
2005 "Beneath the Surface, Terror Lurks"
2.3| 1h15m| NR| en

People full of problems...a lake full of piranha!


Producted By

Polonia Brothers Entertainment


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Linkshoch Wonderful Movie
Brainsbell The story-telling is good with flashbacks.The film is both funny and heartbreaking. You smile in a scene and get a soulcrushing revelation in the next.
Tayyab Torres Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.
Kamila Bell This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
ricburger Lets count the ways this piece of garbage stinks. Acting-The acting is at best wooden. I take that back. A fence post displays more life and depth of feeling than any of the messpians in this disaster. Visual effects-They shot the view of the piranha attacking through a red filter. This is supposed to make us believe the water has turned bloody? As to the piranha themselves. They are fake fish that only move when someone is manipulating them by hand. You never see more than a head shot of them in the water and I swear to god it looks like someone stuck them in an aquarium tank and just stuck a camera up against the glass. It's like watching kids play with dolls. Editing-What editing? To sum it up. This movie isn't even fodder for an MST3K style treatment. Stay away.
tabonga2001 This series of frames (I cannot force myself to call it "movie," sorry) is appalling, mesmerizing, unbelievable... You can't miss it!!If you feel like spending one evening by laughing uncontrollably at your TV screen, this is the movie for you. Don't look for mundane film-things like a story, character development or a satisfying climax - those things are left to the amateurs. This is beyond any possible human comprehension.Here's what I think the movie is about: there are some US Army ships, a couple of choppers (stock footage filmed by the writers while on vacation, or so is said in the commentary), then a bunch of scuba divers find in a submarine some frozen piranha in Ziplock bags, there is probably a plane with a lot of smoke and a crash-landing in a lake. I think. Suddenly, the piranha are free in the lake, which has alternatively some of the murkiest and cleanest water I've ever seen. Then something happens, and the movie is over (after 1 hour and 10 minutes).Superb!! You will appreciate the complete ineptitude of setting up a story of some sort, the great locations used for the flick (the hotel by the lake has a great lobby... not!!), the Agent sent (presumably) by the Government, who seems to have the I.Q. of a beet, and everything else, including a score made by someone who was clearly watching another movie.Do not miss this movie if you want to have a ball with your friends and you enjoy talk back at films. It's a riot!!
mail-1514 Well, well well. This film has no frills, no polished edges - butsomehow it gets away with it. The acting is a little rough in places. A few strange bits . . . Even the person who knew about the "killer piranhas" still decided to go into the lake. Every victim seemed to put up no struggle, or even made much noise. The "Agent" that was sent to investigate the whole situation wore trainers (sneakers, to any septics who might be reading). The great thing though is that in spite of all these minor niggles, the film really hits the spot. The plot is a bit dodgey, very unlikely but really likable. The only thing that I think lets the film down is there are no characters that you really want to "win the day" and get out alive. The victims don't last long enough for you to like and the reluctant hero is just a bit too reluctant. Very similar to the Piranha series of films in the 70's and 80's. Definitely worth watching.
moviematt71 No spoilers here, because your experience is already spoiled from the moment you begin to watch the film. There can't be an accurate rating for this film because you can't measure a rating that low. This garbage was shot on video and is horrible, horrible, horrible. The acting, if you call it that was beyond painful, more painful than the so called pain that was inflicted on the hapless victims of the piranha. You could do better with your own video camera and friends that would work for free. Very amateur and very lame. Watch only if you must see this travesty for yourself. Rent the original "Piranha" instead. Check please.