddenly died of a massive heart-attack at his Graceland Estate in Memphis Tenn.