While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
One of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.
Close shines in drama with strong language, adult themes.
Jenni Devyn
Worth seeing just to witness how winsome it is.
We all agree on feeling as if our brains had been dipped in acid, sliced into little pieces and deep-fried. As if my soul had been raped by a thousand drunk chihuahuas. But mostly I'm speechless. This is the worst thing I have ever seen. It's hard to believe that someone could put so little effort into every aspect of his art. The most soulless and empty thing you could possibly imagine. The average Katy Perry song is ten times as clever and as believable. This film makes me want to rip off an actor's leg, urinate on it and feed it to his grandma. People in directing schools should be forced to watch it. The few that wouldn't die instantly would rise to be legends. This film is like watching a Sarah Palin speech while sober.
henri sauvage
But I'll try, anyway, to save the unsuspecting from wasting 90 minutes of their life on this fetid tripe.So what makes this different from any other of the last few years' crop of straight-to-DVD Creature Features? Is it the moronic dialog and crappy CGI? The trite stereotypes played by no-name "actors" incapable of evoking love or hate -- much less even a flicker of interest? The clichés running out its metaphorical ears and comedy as flat as month-old roadkill? ("Hey, look at the really fat, gross redneck get pulled down through his own outhouse!") The farting dog? The towering hackery? I don't know. I don't want to know. I only want this sf sub-genre to finally die a well-deserved and long-overdue death.It doesn't matter that once in a blue moon you get something like "Deep Rising", with real wit and style to match its copious gore; it just encourages the clowns who create this cinematic sludge to squeeze out more of their "entertainment product".
I didn't expect much when I rented Razortooth, but it is surprisingly good. There is nothing new here, but it stands up to most of the horror and monster movies I see (which is just about everything).It has an old fashioned feel that is kind of appealing. I have gotten sick of torture porn lately. At first I (like all teens I guess), was interested in seeing the boundaries pushed by movies like SAW and HOSTEL. But it has gotten so so old. I am just not interested in seeing how many new ways a girl (or a guy) can be raped, tortured, and murdered. For me, it is not entertainment.Razortooth, though obviously low budget, actually has a plot, and characters, some good effect, some great laughs, and a good (funny) ending. It is like a GOOD SyFy movie. I liked that cast, but did not recognize any of them.One thing I did not like at all is the lead guy playing the harmonica all the time.Overall: better than most.
Man i cant believe that i actually fell for the ratings this movie and wasted 90 minutes of my life watching it.This is a 3rd grade low budget movie with bad acting, bad effects and absolutely no story line.It looked like as if some college punks picked up a handy cam and a plastic Eel and made a home video. To start with, acting was disgusting.Even a kid would laugh looking at that Eel.There was no story, just a crazy plastic Eel with a "i will kill everyone" kinda attitude.Absolutely no camera work.This kinda movies at least have some topless hot babes running around so that someone would at least wanna watch the babes if not the eel but this movie had nothing. My suggestion, don't fall for these ratings here.I'm sure that the people who made this movie or acted in it are the ones who rated it so highly.This is what you know it is, a 3rd grade low budget movie that you wouldn't even wanna watch for free.